(Clearwisdom.net) It's been twelve years since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong. In the end, who are the ones being hurt? From the following case, we can clearly see who the victims are.
In July 2011, the Minghui website posted a report about a patient visiting a hospital in China. The patient was diagnosed with gastric perforation, intestinal adhesion, and rectal cancer. In order to save the patient's life, the family members took one thousand yuan and stuffed it into the hands of the surgeon. He refused to take the money. The family insisted, thus, the surgeon had no choice but to take it. The surgery was very successful. When the patient was discharged from the hospital, the surgeon gave the patient a bank deposit slip for 1,000 yuan. He told the patient's family, “You gave me one thousand yuan. I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I have no desire or need to accept bribes, and it is against my beliefs to do so.”
After reading the news, I could not help but think of last year's breaking news about a midwife “sewing up a patient's anus.” A mother suspected that the midwife who helped deliver her baby had sewn her anus up because she did not give her enough bribery money. Both sides argued back and forth without an outcome. The story shows that Chinese people have become resentful and do not trust the medical system.
In China, it has become a widespread phenomenon for doctors to accept bribes from patients in red envelopes. Doctors are also known to write prescriptions in large dosages, or for unnecessary medications, because they know they will earn commissions for doing so. They also add unnecessary procedures to the examination list. The system has caused much misery to patients and their families who are powerless against it. Searching for a solution, some people have pointed out that it might be easy to blame poor health care policies, but the real solution is in people's hearts and consciences. However, it is extremely difficult to achieve such a solution in today's China where moral values have decayed to a very great extent. Some people have commented that while it is easy to see a “sewn anus,” it is much harder to detect other forms of vengeance. Thus, it is truly difficult for patients to avoid becoming victims.
The doctor who practices Falun Gong did not accept the red envelope. He also took into account the feelings of the patient and his family. He waited until the surgery was successfully done to tell the family, so they would not be worried. He showed consideration for others and is a doctor with conscience. There are many doctors who practice Falun Gong like him, that is, they care about their patients and do not accept bribes. Some people have said these doctors are like pure lotus flowers, untainted by the world's decaying influence, and it is not an exaggeration.
Within China's chaotic health care system, conservative medical ethics are extremely valuable and should be commended and praised. Unfortunately, the ethical doctors who practice Falun Gong are being persecuted by the CCP. In order to force them to renounce their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Chinese authorities suspend their licenses or send them to jails and brainwashing centers to be tortured.
Dr. Wang Jinsong graduated from Tongji Medical University and was a doctor at the Wuhan Sang Hospital in Hubei Province. He possesses excellent medical knowledge, and after he practiced Falun Gong, he did not accept bribes or accept dinner invitations from patients. He wrote the proper dosage and type of prescription, and did not receive kickbacks. He tried to minimize the financial burden on the patients. Thus, many patients praised him and highly recommended him. He was known as “the good doctor who did not take red envelopes.” Hospital supervisors and staff also said he was a good person.
Because he refused to give up his belief, he was arrested three times and sentenced to one year in labor camp, 10 months in prison, and then a further three years in prison. Dr. Wang was tortured, suffered from sleep deprivation and heat exposure whilst being cuffed and hung on the window for a prolonged period. As a result, his feet swelled up and he could not walk. After his release from the labor camp, the hospital, following the authorities' orders, did not allow him to come back or lend him any financial support. Dr. Wang appealed at the district health department numerous times. Two years later, they gave him a job at the hospital armed forces department (he was in fact being monitored). Dr. Wang's wage did not even meet the minimum standard for the living requirement.
Dr. Zhou Wensheng was a doctor at Dongfa Township, Zhaodong City, in Heilongjiang Province. He was well liked at the village. He conducted himself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and cared for the patients year-round, regardless of their income levels. He diagnosed with precision and prescribed the proper dosage of medication. He was very efficient at treating most headaches and colds, with one injection at the most, and did not overcharge anyone. His patients called him “Dr. Zhou One Needle.” The villagers were very sad when he was arrested for practicing Falun Gong. The village leader and seven hundred villagers signed a petition and asked for his release. The authorities, however, refused to listen and sentenced Dr. Zhou to three years in prison.
Dr. Zhou Daqing was a doctor at Puai Hospital in Anlu City, Hubei Province. He was arrested while preparing to operate on a patient that fractured the bone in his leg. The hospital secretary, the officers from the 610 Office in Anlu City and the public security department did not even wait for him to put on his winter jacket, and took him to the Hubei Brainwashing Class. He was not allowed to meet with his family either.
The three doctors' experiences are prime examples of how doctors who practice Falun Gong in China are treated. But they are not the only victims of the persecution. How did the Chinese authorities assuage the griefs of the seven hundred villagers? How did the CCP ease the fears of the patients who were awaiting for the surgery? Would the colleagues of doctors who practice Falun Gong dare to practice their medicine according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance? These people are not the only ones being hurt. Because there are many doctors throughout China who practice Falun Gong, the persecution impacts a fairly large number of people.
What is more frightening is that when the good people are being suppressed, and when people no longer have self-restraint and a conscience, then the unethical medical practice could multiply like bacteria and become unstoppable. Then it might be difficult for patients to find a decent doctor. As we can see, the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is the persecution of humanity's conscience, and the victims are the Chinese people.
Just imagine! Had the pregnant mother from Shenzhen ran into a Falun Gong practitioner, then she might have received good care instead of a having to sue the doctor in court. If the doctors could follow the sample set by the doctors who practice Falun Gong, then the harmonious change in physician-patient relationships won't be merely a slogan or a show. That would benefit the Chinese people tremendously! Falun Gong brings hope, but the CCP is committed to destroy this hope.
For Chinese people, the CCP is the source of their miseries. Only by detaching themselves from the source of evil can the Chinese people regain happiness and dignity.
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Category: Perspectives