(Clearwisdom.net) In the past I clarified the facts about Falun Dafa to adults and advised them to perform the three withdrawals [quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organizations]. In June of this year I began explaining Falun Dafa to students and asked them to do the three withdrawals. I did this in the early morning at 6:30-7:30, when students are walking to school. I focused on high school and elementary school students, and the outcomes were quite satisfactory. Over the last three months more than eight hundred students have withdrawn from CCP organizations.
I think the success is due to the majority of students being able to understand what Falun Dafa is. It took little effort on my part to explain things to them before they agreed to renounce the CCP. Some even expressed their gratitude to me. In what follows I will provide some examples to share with fellow practitioners who are teachers.
Once, I saw groups of students outside the school doing various things. I went over to one group and told them that I was a retired teacher. I used the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to tell them how to do well in school. They were very attentive. I told them that they should treat others with sincerity and compassion and when there was a conflict, it would be helpful to practice forbearance. I said, "If you can forgive others and ignore your own benefits, you will have an open mind able to accept things that are truly beneficial to yourself. Your study will improve automatically. Furthermore, if you quietly repeat the following words in your mind, 'Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' then your wisdom will grow. Hence, you will do well in all your studies." I then asked them whether they had joined any communist organizations. They said that they had, so I told them that joining such organizations could interfere with their studies. I continued by saying, "Communists are corrupt and have committed crimes against the Chinese people. When it's time for the communists to pay back, you will suffer too if you're still a member. I can provide you with an alias with which to withdraw from all communist organizations." They all agreed, and brought along four more students to hear what I had to say. Thus, in fifteen minutes I had seven students agree to withdraw from the CCP.
One time I met a second-year college student. I mentioned to him about the words written on the face of a stone in Taopo Village, Zhangbu Town, Pintang County in Guizhou Province. At first he didn't believe what I said. so I told him about the "Mie Qin Stone," which is a stone with words written on it saying that "It is Hu who brought the downfall of the Qin Dynasty." The emperor of the Qin thought "Hu" meant the people living in the northern part of China. Therefore, he built the great wall to keep those people away. Actually, his son's name had the word, "Hu" in it, and his son was defeated after serving only three years as the emperor of Qin. The tyrannical ruler of the Qin Dynasty was too harsh, and the words on the stone foretold its ending. I said to him, "If you look at the current Chinese society, you see that farmers have no land, workers and university graduates cannot find jobs. There are many workers laid off and it is difficult to make a living. Furthermore, the Chinese communists are persecuting people who practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, by using lies and making up false stories about them. Their intention is to incite hatred among people. The Chinese Communist Party is corrupt and has committed many crimes. The six words formed naturally on the stone, which I mentioned to you earlier, are, 'Death of the Chinese Communist Party.' The situation is quite similar to what happened to the Qin Dynasty." After hearing this, he agreed to withdraw from the CCP.
There were special cases where the students didn't accept what I told them. When this happened, I looked within myself to see if I had shown enough compassion toward them. I think it may require more compassion in some cases to wake up people. Like Teacher said in the book Zhuan Falun,
"This field is one of pure harmony, compassion, and right faith."
If we apply Dafa principles to check ourselves, it does turn out as stated in Zhuan Falun,
"If you can actually do it, you will indeed find: 'After passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!'"
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Category: Clarifying the Truth