(Clearwisdom.net) Master Li said recently: "The evil is finished and the environment has changed, so it is even more imperative that you not let up in cultivation. Go forth and forge your mighty virtue and glory by carrying out the sacred mission of saving sentient beings!" (Greetings)
During a recent visit to my city by a Chinese Communist regime delegation, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell them "Falun Dafa is good!"
Since I didn't have similar experience, I didn't quite know how to carry out this action. But I wanted to take this rare opportunity to validate Dafa. Although the situation is quite different, I felt as if I were going to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa.
A few hours before the arrival of the delegation, another practitioner and I went to send forth righteous thoughts to clear away interference from other dimensions.
Following the route designated by the police, I found an alley. I thought of two ways: wearing clothing with words "Falun Dafa is good" or displaying a "Falun Dafa is good" banner at a suitable moment.
I decided to display the banner to the motorcade and waited for its arrival near that alley. My heart raced and I was very excited. But at the same time, deep in my heart I was very calm.
When the first few cars of the motorcade arrived, I wanted to display the banner. But every time I tried to open the banner, the banner it to the ground. When I finally succeeded in displaying the banner, two cars had already passed. Fortunately, I found out that these were just police cars leading the way. The banner was displayed properly just at the time when the cars with the visiting senior Chinese Communist officials were passing through. Because the alley was very narrow, the motorcade had to pass me very slowly. It seemed that time had been elongated. I was thinking what kind of message I wanted to deliver to these people who have been seriously poisoned by the regime's propaganda.
In the beginning, I was very angry towards them because these people could be involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in China. But soon afterwards, I realised the real message I wanted to pass to them. I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I should deliver to them positive messages. With a simple and pure smile on my face, I wanted to tell them that although Falun Gong practitioners have suffered brutal persecution, we still want to give people involved in the persecution the possibility to be saved and to give them a chance to think of how they should position themselves.
The cars in the motorcade passed by one by one. Later, coaches fully loaded with Chinese people also passed by. The "Falun Dafa is good" banner was displayed right in front of them. They were looking at the banner with surprise.
I wanted to tell them that although Falun Gong has been brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime for ten years, Falun Gong has been spreading around the world, especially in free countries in the West. People are well aware of the crimes committed by the Chinese regime in its persecution of Falun Gong.
I left after the motorcade passed through.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth