(Clearwisdom.net) Offering people salvation is a much harder thing to do than I anticipated. I still think that I have not done enough and have many regrets for all my years of cultivation during the Fa-rectification era, when Master's grace and encouragement have guided me. I will try to offer more people salvation. Master said,
"So I say that the most important goal for you in clarifying the truth is to save even more beings in the process." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")
"The basis of what Dafa disciples do is saving people and doing good." ("Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts," 2004)
Offing people salvation is the most divine, most magnificent, and most compassionate thing we can do. Based on the Fa, no matter how difficult the situation, I must do it with full compassion, even if there is only one person left. Offering more people salvation is the task Master has set for us and is our responsibility.
1. Encouraging family members to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.
My then college student daughter used to practice Falun Gong. When the persecution began in1999 she gave it up. When I was incarcerated in a forced labor camp for a year, it had a great impact on her. She thought I was going down a wrong path. She went in the complete opposite direction, was strongly against my Falun Gong practice, and worried that I would be persecuted again.
Nevertheless, I continued attesting to the goodness of Dafa to her by my example of how I benefited mentally and physically. In 2005, recognizing that part of Fa-rectification was asking people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, I selected my daughter as a target for salvation. Growing up under the CCP culture, she would not listen to what I said and got very angry with me. She accused me of playing politics, and thought I was only finding fault with the CCP. Therefore, she said, I was against the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. I did not give up on her. I chatted with her whenever I got a chance, told her of miracles that had happened to others when they quit the CCP, wrote letters to her, and sent her the good articles to read. In the meantime I did everything according to Dafa. After four months of effort, she underwent a significant change--from a strong resistance at first, to remaining silent, to quitting the CCP, to agreeing with Dafa, and, finally, to supporting Dafa. Now, she also helps me on Dafa projects or is personally involved in Fa-rectification.
My husband is a lower level government official, a CCP member for many years, whose mind has been poisoned deeply by CCP culture. It was virtually impossible to convince him to quit the CCP. I felt bad about this but did not give up, and explained to him about the CCP's evil activities whenever I could. He not only refused to listen to or to read those facts, but also thought that I was foolish. I frequently sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors behind him, but it did not have much effect. When we had arguments he got very angry, slapped me in the face and threatened me to make me stop practicing. He was so upset that he ripped the Dafa book and threw Master's portrait on the floor. I was shocked and scared. I attempted to stop him by repeating, "Please do not do that. It is not good for you." By then, he had totally lost control.
Several years after, I still regretted that I did not handle the situation rationally and thought that I must have had a lack of righteous thoughts and a firm resolve. I had the attachment of fear. I was not only afraid of being beaten, but also afraid that he would commit more evil acts toward Master and Dafa. I did not look inward first. Instead, I focused on his problems and complained and hated what he had done. I forgot completely that I was a Dafa practitioner, and forgot to ask Master for support by sending righteous thoughts. Because I did not understand the Fa well, my xinxing did not improve.
It was just like Master said,
"If your mind is unsteady, that means you are not meeting the standard to begin with, and prolonging the process won't lead to any changes." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles," 2006)
After a while, one of my practitioner relatives was arrested and sentenced to four years in prison because the police discovered Dafa material at her home. My husband was scared again and destroyed Dafa books and truth-clarification materials once again, claiming it was for our safety.
The above two incidents were actually caused by my emotion and fear, allowing the old forces to take this an opportunity to test my xinxing.
My husband did receive retribution for what he did to Dafa. He had intolerable muscle pain. I explained to him the reasons and causes behind his discomfort. He was reluctant, but did quit the CCP. I reminded him to repeat "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is great. Falun Dafa is good!" Although there was some resistance, he silently complied, to get rid of the pain. The first day he was in much intense pain, had a hard time walking, and the symptoms persisted even after he took the traditional medication. The second day, after quitting the CCP and repeating "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is great and Falun Dafa is good!" his symptoms became milder. He was able to return to work the third day, having made a complete recovery.
By contrast, my former classmate who had similar symptoms stayed in bed, was treated with medication and physical therapy, and finally recovered thirty days after spending a lot of money on treatments.
Later on he was hit by a car and fell into the middle of the road. He felt severe pain right away and told me that he had chest pain, and his ribs might be broken. I reminded him to repeat sincerely, "Falun Dafa is good!" X-ray result revealed nothing was broken.
He began understanding more about Falun Gong through those two incidents and had to believe in Dafa; however, his mind was still not firm. I wrote him a long letter and explained that Falun Gong is the universal law, why I cultivated Falun Gong, and the goodness of Falun Gong. I told him how the practice protected me when the police came to disturb me and that "good is rewarded with good, and evil provokes retribution."
My husband has changed--he is more tolerant and treats people with compassion. Whenever I am sending righteous thoughts he takes over the chores and helps to prepare meals. He also helps me carry Dafa materials when they are too heavy. He has become a completely different person.
2. Cultivating well to offer more people salvation
For several years of cultivation I made great efforts to do the three things and to be a practitioner during the Fa-rectification process. Throughout this process I realized that the closer people are to me, the tougher it is for me to convince them. Although most of my relatives and close friends have quit the CCP, some of them still do not quite understand the purpose, especially those better educated ones who are long-time CCP members.
My brother-in-law constantly says bad things about Dafa. I did not confront him, although I sent righteous thoughts to refute what he said. Later I realized those incidents might test my firmness toward Dafa, as arranged by Master. Why did I not confront him? Looking inward I realized I was not that firm toward Dafa; there were many other things I could have had done better.
My best friend at school is now a high school teacher. I lent her a copy of Zhuan Falun after I had just begun Falun Gong practice. She returned the book and said she could not accept those concepts.
When I was persecuted by the CCP she thought I was on the wrong path and attempted to convince me to give up Dafa. With great compassion, I wrote her and her husband a letter, chatted with them, and forwarded them Dafa material. They not only refused to accept what I had to say, but also said that I pressured and really bothered them. One day I was determined to convince them to quit the CCP and went to visit them. We chatted for four hours. They did not change their minds a bit. When I brought up the topic of quitting the CCP they got angry. She said, "I respect Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, but cannot accept the way you do things." Her husband said, "We wanted to persuade you to give up Falun Gong, but you turn around to exhort us." I left their home depressed. I have not been able to get them to understand the facts. Recalling what I have done, I realized my strong, hidden attachments to showing off and vying for supremacy, including trying to outdo others. I had thought that, since they were my best friends, they would have had listened to me. I failed to persuade them because I lacked sufficient compassion and power of righteous thoughts.
My Fa-rectification approach is different for regular friends versus close relatives and friends. For regular friends, my thoughts are simple. I do not feel a burden, and don't have too many attachments. I am focused on offering more people salvation, which has had a positive effect. After they listen to my explanations, many of them agree to quit the CCP in a short time. People are grateful when they obtain Dafa materials and bookmarks; many of them pass those materials and bookmarks on to their relatives and friends.
A retired worker in his 70s listens to the VOA and knows more about Falun Gong throughout the world. As soon as he knew that I was a Dafa practitioner he borrowed Dafa books from me. He has great respect for our Master after he read the book Falun Gong. He strongly believes in Dafa, treasures Dafa bookmarks and the other materials, and repeats "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and Falun Dafa is good!" daily. Soon, the power of Dafa appeared. The diagnosed cataracts and rheumatic illness disappeared. He was excited when we met on the street and said, "You are the person with a kind heart, and a person who is better to me than my family members." I was confused and did not know what he was trying to say. He pointed to his eyes and punched his chest, and said, "You see, my eyes are all clear now, I do not have rheumatic symptoms any more, and I feel great." I told him he should give thanks to our Master.
I only convinced about two hundred people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations over the years, which is far fewer than those practitioners who pratice Dafa more diligently. However, I felt grateful for what I had offered to the people and was gratified when I heard good news from people who were rescued. For example, a person who had previously quit the CCP was hospitalized with a severe disease that usually required a 70-day hospitalization was discharged from the hospital in six days. A retired woman's daughter-in-law abused her and made her depressed, in combination with many health problems. I introduced her to Zhuan Falun. She felt much better after reading the book and less depressed. By reading more Dafa materials and repeating, "Falun Gong is good" she experienced significant physical and mental changes. She felt much healthier, and conflicts with her daughter-in-law were solved. She was very happy. Two of her grandsons have passed the college entry exams this year and will attend the colleges of their choice.
Two elementary children used to earn average grades. Their parents were worried they might not get into a good middle school. After they understood the facts and quit the Communist Young Pioneers, to their parent's surprise, both children were accepted by the best middle school in the city.
"Dafa looks at a person's heart
Worldly people should be clear-headed
God, human, ghost, animal, extinction
Each one determines his own position"
("Untitled" "Hong Yin? II, Translation Version B)
Whether or not a person can be rescued is dependent on a Dafa practitioner's mindset, his or her righteous thoughts. If we can study the Fa diligently and constantly look inward, cultivate well and improve our xinxing as a true cultivator, Master will arrange everything for us.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth