(Clearwisdom.net) With sincerity in her eyes and a warm smile, a slight build and a gentle temperament, Cindy might remind you of some of the young ladies you often see in your neighborhood. It is hard to imagine that such a lady has already experienced quite extraordinary things.
Cindy grew up in Poland and graduated there with a master's degree in Political Science. She currently lives in New York and works in media. In 2004, Cindy and her husband left Canada and went to Asia because of a job transfer. At that time, she worked for an international human rights organization, whose headquarters are located in Germany. Cindy and her husband visited many cities and villages during their spare time while working in Asia, and they introduced Falun Dafa to many local people, bringing them happiness and hope.
How did a Western woman who studied Political Science become a Falun Dafa practitioner and work hard to introduce the Buddha Law in remote Asia? Cindy shared her experiences at a gathering in Manhattan, New York, celebrating World Falun Dafa Day.
Cindy (Left) during the celebration of World Falun Gong Day in Manhattan, NYC
An Unforgettable Trip to Sri Lanka
Cindy and her husband feel that Falun Gong has brought light into their lives. It has always been their wish to share the beauty of Falun Gong with people. In 2004, they left Canada and went to Thailand for work. During their three years of residence in Thailand, Cindy and her husband taught people to practice Falun Gong exercises in public parks and in villages. They also traveled to neighboring countries to promote Falun Gong.
"We had the pleasure and privilege to help organize the inaugural Falun Gong experience-sharing conference in Sri Lanka. During the process, we have learned many stories about people in Sri Lanka benefiting from the practice of Falun Gong," said Cindy.
About ten years ago, a local martial arts association discovered Falun Gong. A young martial arts instructor started to read Zhuan Falun, and he soon realized that Falun Gong was precisely what he had been looking for. He gave up the martial arts discipline that he had been practicing for a decade and began practicing Falun Gong. Soon two of his students started practicing Falun Gong. Then three became ten. Back then they only had one copy of Zhuan Falun in English. They had no choice but to make a copy and shared the book and the copy among the ten of them. Eventually the number grew to about 150. They had to organize three locations to practice the Falun Gong exercises together. Many Falun Gong practitioners are teenagers. The youngest practitioner is but five years old.
One of the teenagers was born deaf and mute. Soon after Falun Gong was introduced to his village, a friend brought him to a Falun Gong group practice. As soon as the Falun Gong exercise music started, the child was astonished. He pointed at the boom box and signaled his friend, "I hear sound! It comes from that box!" That was the very first time he heard any sound. Soon he was able to say his first words: "Falun Dafa." The boy was very diligent in practicing the Falun Gong exercises. For a few years, he often practiced the Falun Gong exercises next to the rice paddies.
It is most incredible that these people started practicing Falun Gong since there was no Zhuan Falun in their mother tongue, Sinhala, available. The veteran Falun Gong practitioners had to verbally translate Zhuan Falun from English to new practitioners. The martial arts instructor even gave free English lessons so that new practitioners could read Zhuan Falun on their own. Many practitioners there had even memorized some chapters of Zhuan Falun. It was truly remarkable. By the time Cindy went to Sri Lanka, the veteran practitioners had just finished translating Zhuan Falun into Sinhala.
Cindy once joined a group practice at a Falun Gong practitioner's home. With a pleasant look on his face, the host had a baby in his arms. By the look of him, the host hardly looked like a man who used to be fierce and demanding towards his wife and children. He is now known as a peaceful, loving, and patient man.
His home was a shabby-looking small house made of clay. The home was divided with curtains into a main room and two small bedrooms. The main room was mostly empty, with a table against the wall and a boom box on top. On the wall hung a golden banner with "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" on it. It was a place with the minimal necessities, but Cindy found it to be serene and solemn. She was moved by what she saw. That was when she realized another meaning to the phrase that the Buddha Law is boundless. It shows the truth to predestined people wherever they may live.
The Inaugural Falun Gong Experience-Sharing Conference in Sri Lanka
The majority of the practitioners there had very limited financial resources. In fact, many practitioners were children. But the organizational work for the inaugural Falun Gong experience-sharing conference was done with the closest attention to detail. The practitioners have touched people with their kindness and perseverance and won support from the local community. The manager of the Seasons Hotel, the very first hotel in town known to provide the best service, provided their best conference room in the hotel and charged them a minimal fee.
Thus the practitioners and their family and friends, totaling about 200 people, attended the inaugural Falun Gong experience-sharing conference in Sri Lanka on March 19, 2005.
"I have learned a lot from the sacred, solemn conference and from the pure sharing of the young practitioners. When I listened to their cultivation insights and observed their conduct, it was a testament to how pure and natural the Falun Gong practice is," said Cindy.
Falun Gong practitioners in Sri Lanka studying Zhuan Falun together
Falun Gong practitioners in Sri Lanka practicing Falun Gong exercises together
Before the conference concluded, a young Falun Gong practitioner's mother approached the podium and said to the audience, "I am most impressed with Falun Gong. It is wonderful that these children can practice Falun Gong. We should have more children learn Falun Gong. It is a blessing to follow the principles of Falun Gong, especially in today's society."
Two days later, the principal of a local school approached a Falun Gong assistant and invited him to come to the school and teach the children the Falun Gong exercises. After this conference, many members of the audience started practicing Falun Gong. Falun Gong has spread very quickly in Sri Lanka.
Cindy found the trip to Sri Lanka to be very rewarding. She said, "Falun Gong is boundless. Whoever you may be and wherever you may be, you will be saved by Falun Gong and blessed with eternal beauty as long as you have a kind thought and open your heart."
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