Name: Wang Yu (王雨)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Address: Beizhuang Village, Changling Town in Changping
District, Beijing
Occupation: First year student at the Beijing Electronic
Technology Professional School (College of Automation
Date of Most Recent Arrest: June 5, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Xin'an Forced Labor Camp in
the Daxing District, Beijing (大兴新安劳教所)
City: Beijing
Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, physical restraint,
detention, forced labor reform, denied visitation
Wang Yu's Student Id Photo
Wang Yu was a student at the College of Automation in the Beijing Electronic Technology Professional School. The College of Automation is located in Yizhuang Town in the Daxing District. He entered school in 2010. Wang Yu has practiced Falun Gong since he was little. He and his parents have frequently been persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime for practicing Falun Gong and for believing in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Because he told his teachers and classmates about the persecution of Falun Gong, on December 24, 2010, he was picked up by the College of Automation's CCP secretary, Zhang Huiqing, and deputy secretary Du Tong and taken to a brainwashing session held in Huzhuang Village in the Changping District. Sun Aiping of the Changping District 610 Office tried to brainwash him. They forced him to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong; the founder of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Hongzhi; as well as Falun Gong disciples. They often repeated the slanderous lies played on Hong Kong's Phoenix Television and the staged self-immolation case. Changping District 610 Office Director QiBingrui, Sun Aiping, Lian Xueyu, and Liu forced young Mr. Wang to write the three statements to promise not to practice Falun Gong anymore. Among them, Liu was the one who was directly assigned to brainwash him.
On January 5, 2011, Wang Yu was finally released. During the winter break, the dean of the College of Automation, Su Bo; Du Tong; Director Zhang; and Baiyu all went to Wang Yu's home to harass his family.
After school started on February 22, the school's CCP deputy secretary, Du Tong, talked to Wang Yu again and asked him if he had had any contact with Falun Gong practitioners after getting out of the brainwashing session. He also used coercion to try to get Wang Yu to renounce his belief in the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and to join the CCP Youth League. The Changping District 610 Office also told Wang Yu that if he reported anyone promoting Falun Gong materials, they would award him $2,000.
On April 15, 2011, Wang Yu's mother, Gao Guihua, was arrested and taken to the same brainwashing center by the Changping 610 Office. She suffered there for more than 50 days. During this time, her over 80-year-old husband came to the brainwashing center many times and asked for Ms. Gao's release, but was rudely turned away.
Changping 610 Office agent Lian Xueyu also ordered Wang Yu to tell him if he went on the Minghui website (Chinese vesion of Clearwisdom) to expose the persecution. Lian also threatened Wang Yu, saying that the 610 Office director, Qi Bingrui, would go to his home to “see” Wang Yu's parents and ask Wang Yu about who wrote the article on Minghui that exposed the persecution of Wang Yu and Gao Guihua.
On May 23, 2011, Wang Yu was forced to leave home. Even so, the Changping 610 Office still refused to give up harassing him and told the school to pressure Wang Yu and his family to have him withdraw from school.
Around 8 p.m. on May 31, Wang Yu had already returned home and was having dinner with his family. The Changping 610 Office deputy director, Sun Aiping, and five or six policemen from Changling, including Chen Hailong, went to Wang Yu's home and attempted to arrest him. On June 5, 2011, the Beijing 610 Office ordered officers from the Yizhuang Police Station in the Daxing District to go to Wang Yu's home and arrest him again. Wang Yu was detained in the Daxing District Detention Center and has been sentenced to two years of forced labor. He is now in Xin'an Forced Labor Camp located in the Daxing District.
Wang Yu's parents are both farmers. Their family is not rich and they also need to take care of Wang Yu's grandparents. Wang Yu is their only child and has been persecuted many times and is now in a forced labor camp. Xin'an Forced Labor Camp has not allowed Wang Yu's family to visit him. His family is very worried about his situation.
Related article:
“Sixteen-Year-Old Practitioner Mr. Wang Yu Persecuted by
Beijing's Changping District 610 Office and His School”
Chinese version available at少年王雨遭北京昌平区“六一零”及学校洗脑迫害-238282.html
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