(Clearwisdom.net) Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

After I began practicing Falun Gong and believed in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, I went to China in 2001 to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Communist officials detained and tortured me for eight months. Following my release from one of China's prisons, with the help from other practitioners I traveled to more than ten countries, including Spain and Argentina, to lodge lawsuits against CCP leader Jiang Zemin, the chief criminal in persecuting Falun Gong, and against agents from the 610 Office.

September 15, 2004 was the last day Jiang held his leadership position.

That day we submitted our lawsuit with the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia, charging Jiang and the regime's 610 Office with the crime of persecuting Falun Gong. We wanted to use legal means to clarify the truth, awaken the Chinese people, and save people worldwide. The court accepted our lawsuit that same day. We then held a press conference and invited the Australian Chinese and English language media. More than ten media outlets reported the news of the Jiang lawsuit. Several pro-communist Chinese newspapers, including the Australian Chinese Daily, SingTao Daily, and various English media published information of "Falun Gong practitioners suing Jiang Zemin," and "Jiang Zemin became the No. 1 defendant in Australia" as feature articles.

We have come across countless difficulties since lodging the lawsuit on September 15, 2004, to the last independent hearing of the Court of Appeals, experiencing nearly six years of ups and downs. During this process, many people at different social levels were saved.

1. Establishing a Cultivation Field for Fa-rectification Efforts Outside the New South Wales Supreme Court in Sydney

According to The Australian on November 15, 2009, since the lawsuit was accepted, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) diplomats frequently visited the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, to exert pressure on the Australian government. They tried through various tactics, including economic and diplomatic means, to have the suit dismissed. On April 7, 2007, because of pressure from the CCP, the Australian foreign minister abused his position by granting diplomatic immunity to CCP officials named in the lawsuit. The minister declared that the Chinese officials and the state organs accused of infringing on civil rights have immunity. Several Sydney practitioners then began a protest by holding banners in front of the Supreme Court. Since many Australian practitioners initially didn't pay enough attention to this lawsuit, we did not form a one-body righteous field, and the evil took advantage of this loophole. This resulted in the Australian Minister of Internal Affairs to intervene in this lawsuit, using his administrative powers. Due to the minister's intervention on November 14, 2008, the court granted immunity to defendants, including Jiang Zemin, during the initial trial.

Upon receiving the court papers, we immediately informed our attorney, Lawyer A, that we did not accept the ruling and planned to lodge an appeal. Lawyer A appeared downcast. He informed us that this was the end of the road for the lawsuit. He said he had been quite busy and would be unlikely to provide us with any further assistance. Our hearts were heavy upon hearing this because two attorneys had already stopped working with us since the lawsuit was filed.

What to do next? We studied the Fa with calm minds. Master clearly pointed out in the 2007 "Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital,"

"No matter how harrowing things may get during the Fa-rectification, the outcome is certain. So I don't pay much attention to it, given that it's bound to succeed. What I value most is the process."

Fa-study and sharing understandings made us acutely aware that we should not rely on an everyday people's attorney. We looked inward and found two major problems. For one, our human notion of being successful with the lawsuit became an obstacle. Secondly, the depth and breadth of our truth-clarifying efforts had not met the requirements of Fa rectification. Besides, cooperation among us as a whole body was very limited, and our determination as practitioners to validate the Fa and save sentient beings should be unshakable.

We then displayed multiple banners reading "Falun Dafa" and "Bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan and the 610 Office to Justice" in front of the Supreme Court. We also displayed torture posters, showing clearly how Jiang and his cohorts have persecuted Falun Gong. We distributed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and handed out introductory informational materials regarding the persecution and Falun Gong. In addition, we sent an open letter to Australian MPs, lawyers, and the general public, asking for their signatures on a petition, to show their support to end the persecution. We also urged Chinese people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, appealed to the public to help stop the persecution of Falun Gong, and urged the Australian government to refrain from granting the defendants immunity.

Without any attachments to results, we have taken this process to be part of our cultivation amidst Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings. Thus we established a cultivation field of righteous thoughts outside the Supreme Court, to assist Master with the Fa-rectification and do the three things well.

2. Offering Sentient Salvation Outside the Supreme Court

Master told us clearly in the 2006 "Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan,"

"...assisting Master, saving sentient beings, and validating the Fa constitute the true purpose of being a Dafa disciple, and only through these can you fulfill the vows you made before the dawn of history."

We remained outside the Supreme Court all year round, be it rainy or windy. Our presence demonstrated the solemnity and wonderfulness of Dafa by letting the higher echelons of society, including lawyers and judges as well as people passing by, hear the sacred Dafa music and experience the compassion of practitioners. We also spoke with people from all social strata and passersby about Falun Dafa and the persecution, trying save them with righteous thoughts and righteous deeds. During the three-plus years, many sentient beings have been saved, leaving countless touching stories. Some people gave us gifts of gourmet bread, and many people prayed for us, hoping for us to achieve success. A great number of people volunteered as well.

For example, one afternoon in September 2009, a middle-aged lawyer came to us and said, "You have been here for a long time. I am sympathetic to your cause. I am willing to help you free of charge. I am not a human rights lawyer, but I can ask my friends to help you." Lawyers from the United States also expressed their willingness to help. An international human rights lawyer said he would help us after he had heard our explanations. A United Nations lawyer, in Australia on a business trip, also told us he would call the court to help us. Furthermore, many others wanted to make monetary donations to help our cause.

At one time a Labor Party MP came to the site. After listening to our explanations, he said, "Keep it up. There will be hope!" One day, two young Sidney lawyers, employees in a local Sydney law firm, read our truth clarifying materials and said, "Please continue, and don't give up. In the end the court will change its decision."

Many Supreme Court staff members came to us to learn the facts. Some of them told us, "If you persist, one day you will win." Some others said, "It is great that you explain the truth here. The court has already begun to pay attention to your case." Another time a middle-aged gentleman came to learn the facts and stated, "I have read your truth-clarification materials. You are doing a great thing. I would like to take your signature collection form to my 40 colleagues, for them to sign. I wish you great success."

We distributed over a 100,000 pieces of factual materials outside the court and received over 10,000 signed support letters. We also convinced many Chinese passersby to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. More than ten people who learned the truth became Falun Dafa practitioners. A lady from Melbourne came to our site for three days and learned the exercises. Upon leaving, she took with her a set of Dafa books, including Zhuan Falun and the Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa, as well as an exercise music CD.

3. Persisting in the Appeal and Upholding Heavenly Ordained Justice

It has been eleven years since Jiang Zemin initiated the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. In "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World," Master said,

"During the persecution they have also exhausted all means of persecution and have persecuted to death or severely injured numerous Dafa disciples who were or are on the path to godhood and who had been chosen ages and ages ago. Tens of millions of people have been persecuted through a variety of means, and the righteous faith of 100 million people has been suppressed. This enormous sin of the ages, this enormous sin whereby the [perpetrators] are brimming with evil and guilty of countless crimes throughout the firmament..."

We came to understand that the evil's representatives in the human world, including Jiang and his cohorts, must be held accountable for all of the atrocities, either committed by them or committed in their names. We must persist in our appeals to uphold the heavenly ordained justice. Practitioners from the truth-clarification group for the lawsuit persisted in sending righteous thoughts every day outside the Supreme Court, to disintegrate various evils, rotten spirits and dark minions that interfere with the court and the lawyers. We sent righteous thoughts to reverse the immunities granted by the Australian government to Jiang, and to ask for Master's help in opening our lawyers' wisdom. We also sought further opportunities to clarify the truth to our lawyers as well.

One day in July 2009, we made an appointment with Lawyer A, who had represented us earlier. He asked why we still persisted in having our case heard again. We answered immediately, "Justice has not yet been served, although the laws are clear in the cause for justice. Granting the criminals immunity equates to acknowledging the persecution of Falun Gong and supporting a continued persecution by the CCP. We believe this torture is wrong. There must be a legal remedy that allows the lawsuit to move forward." Upon hearing this, he thought for a while and said he would consult with a lawyer friend of his to look for ways of keeping this case alive.

After the Court of Appeals routine hearing of the lawsuit on October 28, 2009, Lawyer A appeared to be happy and optimistic. He had gained confidence in the progress of the lawsuit, and chatted with us outside the court for twenty minutes. He stated what we did was to ask the court to set aside traditional case proceedings and set aside how prestigious courts or lawyers have handled cases in the past. If this case is successful, it will set a precedent in Australia. The rationale is simple: Torture is wrong! He then asked us to hire two additional lawyers to work as his assistants.

The Court of Appeals reopened the hearing on December 17, 2009. During the hearing court officials announced that the plaintiff's appeal regarding the Australian government's intervention with the lawsuit had been accepted. The court also decided to combine the trials regarding the legality of our appeal and regarding the appeal itself into one. After the hearing our lawyer told us confidently, "The court has recognized that this is a very real and important lawsuit. They have made a definite decision in this matter, and the court wishes the case to move forward." He continued, "Our position is that torture should be an exception when granting immunity. This is a critical point."

Lawyer A's change of mindset and the breakthrough in the case once again is a manifestation of Master's words,

"Cultivation depends on one's own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one's master." (Zhuan Falun)

"When disciples have ample righteous thoughts
Master has the power to turn back the tide." (Hong Yin Volume II)

The innovative proposal used by our lawyers in the court proceedings is precisely the result of practitioners' strong righteous thoughts and Master's help in opening up wisdom.

4. Practitioners Form a Harmonious Body

Most practitioners in the truth clarification group outside the Supreme Court were older, ranging from their sixties to eighties. Their homes were quite far from the courthouse, and most of them speak only Chinese. They nonetheless went there daily during the past several years to do the three things. They cleared all evil factors in other dimensions with righteous thoughts. They persisted in Fa-study, sending righteous thoughts, doing the exercises, distributing materials, seeking signatures, and setting up posters. They have taken hardships as joy without the slightest regret.

Practitioner Ms. Guo, 85, has not missed a single day outside the Supreme Court. Over the past three years, she carried materials to the site and distributed them, set up banners, and arranged the display boards. During this time her gray hair gradually turned black again. Some people told her, "You act like a young person in terms of doing things." She replied smiling, "Yes, but it is Master who enabled me to be so." Even though she had little schooling, she could read Zhuan Falun and Master's other articles.

Practitioner Ms. Liu lives near Blue Mountain. She leaves her home at 5:00 a.m. every day to take the bus and the train to come here. The trip takes over two hours each way. She first clarifies the truth at a tourist attraction site, and then arrives outside the Supreme Court to send righteous thoughts after 11:00 a.m. When we asked her whether she was tired, she cheerfully replied, "Not at all. Plus, it is a good thing for practitioners to encounter some hardships and experience some difficulties."

Many Udumbara flowers blossomed in her home as well as on the chairs that she sat on during her truth clarification activities at the tourist attraction site. One day a practitioner with his celestial eye open told us that when he saw these older practitioners sending righteous thoughts, "I have found their entire bodies radiating golden light."

Our minds were purified during Fa-rectification cultivation in front of the high court over the past few years, and we gained great understandings of the Fa principles.

June 28, 2010 was the court date for the last hearing of the lawsuit. We announced this date to all of the practitioners during the Sidney Fa-conference. One practitioner, who had just overcome great obstacles and emigrated from China, found that most Australian practitioners paid little attention to this matter and appeared to be a bit indifferent about this court hearing. The practitioner said sadly, "Practitioners in China have paid serious attention to the lawsuit. We persisted in sending righteous thoughts to support this lawsuit, because practitioners are supposed to be one body."

Master's Fa lecture to Australian practitioners made us realize that our personal notions should be put aside. If all Australian practitioners' righteous thoughts had formed a one-body, the situation in Australia would have changed long ago. We know that Master has been waiting for that day. With this understanding, we took note of and discussed the lawsuit. Some practitioners exchanged ideas during Fa-study, and others shared thoughts using the Internet. The global coordinator for bringing Jiang Zemin to justice has also shared thoughts about the lawsuit with Falun Dafa associations, as well as with Chinese and Western practitioners many times. This helped greatly to help practitioners understand the lawsuit.

All of us have reached the same conclusion. We should put down our own notions and cooperate unconditionally with one another with respect to this lawsuit. We want to ensure that in the final ruling, Jiang and all those who persecuted Falun Gong should not be granted immunity.

Early on the morning of June 28, 2010, more than 80 practitioners, including the head of the Melbourne Falun Dafa Association, arrived at the Supreme Court. Some traveled for over ten hours in two buses to support our efforts to negate the court's unfavorable decisions regarding the lawsuit. The head of the Queensland Falun Gong Association and more than ten practitioners flew in to audit the court proceedings, and other Sydney practitioners took leave to participate in the event. The Australian practitioners who had come to the Sydney High Court gathered under a large banner in front of the high court and sent righteous thoughts in close proximity. The banner read, "Disintegrate all interference in the lawsuit against Jiang. Disintegrate anything among Australian officials that tries to uphold immunity for Jiang, and convict Jiang Zemin for persecuting Falun Gong."

Inside the courtroom, approximately 80 practitioners sent righteous thoughts. The court was paying particular attention to this lawsuit, because it would set a precedent for future court cases, and was considered one of the most important lawsuits in the history of the Australian courts.

Three of the highest ranking judges appeared in the court, with the President of the Court of Appeal sitting in the middle, the Chief Justice on the left, and Chief Judge of Common Law on the right. To our surprise, our lawyer's team had four lawyers present throughout the proceedings. Lawyers B and C are two renowned Australian lawyers. Their three-tiered cart held several tomes of legal codes, along with five binders of our several thousand pages of appeal statements. Lawyer C spoke eloquently, quoting international, American, British and Australian laws. The attorneys cited documented cases within these books, to explain why torture is a crime, and why a criminal who commits torture can never be granted immunity. Granting such an individual immunity equates to acknowledging the persecution. Therefore, the processes applied in preceding cases were incorrect and could not be referred to in our case. In addition, Lawyer C pointed out that from a legal standpoint, Australian government intervention in this lawsuit is inappropriate. The Australian government is a third-party participant. Granting Jiang Zemin immunity is wrong!

In short, the justice asked the attorneys representing the Australian government whether they were a third party. They had to admit they were a third party and also admitted that torture is wrong.

The hearing lasted five hours. Our lawyers spoke for over four hours, and the defendant lawyers less than one hour. In the end, our lawyers wanted to continue the proceeding, but since it was past 4:00 p.m. the justice finally asked our lawyers to submit any additional materials within ten days, and give the government attorneys seven days to answer our questions in writing.

That day, practitioners with open celestial eyes saw in other dimensions the courtroom filled with numerous high-level beings. Master's Fashen was sitting in the middle of the court and constantly cleansed the bodies of the judges and the court workers. This day was one when the one-body cooperation among Australian practitioners, or even among practitioners all over the world, came into full play. It is also a day when all practitioners were fully harmonized.

The six-year bumpy path of the lawsuit has enabled us Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners to become increasingly mature. We have taken the lawsuit as a project for saving sentient beings. Our compassionate and righteous thoughts will continuously improve the situation in Australia.