Name: Wang Tongchun (王同春)
Gender: Male
Address: Songyuan City, Jilin Province
Most Recent Place of Detention: Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City
Date of Most Recent Release: June 2007
Persecution Suffered: Imprisonment, Electric Shock, Torture
City: Jiutai
Province: Jilin
( (Correspondent from Jilin Province) Mr. Wang Tongchun, a Falun Gong practitioner who lives in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, was detained twice at Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City. He was subjected to extreme brutality, including being poked in the ribs with wooden sticks, being forced to kneel on angle iron, and "splitting the hip." "Splitting the hip" is a torture in which four to five people use wide tape to tightly wrap wooden sticks to the victim's legs to keep them from bending. They then immobilize one leg while forcing the other leg over the victim's head.
The First Imprisonment
At about 7:00 p.m. on March 20, 2002, Luo Jingsheng, the deputy head of the Songjiang District Police Department's Domestic Security Division in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, ordered three police cars to go to Mr. Wang's home.
The police knocked on the door, but nobody answered. Then they tried to pry the door open, but failed. Zhang Baocheng, the bureau head, called for a fire truck to break into Mr. Wang's house. They searched the home, confiscated Mr. Wang's personal property, and illegally arrested him.
That night, Wang Jiang, a police officer, shocked Mr. Wang Tongchun for more than an hour with an electric baton, until its charge ran out. He then used the baton to strike Wang Tongchun on the head until he bled. The next day, Mr. Wang was taken to Songyuan Detention Center. The officials extorted 10,000yuan from Mr. Wang's family, then sent him to Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City on April 17.
When he was detained in Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City, Wang Tongchun was subjected to a number of tortures. Guards Guo Yiping and Feng Wei ordered prisoners to monitor him and allowed him no rest. He was forced to sit on a small bench for more than ten hours each day. If he fell asleep, the prisoners prodded his ears and nostrils. They splashed water on his bed and threw dirty water from a spittoon on him. Mr. Wang was not allowed family visits.
Once, guard Gao Ke instigated several prisoners to beat Mr. Wang. They stabbed him in the ribs with wooden sticks. Mr. Wang was severely injured. His clothes stuck to wounds. At night, he was not allowed to sleep. Another time, a guard got a prisoner, Liu Lizhong, to try to break Mr. Wang's neck. Mr. Wang passed out and became incontinent.
Wang Tongchun was sentenced to one year in Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City. He was held there for an additional three months and 20 days past the initial sentence.
The Second Imprisonment
At about 4:00 p.m. on September 28, 2004, Wang Tongchun and Hong Xiuqing were arrested while they were on a trip to visit their relatives in Beijing.
In Songjiang District Police Department, police officers Guo Wenbo and Wang Jiang, extorted a confession from Mr. Wang by torture. They struck his face with wooden boards until the boards broke. His face was badly injured. At night, the policemen took Wang Tongchun to a detention center, but the center refused to accept him because Mr. Wang was having a heart attack. Wang Jiang used his personal connections to get them to accept Mr. Wang Tongchun.
On October, 16, 2004, Mr. Wang Tongchun was sentenced to three years in Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai City. Because he had a heart disorder, the labor camp refused to accept him at first. However, the deputy head of the Songyuan Police Department's Domestic Security Division talked to Doctor Liang at the labor camp privately, and the labor camp was forced to accept Wang Tongchun.
At Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp, Li, the chief of the "Strict Discipline Team," instigated prisoners Wang Shuli, Lu Tianlong, and Xia Hua to beat Mr. Wang. They slammed Mr. Wang's head to the ground repeatedly. Then they handcuffed him to a bed and moved him back and forth. The handcuffs cut into his flesh so deeply that his bones were visible, and his fingers became disabled. They pushed his hips in opposite directions and shoved his knees onto angle iron. Mr. Wang also had to sit on a small stool every day. At night, he was allowed to sleep only three hours, and sometimes, only one hour. Zhao Fengshan, a guard, shocked him with electric batons. Guo Yiping kicked and punched his head and chest. Gao Ke kicked Mr. Wang mercilessly and knocked out his front tooth. Due to the torture, Wang Tongchun suffered from angina and his teeth became loose. He was unable to take a deep breath. Even so, he was still forced to do hard labor.
Wang Tongchun was tortured brutally at Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp, injuring his body and causing severe mental distress. He was released in June 2007, in an extremely weakened condition.
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