(Clearwisdom.net) We are practitioners in the period of Fa-rectification, following Teacher into this human world to help save sentient beings. This is our prehistoric vow, and now is the time to carry out our sacred promise. However, the old forces made arrangements to destroy all sentient beings, in order to serve their own selfish purposes. If we don't follow the Fa and meet Teacher's requirements during the process of our cultivation, we will be following the old forces' arrangements.
Events past, present and future in human society are closely related to our cultivation. Some of these include attitudes of world governments, the political trend of mainland China, the results of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conferences, whether or not human society gives us redress for our grievances, and the starting date for Fa-rectification of the human world. Practitioners can surely influence these outcomes, but our attachment to any of them would interfere with our validating the Fa and saving sentient beings.
As practitioners, we should not be influenced by whatever happens in human society. We must abide by the Fa, strictly requiring ourselves do the three things well, in order to save more sentient beings.
Fellow practitioners, please kindly correct my errors.
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