(Clearwisdom.net) In September 2006, I was illegally arrested after someone reported me to the police for distributing truth-clarification materials. During my trial, I clarified the truth for over two hours, and court officials agreed with what I said. Still, I was sentenced to three and a half years of forced labor. Under Teacher's protection, however, the labor camp refused to accept me because I failed the physical exam. As a result, I was able to return to the task of saving sentient beings in 2007.
In October 2008, six people from the local 610 Office and the police department came to my home. They tried to deceive me into going with them by telling me, "You are still on probation. You need to spend a few days at a hotel. You can study the Fa and do the excises there. You are saving us here and need to go there to save them [too]." I realized that they were trying to take me to a brainwashing center, so I replied, "I am not going. You can just tell them that heaven is going to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations to save themselves. And remember: 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'" The police said, "You're not moving. Do you want us to drag you out?" I replied, "How dare you! Gods and Buddhas are watching." I then turned my back to them and sat down to send forth righteous thoughts.
After twenty minutes, I sensed it was quiet in the room and heard a small noise. I opened my eyes and saw that I was the only one in the room. I got up and opened the door. I saw a pair of shoes, but one of the shoes was not mine. It looked like they had run away so hastily that one of them had put on the wrong shoe.
Just as Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference:"
"If upon encountering trying circumstances your thinking can be truly righteous, then, when faced with the evil's persecution and when faced with interference, just one sentence of yours fortified with steadfast righteous thoughts can instantly make the evil disintegrate (applause), and it will make those who are being used by the evil turn and flee, it will make the evil's persecution of you dissolve, and it will make the evil's interfering with you disappear without a trace."
If we act according to Teacher's words, Teacher can then protect us. It also reminded me of, "If every student is able to do this, evil will of itself no longer exist. ("Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)" in Essentials for Further Advancement II)
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