(Clearwisdom.net) Our group Fa-study group was formed in 2009. We have all improved through Fa study and group discussion.
Practitioner A is in her seventies but she looks like she's in her fifties. She insists on participating in group Fa study, and this has set a solid foundation for her to assist Master in rectifying the Fa. Although she has to look after her parents (in their nineties) and her grand-daughter, she still takes on the responsibility of producing truth-clarifying materials.
She was detained once when she went to Beijing to speak out for justice for Falun Dafa, and was attacked by her family members after she was released. She solved the problem by sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth to her family members.
Once there appeared many slogans slandering Dafa in the community. She would tear them down late at night by herself and send forth righteous thoughts so that no one would hear her. She once felt regret because she did not tear the slogans completely down, so she sent forth righteous thoughts again. Though it had been a clear night, it later rained and all the evil slogans disappeared.
Her work unit used to take unauthorized deductions from all Falun Gong practitioners' salaries. She went directly to the work unit leader and asked him to pay back the improper deductions for all practitioners. She clarified the truth to him peacefully although he yelled at her. A few months later, the leader paid back the salaries of all the practitioners and never gave them any further trouble.
Practitioner B is in her sixties. She is very diligent in her cultivation. She is never late for the group Fa study and participates in material production.
She has denied the tribulations and persecution towards her with righteous thoughts. In 2001, she was caught by some evil policemen when she went out to hang some banners. She thought, “I cannot stay here to be persecuted by them. I need to go out to validate the Fa.” She jumped out from the window and a random passerby gave her a ride to another practitioner’s home.
Practitioner C obtained the Fa in 1996. At that time she had a car accident. Her legs had fractures and four specialists said there was no way to recover and she would need to receive an amputation. She remembered her neighbor told her, “Falun Dafa is good. Master will always help you in your difficulties.” She then asked for help from Master and decided to practice when she recovered. Against all odds, her legs recovered very quickly. She started to practice when she was still in the hospital. She also read the book Zhuan Falun to her mom and her mom quit smoking in one week and also started practicing Falun Gong.
Once practitioner C clarified the truth to a Mr. Zhang. After she left, Mr. Zhang said his money was lost and suspected C had taken it. Mr. Hao said, “I promise that she did not take it. You go home and look for it again. If you do not find it, I will repay you double.” The next day Mr. Zhang found the money under his bed. From then on, he also helped C clarify the truth. Both men have become healthier and healthier.
C has also denied the persecution with her righteous thoughts. She realized that she should clarify the truth when there is persecution. She then went to clarify the truth to the police station, after which the police never gave her trouble anymore.
Practitioner D is two years older than A. She obtained the Fa in 2004. She was not educated and in the beginning she could not read the Fa fluently. Now, she studies Fa with the group, but also studies it at home. In short order, she was able to read the Fa fluently and do the three things well.
E used to have attachment to comfort and fear. He was afraid to send a truth clarification message, let alone distributing materials. After he participated in group Fa study, he got rid of many attachments and did the three things well. He is no longer afraid when he clarifies the truth.
E also realized that attachments such as lust and jealousy are evils that should not see the light of day. It is very important to get rid of these attachments.
In short, we have benefited greatly from group Fa study and vouch for its importance in cultivation practice.
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