(Clearwisdom.net) The persecution of Falun Gong has gone on for ten years. In 1999, faced with a nationwide persecution, peaceful Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing and appealed for justice in a rational and peaceful way. But what they got in return was even more brutal suppression. During the past ten years, the Communist regime has mobilized everything at its disposal against Falun Gong practitioners. So far, more than three thousand Falun Gong practitioner deaths as a result of the persecution have been confirmed, over one hundred thousand have been imprisoned, and countless more sent to forced labor camps, detention centers, and even mental hospitals. Worst yet is the harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners while they are still alive. All these monstrous crimes are still being committed and covered up.
Someone once said that it takes ten lies to cover up one, and, indeed, the CCP regime has gone to great lengths to cover up its crimes. It first used the same tactics that it employed in the Tiananmen Massacre of student democracy activists in 1989, which was to completely deny the facts and silence all domestic criticism, so that, over time, the memories fade away. This has failed, however, because of the Falun Gong practitioners' efforts to expose the persecution to the world. Seeing this, the CCP then resorted to another favorite tactic--labeling Falun Gong as a group with a political agenda against China itself. It once again sought to convince people that being patriotic meant supporting the CCP. In this way, it has again deceived the public.
During these past ten years, it is not just Falun Gong practitioners who have suffered under this corrupt regime. One injustice after another has been covered up or scapegoats found, from contaminated infant formula to the forcible removal of residents from their homes to push ahead projects lining local party officials' pockets. In some cases, innocent civilians were murdered outright by local authorities and their bodies destroyed, a tactic eerily reminiscent of what the CCP uses against Falun Gong practitioners.
Today, as the CCP continues to restrict information going in and out of China, Falun Gong practitioners are risking their lives to get the truth out. This ten-year-long deceit will inevitably result in the awakening of people with a conscience, and when enough of them see the facts for themselves, it will bring about things that the CCP never dreamed would happen.
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Category: Perspectives