(Clearwisdom.net) When Falun Gong practitioners are sent to the Shanxi Women's Prison, the guards there directly confine practitioners in a solitary confinement cell, where practitioners are forbidden to sleep, wash themselves or even use the restroom. Moreover, the guards allocate tasks to other prisoners, ordering them to "'Transform' practitioners no matter what methods you use." This encourages prisoners there to unscrupulously persecute Falun Gong practitioners in order to curry favor with the prison administration.
The following is what Ms. Guo Yunzhi stated about her experience of persecution at the Shanxi Women's Prison.
I was sent to the Shanxi Women's Prison on January 16, 2005, and was imprisoned in Group No. 8 on January 18. This group is the evilest group in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Whoever firmly insists on practicing Falun Gong is usually sent there for "transforming." Lei Runxiang, the political head of this group has "transformed" more than eighty practitioners with the help of collaborators Chou Lihua and Du Xueqing.
After I was sent to Group No. 8, I was confined in a solitary confinement cell where the windows and doors were all covered up with newspaper. The guards sent prisoners to watch me, and forbade me from sleeping, washing myself or even going to the toilet. They forced me to keep standing for an entire night, and also kept playing videos, such as "the Self-immolation in Tiananmen Square," to slander Falun Gong. I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to those prisoners. They punched and kicked me, slapped my face, and slammed me into the wall by seizing my hair. They beat me so viciously that my face was badly bruised.
A drug addict named Wang Jinhua, who claimed to be a skilled soccer player before she was imprisoned, deliberately kicked my private parts and severely beat my breasts, and caused injuries all over my body. Their goal is to stop practitioners from practicing cultivation. If we don't cooperate with them, they persecute us every day. In winter, prisoners forcibly stripped off our outer clothes, poured water over us from head to feet and then made us stand in dripping wet clothes for a whole night.
When they beat me, I called out, "Falun Dafa is good." They worried that people outside could hear it; therefore, they beat me to the ground, and prisoner He Suling stomped on my nose. Because she stomped so heavily I became unconscious. After I awakened, she started to curse me. He Suling said, "If you don't accept 'transformation,' we can beat you to death and we will not be held responsible. We may just say that you died of a heart attack or suicide." They follow the guards' orders in whatever they do; therefore, they can act so lawlessly, and severely persecute us.
On February 18, 2005, during the Chinese New Year holiday, prisoners had to give performances. Before they left, they used ropes to tie my hands and feet, stuffed towels into my mouth and then shoved me under the bed.
Whenever the prisoners beat me, they used bamboo canes or other hard tools instead of using their hands because they hit me so hard, their hands would be very painful afterwards. They not only severely beat me, but also used ropes to tie me up all day long, which caused my skin to become broken and fester for quite a long time. Moreover, they even knocked my teeth out; but in order to clean away any evidence, prisoner Du Xueqing forced me to throw them out.
Practitioner Ms. Zhou Kejin was once forcibly coerced into being "transformed," but afterwards she wouldn't go along with it. Then, prisoners prevented her from sleeping and going to the washroom. They forced Ms. Zhou to write two reports every day, in which she was forced to slander Master and Falun Gong.
Group No. 9 is for imprisoning elderly and disabled prisoners. After Ms. Dong Fenxiang (62 years old) refused to be 'transformed,' political head Wei Yu ordered prisoners to watch her, forbidding her to sleep and forcibly making her stand from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. She was persecuted this way for one hundred and forty days.
Ms. Guo Suling was a 67-year-old retired teacher. In winter, prisoners opened all the windows in her cell and poured water on her blanket and bed. They even mixed drugs in her meals.
Another practitioner (69 years old) lived at the dormitory of the Shanxi Military Zone before she was arrested. The police did not dare to openly arrest her at the military dormitory. They sent officials from the neighborhood committee to trick her into coming out, and then directly took her to the prison. The practitioner's children couldn't find their mother and finally looked for her at the prison. Prisoners had kept on mixing drugs into her food while she was detained there, and she was unaware of that.
Political head Lei Runxiang was later transferred to Group No. 2. She ordered prisoners to severely beat Ms. Cao Shuangmei. Ms. Cao was already 56 years old; she could not withstand the vicious beating and wrote the "Four Statements" against her will (similar to the Three Statements). She felt deeply regretful to Master and Dafa after doing this. Therefore, she denied the "transformation." As a result, she was beaten to death.
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