(Clearwisdom.net) I’m one of those practitioners who has computer skills. I once read an article on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom) in which a fellow practitioner shared that coordination meant taking the initiative to coordinate others and be coordinated oneself when needed. That really is the case.
I've often shown fellow practitioners how to use computers. Since most of them had no previous experience, I tried to encourage them and explained things using analogies. Some practitioners who wanted to run a material production site lacked the money and didn’t want to be a burden on fellow practitioners. Whenever I encountered this situation I told them, “I have an old computer at home, and I’ll bring it to you.” First I would give the computer I was using to the practitioner and then buy a new one for myself. This way, they could accept my support without feeling pressure. Due to Master's compassionate arrangement, several material production sites were founded this way, and all of them worked very well.
Some practitioners who lived very far away came to me for technical support. However, I knew that there were practitioners with computer skills living in their area. Although we do need to pay attention to safety, I think that we should also consider with wisdom how to validate Dafa efficiently. If practitioners with computer skills don’t let other practitioners nearby know that they have the ability to help, then local practitioners may have to seek practitioners that live far away and endure a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, I told all the practitioners nearby that I could offer technical support. Whenever they encountered technical problems, they came to me, and by cooperating with each other, any problems were quickly resolved. It was very efficient. Perhaps our thought of giving top priority to Dafa and was pure and unselfish, so Master took care of me and protected me. I never encountered any safety issues.
Master told us in “Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference,”
“Dafa disciples should handle everything positively. Don't look at the negative side of other people. You should always look at their positive side. Actually, did you know that back when I was teaching you Dafa, during the classes a lot of human thoughts were sent out from the audience down there? The thoughts sent out by some people were really bad, but I didn't look at any of that. I just look at your positive side, and thus I can save you. If I were to always look at your negative side, how could I save you? The more I looked at it the angrier I'd get, and then how could I save you? (Applause) So in any situation, don't be affected by human-type behavior, don't be affected by human thoughts, and don't be affected by the feelings and emotions in this world, either. Look more at the positives in others and less at the negatives.”
I followed Master’s words and also looked at each practitioner's positive side. When coordinating with fellow practitioners, I tried to help them make the best use of their abilities, so that one practitioner can do the work of ten or even a hundred.
Take Practitioner A as an example. Very diligent, Practitioner A both clarified the truth face-to-face and produced informational materials. When I worked with her, I found that she didn’t have the attachment of fear and therefore clarified the truth in person very well. However, she was not good with computers. I suggested that she focus on truth clarification and I would arrange for another practitioner to prepare materials for her. She took my advice and, within a month, had helped more than 300 people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.
Practitioner B and I live in the same community. In the beginning she had a strong attachment of fear and couldn’t clarify the truth face-to-face very well. However, she was good with computers, so I invited her to make materials in my home. The more she did, the better her cultivation state became. One day she took it upon herself to make truth-clarifying DVDs. I felt the time was right and told her, “This is a project you would love to do. Take charge of it and do it in your home.” Afterwards, she equipped herself with a computer and printers and ran a material production site by herself.
Practitioner C firmly believes in Master and Dafa. She once froze the police and drove away police cars. She has helped over 10,000 people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations by clarifying the truth face to face. Because she obtained Dafa a little late, she sometimes didn’t know to find answers from the Fa when she encountered conflicts. She ran a group Fa-study site at her home. Someone who didn’t take cultivation seriously often made trouble in the group. She didn’t know how to deal with it and asked me to share my thoughts. I reminded her that Master taught the following in "Teaching the Fa at the Assistants’ Fa Conference in Changchun:"
“Question: A student was falling asleep during group study. After others pointed it out to him, he didn’t like it and stopped coming to group study.
“Teacher: Then you don’t need to ask him to come to study. He didn’t come to study the Fa, he came to sleep. So why ask him to come? Is that right? Coming to sleep? We don’t need people coming to sleep.
“Don’t worry about having a small number of people. Even if there’s only one true cultivator at one of our practice sites, I’d say that’s not bad. Don’t worry about having a small number of people. If you had a big pile of people—say, one thousand people—but not even one of them was a true cultivator, what would be the use? It would even damage the Fa.”
She immediately understood and asked the person to leave. The environment of the Fa-study site returned to normal. I often shared cultivation experiences on the Fa with her. Afterwards, she considered things from the Fa whenever she encountered problems.
Practitioner D cultivated steadily. But her loophole of sentimentality was once taken advantage of and she was forced to sign an evil document, something no practitioner should do. Afterwards, she was extremely regretful and felt very depressed. I learned of this and shared with her. I said, “Although this was a bad thing to have done, you have found your big loophole. Why not seize this opportunity to cultivate and get rid of the attachment so you can upgrade?” I continued to encourage her, saying, “I read a sharing by a practitioner who once ‘enlightened along an evil path' but then resumed cultivation. After he started practicing again, the practitioner did the three things very diligently. Within six months he saw that his body was covered with Buddha symbols.” I added, “If you allow yourself to continue being so depressed, aren’t you being selfish? You might think, ‘I fell down, I fell down.’ But all you are thinking about is yourself. You have been depressed for several days without going out. How about the sentient beings waiting to be saved? For such an urgent matter, how could you possibly find time to be depressed?” She was greatly encouraged and soon went out to clarify the truth with another practitioner. That afternoon they helped about 50 people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
There is one more cultivation experience I would like to share. Two practitioners had a conflict and sought my help. However, I didn’t treat it compassionately. The following day I took a bus to its last stop and fell asleep on the way. When it was approaching the last stop, I felt someone was pushing me. I looked up and saw several big characters in line on the advertising display in the bus, “Face all of this with compassion and wisdom.” I was amazed and sat very still until a warm current suddenly ran through my body. I knew that it is Master who does everything.
I feel happy from the bottom of my heart when I recall that some practitioners are righteously walking on the Fa-rectification path. There is a coordinator who patiently and compassionately brings out fellow practitioner's best abilities so that they can fulfill their missions; some practitioners who clarify the truth are so powerful that the evil has all run away; an elderly practitioner has kept sending forth righteous thoughts near where practitioners are detained and persecuted for years; a young practitioner distributes materials every week … all amazing! From chemistry, we know that carbon is made up of carbon atoms. That same carbon atom with a different structure can also form a diamond. I feel that practitioners are like those carbon atoms. We are smelted by Master and Dafa, and are forming a tremendous diamond that breaks down all barriers and shines like a pure and luminous flame illuminating the universe.
The above are some of my cultivation experiences in my role as a coordinator. Please kindly point out anything improper.
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