(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ruan Xianchou is a clerk for the Agriculture Office of the Sijiu Town government in Taishan City, Guangdong Province. He was illegally arrested on his way home after getting off work on the afternoon of November 26, 2010. He is currently held in the Taishan Detention Center. His son is left at home unattended, and needs help.
This was Mr. Ruan's third arrest by the Taishan City 610 Office. He is now illegally detained at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. The following is an appeal letter from his son:
My name is Ruan Jiancheng, and I'm an eight-year-old boy. My father is Ruan Xianchou, and he is 40 years old. He lives in Taishan City, Guangdong Province, and works as a clerk at the Agriculture Office in the Sijiu Town government in Taishan City. My father is a good and kind person who practices Falun Gong and conducts himself according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

At 5:30 p.m. on November 26, 2010, my father was on his way home after he was got off work. 610 Office agents and police officers unlawfully arrested him. They broke into our garage, without presenting any legal documents or going through any procedures. They seized our personal belongings, including some CDs.
My father is being illegally held in the Taishan City Detention Center. They have not given us a detention warrant, and neither have they allowed me to visit him.
My mother used to be an elementary school teacher. She was suspended from work for refusing to give up Falun Gong, and now she has no income. We relied on my father's salary to raise my younger sister. Now my father is being illegally detained. My mother and I went to the 610 Office to ask for my father's release. The agents did not release my father, but instead assigned people to follow and monitor my mother. My mother is now deprived of her freedom of movement.
Since my father's detention, I have lost the strong backbone of my life. I'm also unable to go to school. It is getting colder day by day, and I am short on food and clothing. No one takes care of me, and I have been left alone. I plead with you to please help secure my father's release.
I need my father urgently. Father, please return home soon, I'm waiting for you at our door.
Ruan Jiancheng
December 5, 2010
Taishan City Police Department 610 Office: 86-750-5982213
Wu Juqin, 610 Office agent: 86-13902589785
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