As Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples, whether we can step forward to assist Master in the Fa-rectification and save sentient beings despite the persecution has become a touchstone for whether we can ascend from humans to the divine.
Disciples who are able to cultivate diligently, have strong righteous thoughts, and do well the three things are Master's genuine disciples and cannot be touched by anyone. Even those who have signed a pact with the old forces in the past are able to negate it with strong righteous thoughts. At the most critical moments, it is up to us to choose what we want. Master pushed the Dafa disciples to their highest positions before the persecution began in July 1999. We all have the ability to completely protect ourselves. Master is watching us at every moment. As long as we can regard ourselves as genuine cultivators instead of ordinary people, we are on the Fa. When Master protects us, the old forces will not be able to object because they have no excuse to interfere.
I have realized that a Dafa disciple who is steadfast on the Fa could not be touched by anyone. However strong the righteous thoughts, however great the power. The more we eliminate our attachments and become selfless, the greater our righteous thoughts and abilities. The strength of Dafa disciples' true nature of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance will be fully released and will control all dimensions. The light of true principles from our righteous thoughts will disintegrate the old forces' factors and defeat the old forces' plans.
In the past, I had a lot of fear. Whenever I heard any new or rumors of arrests and persecution, I would stay home as I became too scared to validate the Fa. Now I have come to realize that the person with fear was not me. It was the degenerate elements in my dimensions that had yet to be eliminated. They were forced upon me by the old forces. The old forces wanted to use these degenerate elements to interfere with and persecute me during this long-waited Fa-rectification period; they wanted me to miss this opportunity to assist Master in the Fa-rectification and save sentient beings. From then on, whenever I sensed fear, I would think that the fear was not me. I did not have fear. I recited Master's Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate fear. Of course the attachment to fear was at all levels as well. When it appeared at any level, I would eliminate it, until all fear was completely gone. The interference we encounter is all illusion. When our righteous thoughts are strong, we can dispel the illusion. However, when our attachments are controlling us, we would be affected by the illusion, and even add energy to the illusion, turning it into a reality.
In "Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference," Master said,
"But you should always remember one thing: no matter who is interfering, it's all temporary, all illusions, not the main body, and it's all just like air flowing through. There are all kinds of material elements and beings everywhere in the dimensions, there are so many of them they're immeasurable. They are there with or without an image, and they are beings in microcosmic dimensions and in different dimensions. Before the Fa-rectification is done, the microcosmic Gods in the cosmos are all in their own dimensions, which exist at the same time and same place. Whether they stay here or don't stay here is just a concept. Those elements, form or no form, exist there naturally, and they have no influence on you at all. Nobody can manipulate Dafa disciples who have righteous thoughts and righteous actions."
There are two practitioners in my local area who have been able to maintain righteous thoughts and actions. They have cultivated diligently and are able to use righteous thoughts to negate and resist the persecution in the face of adversities. Their strong righteous thoughts came from solid Fa study and genuine cultivation.
One day, someone told Practitioner A, "Your home is being ransacked. You shouldn't go home." She thought, "If I don't go home, where should I go? I should go home. No one deserves to change my life." When she returned home, everything was fine. The police were only in her living room for a little bit and left. She looked inward, "Why were they able to invade my field?" She rectified herself even more and became more diligent.
When practitioner B was told that she should hide the Fa-rectification materials at her home, she thought, "I have so many materials. Where can I hide them? No, I am not going anywhere. No one is allowed to touch my things." She asked the practitioners living in the same apartment building to send forth righteous thoughts with her, asking Master to disintegrate the evil factors. When the police came, they just took a look without even touching the fact-clarification materials. She sent forth righteous thoughts with even more power and looked inward to completely disintegrate all interference by the old forces.
In "Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference," Master said,
"Human or divine--the difference lies in one thought. If what arises is a righteous thought, and you take the position that all of this is false, that it's the old forces meddling, and you remind yourself of how long you've cultivated Dafa for and that no such thing is possible, if that thought truly comes from within, instantly the problem will vanish. But this isn't just something you say and then are able to achieve. That kind of unwavering righteous thought comes from within you, and it is not superficial or just lip service. Suppose some people think, "Oh, Master told us what to say, so that's what I'll say," yet your heart is unsteady, or you are just doing it for Master to see, and have not reached that realm yet. In that case, when that thought of yours does come forth, it will not be able to budge them and have the strength to defeat the old forces' things. So it won't work. Only with a righteous thought produced by cultivation will it turn out well."
Practitioner A is able to set high standards for herself in her daily life. She has faith in Master and the Fa, and cultivates diligently. She does the three things well consistently. Every day, she gets up at 3:50 a.m. to do the exercises for two hours. At night, she does the exercises for another two hours, starting at 9:50 p.m. In addition to the four times a day for global sending forth righteous thoughts, she sends forth righteous thoughts on the hour whenever she can. Besides two hours of group Fa study every day, she also helps and shares with fellow practitioners who are lagging behind. Wherever she goes, she clarifies the facts. No matter on the street, at the bus station, in the market, at the hospital, or in the family housing of public security departments, every time she goes out, she is able to persuade more than a dozen people to quit the Chinese Communist Party. When she distributes materials, she can cover a few apartment buildings a day. She can maintain strong righteous thoughts regardless of the situation, and is able to calm a crisis without incidence. She has been sleeping three to four hours a night for a long time and consistently does real cultivation. Although she went through menopause many years ago, since she began cultivating, her period came back. She also looks younger than before.
Practitioner B also persists in cultivation and has respect for Master and the Fa. She maintains a firm will and strong righteous thoughts. She continues to improve her xinxing and has a good understanding of the Fa principles. She studies the Fa, does the exercises, sends forth righteous thoughts, and clarifies the facts well. She is able to handle the money used at the material centers. She not only established a relatively complete material center, but also encouraged other practitioners with strong righteous thoughts to establish material centers. She taught them the technology and helped them buy equipment. Now there are material centers everywhere in our area. She is detail-oriented and responsible. In China, practitioners wrote Falun Gong facts on yuan bills to circulate them. She always cleans the yuan bills first, before printing Falun Gong facts on them. She said, "Master has rescued us from hell and made us clean through Dafa. I also want to clean the money before using it to validate Dafa." Thanks to practitioners like her, there is an abundance of fact-clarification booklets, brochures, CD-ROMs, calendars, and other materials in our area. They are nicely made and cherished by those who receive them. They've played a positive role in fact-clarification. Practitioner B held strong righteous thoughts and helped other practitioners near her to become more diligent. She created a path of validating the Fa and saving sentient beings. As her technological skills progress and her xinxing elevates, she is able to do even better on the path to godhood with righteous thoughts and righteous actions.
In "Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference," Master said,
"Precisely so that you can handle such things well, I have never stopped telling you to sincerely study the Fa and do real cultivation, for once the righteous thoughts are strong, you will truly have the god-like might to split a mountain in half--split it with but one thought. Just see if the old forces dare to meddle then. When your righteous thoughts arise, nothing can block your path. It is thus primarily students who haven't been very diligent, who don't study the Fa frequently, or whose minds are elsewhere while studying Fa who have been interfered with the most and persecuted the worst. That's always the case. The Dafa disciples who have cultivated well, however, truly cannot be interfered with--not even in the least. Moreover, their righteous thoughts are strong, and they are helping others at the same time. They are truly helping Master rectify the Fa."
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