(Clearwisdom.net) On May 24, 1996, over four thousand practitioners attended a major Fa conference in Wuhan City. At that time, I was a college student and had less than one year of experience in the practice, and was happy to be a participant.
I took a bus to the Fourth High School in Wuhan. It turned out that most people were going to the same place and the bus was crowded, so I ended up standing the whole way.
After stepping down from the bus, it was easy to find the place. Many people were going in the same direction and there were signs to point the way. The selected spot was a football field. That morning there was a light rain coming down on us.
On the field many practitioners wearing red, yellow, blue and black were sitting there to form a Falun. Outside the emblem practitioners wearing yellow and white formed many straight lines to represent light emanating from the Falun. I was sitting along one of those lines.
We did the five exercises before the conference. By then, the rain had turned heavy. My clothes got soaking wet. Some people went up on the dais, because it had a roof.
After the announcer formally started the conference at 3 p.m., the rain stopped. There was a huge symbol hanging in the sky to my left and it was turning. All of us were excited by the scene and started clapping. It was the first time in my life that I was fortunate enough to see such a magnificent scene. People sitting on the dais were not able to see it, because the roof blocked their view. A practitioner sitting next to me asked what happened. Although I pointed at the turning
symbol, he was not able to see it. When the
symbol disappeared, Master showed up in its place. Then, Master was gone and there was a moon-like bright circle, which stayed there until the end of the conference.
During the conference, there was a paper entitled, "Buddha's light brightens my home." At first I mistakenly interpreted it to mean that Buddha's light showed up in his house. Actually, the paper was talking about the harmony that developed among the five family members, after they practiced Falun Gong.
On my way home, many practitioners on the bus were talking about the magnificent scene they saw at the conference. After that conference, many practitioners in Wuhan University, Hua Zhong Normal University, Hua Zhong Science and Technology University had weekly meetings to study the Fa and more university students became practitioners.
Now thirteen years have gone by. I wrote this article to give thanks to Master for coming to save us.
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