Name: Sun Shuxiang (孙淑香)
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Death: October 10, 2010
Date of Most Recent Arrest: September 22, 2009
Most recent place of detention: Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp, Changchun City (长春市黑嘴子劳教所)
City: Changchun
Province: Jilin
Persecution Suffered: Detention, home ransacked, extortion, torture, forced injections, forced labor, beatings, brainwashing, electric shock.
( Ms. Sun Shuxiang, 53, died at 4:35 p.m. on October 10, 2010. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Ms. Sun had been arrested, detained, sentenced to forced labor, and tortured multiple times. Ms. Sun was cited as a torture victim by prominent attorney Gao Zhisheng in an open letter to top Chinese officials Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao on December 12, 2005. He said, "Ms. Sun Shuxiang, 48, was arrested and detained 9 times during six years of persecution."
Two other Falun Dafa practitioners, Ms. Wang Yuhuan and Ms. Liu Lihua, who were interviewed by Lawyer Gao Zhisheng also died as a result of persecution.
During the early morning on September 22, 2009, Ms. Sun was taking care of her grandson in her daughter's home. Changchun City Domestic Security and 610 Office agents arrested her. For nine months, she was detained and tortured at the Changchun Police Department, Changchun No. 3 Detention Center, and Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. Ms. Sun developed serious health problems and was very thin. She had difficulty breathing, eating, and drinking. Her abdomen was full of fluid and she was extremely weak.
The labor camp finally agreed to release her on medical parole in June 2010. Even so, she was still monitored by the police. In the end, Ms. Sun couldn't recover and she passed away on October 10.
Started the Practice
Ms. Sun used to be very thin with a yellow complexion and had many painful diseases. Within a few days of beginning to practice Falun Gong on August 29, 1997, she did not need her medications anymore and stopped taking them. Forty days later, she regained perfect health.
Although Ms. Sun was arrested, detained, sentenced to forced labor, and tortured at least 12 times over the past 11 years of the persecution, she persevered in explaining the facts of Falun Gong to people. Meanwhile, her husband was pressured, terrorized, and forced to divorce her, and her mother died brokenhearted.
Tortured with Back Cuffing
Early on the morning of September 22, 2009, Sun Shuxiang took her grandson to school and then went home. As she opened her door, a policeman from the Changchun City National Security Team rushed up and covered her mouth. Three police officers went into her house and took many of her personal belongings. In the Changchun City Police Department, they wanted to put her fingerprints on fabricated documents. A policeman forced one of her arms over her shoulder and then pulled the other arm up behind her back. Then he tightly secured them with handcuffs. (The police call this torture "carrying a sword on the back.") The pain was so great that she screamed. The police then pulled her fingers apart and imprinted her fingerprints on fabricated documents created by the police. These fabricated materials were used as evidence against her.
Three days later, Ms. Sun was detained in the Third Detention Center in Changchun City. After three days in the detention center, she was taken to the Changchun City Public Security Hospital because the detention center doctor wasn't able to extract blood from her during the physical examination there. In the hospital, she was injected with unknown drugs every day.
Subjected to Forced Labor and Brainwashing
Ms. Sun was transferred to the First Team at Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City after a month. Yan Lifeng (female, about 40) chief of the First Team, tried to force Ms. Sun to give up her belief in Falun Dafa every day. She also tried to force her to write a letter slandering Dafa and Teacher Li, but Ms. Sun firmly refused. The police then forced her to do intense work and watch TV programs that slandered Dafa. Once, when she returned to her room after a day of intense forced labor, the guards forced her to stand, and after 20 minutes she fainted. The next day, the guards pulled her from bed and forced her to continue doing the forced labor. The guards wanted to destroy her both physically and mentally. They not only forced her to watch brainwashing materials during the forced labor in the daytime, but also forced her to watch the materials that slandered Dafa and Teacher at night.
Close to Death and Extremely Thin Due to Brutal Torture
During the winter of 2009, after a heavy snow, chief Yan Lifeng incited police officer Zhou Zhanhong (female, in her 30s) to force Sun Shuxiang to shovel snow in temperatures more than 30 degrees below zero. The second time she was forced to shovel snow, she was so weak that she could not walk. Police officer Wang Lei (female, about 40 years old) thought she walked too slowly, and dragged her by the arm. Ms. Sun immediately felt great pain in her left rib. She could not breathe. She squatted on the ground and coughed hard. Since she was often brutally tortured, she had to be sent to the Public Security Hospital and the China and Japan United Hospital for examinations and injections many times. Once on the way to the China and Japan United Hospital, a guard from the Security Guard Section hit her in the abdomen very hard, saying that he was not happy that she spoke. She was then unable to breathe and couldn't eat or drink for a long time and had constant pain in her stomach.
Each time after the police injected her with drugs, they made her do forced labor, regardless of her physical condition. Due to the constant physical and mental torture, Ms. Sun was very thin and extremely weak. Nonetheless, guards Yang Lifeng and Zhou Zhanhong still incited criminal Fu Qiaoyun (female, in her 50s) to force Ms. Sun to work faster and give her a hard time. In the end, Ms. Sun could not even hold a pair of scissors due to the mistreatment. Yang Lifeng had to ask her family members to sign the release papers and take her home.
In June 2010, she experienced pain in her head, and her mind was not clear after being forced to undergo injections of unknown drugs administered by the medical section in the forced labor camp. At that time, chief of the forced labor camp Tian and the Procuratorate officers in the camp used a camcorder to record her, and declared that this could be used as evidence in the future. The Procuratorate officers asked her, "The forced labor camp didn't force you to work, but you insisted on working. Is that right?" Ms. Sun answered, "They did not have me work the first day. But the next day they forced me to work." But the officers immediately stopped recording just after her first sentence. In the evening, she was hot and was sent to the China and Japan United Hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, the room was full of police officers waiting for the examination results. The examination confirmed that there were three scars in her stomach, and she could not cough, cry, smile, or sneeze, without experiencing severe pain. They also found her abdomen was full of fluid. The doctor said, "This old woman has many diseases of the stomach and abdomen. We need to do an abdominocentesis." Ms. Sun withheld her consent for the exam. Also, the entire procedure was performed without the knowledge of her children. The police called her children to come just to sign the documents. They didn't reveal the examination results to her family. After a very long time, Ms. Sun's son was finally allowed to take his mother home.
Brutal Torture Cited by Lawyer Gao Zhisheng
Ms. Sun was cited as a torture victim by prominent attorney Gao Zhisheng in an open letter to top Chinese officials Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao on December 12, 2005. He said, "Ms. Sun Shuxiang, 48, was arrested and detained nine times during six years of persecution." Only a few incidents are recounted below.
"At the beginning of July 2002, I went to my father's home. A few plainclothes officers stormed in and arrested me. They covered my face and drove for about two hours the next day. They took me to a dark basement. They took the cover off. About nine officers came into the room and carried me to the Tiger Bench, bound my chest and abdomen tightly with a rope, and put a thick metal rod through the chair arms. One officer said, "If you tell us everything, you only need to sit here for one hour. Otherwise, we will make you go through all sorts of torture." Another officer slapped me and asked which fellow practitioners I knew. I said I did not know any. He then used an electric baton to shock me deep in between my lower ribs. Then he asked me if I remembered any phone numbers of fellow practitioners. I refused to say. He then shocked one side of me, from my fingertips to my arm and up to my head and then went to the other side and did the same thing. He went back and forth slowly two times. He changed to another baton with a higher voltage and started to shock the tips of my toes and up my whole body twice. Seeing that I still did not give out information about my fellow practitioners, the officers targeted my eyes with the electric baton. I felt as if my eyes were about to fall out, and I could hardly see. They began to shock my ribs and breasts while continuing to ask me for information. They put the baton in my mouth and shocked it. It swelled up. There were many blisters around my mouth and it was scarred inside. They still repeatedly burned my mouth. I almost died.
"At the beginning of 2003, I was living in the home of a fellow practitioner, Ms. Xing Guiling. Very late one night, her two doors were hammered open. Armed police stormed in, arrested us, and took us to Luyuan District Police Department. They again restrained me on the Tiger Bench and beat Ms. Xing brutally down to the floor, then kicked her up, beat her down, and kicked her up again. They were trying to force her to give out contact information for her fellow practitioners. Seeing that she would not betray the others, they choked her with a leather belt until she was almost dead. Then they began to torture me. We were tortured three days before being taken to the Changchun City Third Detention Center.
"On August 4, 2003, the police again arrested me and took me to the Nan'guan District Police Department. An officer grabbed me by my hair and threw me against the wall. I became disoriented by the impact. Later they put me on a Tiger Bench and handcuffed me. A guard hit me my arm and the handcuff cut into my wrist. They put shackles on my ankles and made them as tight as possible. I suffered excruciating pain in my ankles. They then covered my head with a plastic bag and closed the opening. There was no air and I almost suffocated. They would then open the bag and repeat it again and again, a total of three times. Some of them stepped on the shackles on my ankles to make the shackles tighter. My ankles were bleeding and the pain was unbearable, so I lost consciousness. They poured cold water on me to wake me up and then sent me to the third detention center. I went on a hunger strike and lost consciousness again. Twenty-seven days later, I was at the verge of death and they informed my family to take me home."
Earlier report:
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