(Clearwisdom.net) On May 9, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners in Calgary, Canada celebrated World Falun Dafa Day and sent greetings to Master Li to wish him happy birthday. They held group practice in Prince Island Park and shared the marvelous experiences they've had since practicing Falun Gong.
Illness taken away in dream
Ms. Jinyu Huang comes from Kunshan, near Shanghai, China. On December 21, 1998, she saw a group of people practicing an exercise beside the road and a banner with the words, "Falun Dafa." She went over and found that a few of her neighbors were there. They invited her to join the exercises. She said, "I imitated the practitioners doing the fourth exercise one time and felt heat in my palms after overlapping them in the lower abdomenal area. I also felt something rotating inside my abdomen. I knew this was a good practice with such a quick effect. I decided to join the practice in the morning."
Ms. Huang's lower jaw had dislocated and her jaw separated from time to time. She also had many other illnesses, including arthritis, heart disease, and cirrhosis. The most painful illness for her was constipation; she saw no improvement after seeing doctors and taking medicine for more than thirty years. That same night after practicing Falun Gong, a marvelous event occurred, "I had a dream that a man pushed my jaw upward and massaged my body in a few places. The next day, my jaw did not separate. My stomach churned and I rushed to the restroom. My constipation was gone forever. I had never felt so comfortable."
After one month of practicing, Ms. Huang realized that she had not taken medicine for quite a long time and yet did not have any uneasy feelings. She realized that all her illnesses were gone without even noticing it. After reading Zhuan Falun, she experienced almost all the physical phenomena mentioned in the book.
Changed completely within six months
Ms. Hua Yu was an accountant in a company in Beijing. She developed arthritis in 1993, which developed into heart disease. When the weather changed, she could not go to work. She said, "I was very weak and could not walk. I lay on the bed and had only three hours of sleep every night because the pain in my joints woke me up. It was really painful. Every year my medical bills were more than ten thousand yuan."
In 1997, one of her colleagues who had illnesses suddenly became healthy. She asked her what had happened, "She told me she practiced Falun Gong, so I read Zhuan Falun. After reading it once, I thought it made sense. I read it twice more and decided to practice Falun Gong."
She recalled, "The next day, my husband said to me, 'This practice is great. You did not yell or wipe your tears at night due to pain. You should go to practice again.'" After one month, her illnesses were gone.
After practicing for six months, her hot temper changed and she did not quarrel with others anymore. She worked hard without complaint. Her supervisor said, "Falun Gong is truly great!" After the persecution began in July 1999, her supervisors had nothing to say to her regarding the practice, "They knew I had changed completely from practicing Falun Gong."
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