(Clearwisdom.net) On May 13, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners in Finland held an activity in Espan Park, located in the Helsinki city center, in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day.
On this sunny afternoon, practitioners put up a banner reading "Celebrating Falun Dafa Day" in the park and set up display boards and a table where people could sign a petition to condemn the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. During the activity, the practitioners also demonstrated the peaceful exercises, which drew a lot of interest from passersby.
A practitioner in Tang couture distributes materials and talks to people about Falun Gong
Signing in support of Falun Gong
A practitioner in Tang couture distributed lotus flowers to children and gave out fliers. Many people wanted to take photos with her. After reading the display boards, many lined up to sign the petition and said to the practitioner in support, 'You are doing a great job!"
A woman named Inkeri stopped at the table with her daughter. After reading the flier she could not understand why the CCP persecuted Falun Gong. She asked, "Why be afraid of such a good practice? What made the CCP so afraid, to persecute you so severely? You must tell the President, Prime Minister and the Secretary of State about your situation. I suggest you to go to the parliament and let the Finnish government help you to stop the persecution. You must carry on." Then she went to sign the petition and put down both her and her daughter's names.
Another woman named Marja said, "I live in Helsinki. I know this is a good practice and I certainly support you."
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