(Clearwisdom.net) Recently practitioners in our Fa study group discovered a new attachment—loneliness that is hard to endure. For truth-clarification projects, practice makes perfect. After some time we are able to finish our projects in less time, so we have some spare time in which we might feel lonely. Loneliness manifests itself in the following ways.
Watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines
Some practitioners have a lot of time and feel lonely, so they watch a lot of TV series. Although they know these are nonsense, ordinary people's things, they can not let go of it. When they study the Fa, scenes from the TV programs come to their minds, which not only interferes with us but also pollutes us.
Some practitioners enlightened that it is not good to watch TV series, so they watch the CCTV's "National News Program" and the "Weather Forecast," saying that they can learn what is going on at home and abroad. Even everyday people say, "CCTV's fake news is even worse than the fake medicine and the fake milk powder. CCTV is good at fabricating and telling lies, so nothing is correct except the time." We all know that CCTV broadcast the fabricated self-immolation in Tiananmen Square. We clearly know that there is nothing truthful in its programs, so why do we still watch them? Won't it add energy to the evil and pollute ourselves at the same time?
This is particularly so for elderly practitioners. Since their grandchildren are not around, they like to recall the past. They often look at family photo albums, awards, and badges. This is an everyday person's sentimentality of loneliness and it is a human attachment that practitioners should let go of. In every family there are Mao's badges as well as certificates of awards, alumni, photo albums, and calendars that bear the mark of the CCP, so we should destroy them all. We should not leave any space for the dark minions and rotten ghosts.
Now the music that glorifies the CCP can be heard on public transportation and in shops. When we come across such situations we should sing Falun Dafa songs silently so that we can see but not watch, can hear but not listen. This is to ensure that we will not be polluted.
Some practitioners never watch CCTV or any other TV stations controlled by the CCP. The only function of the TV set is to play DVDs with Falun Dafa content. Sometimes when guests and their children want to watch television, I will play Shen Yun for them. When we are clarifying the truth to the parents, the kids should watch TV quietly.
Browsing the news online
Some practitioners quit the anti-censorship software after they download Falun Dafa materials. Before they go out to clarify the facts, they might browse the weather forecast. However, they waste a lot of time by looking at other news with interest. Actually, browsing the Internet is also a manifestation of loneliness.
Some young practitioners do not seize the time to be more diligent but use the long holidays to travel abroad.
Some practitioners have a habit of observing the changes in the
international arena over the years. They are concerned about where
there is a war, turmoil, or a major natural disaster. As
practitioners we should use compassion to try to enlighten everyday
people and save them with the truth of Falun Dafa.
Everyday people hate the wicked CCP and its dictatorship. However,
we are cultivators, so we do not have enemies and do not have
hatred. Teacher said,
"Purging evil as if but whisking dust away" (To all Dafa disciples around the world and in mainland China, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)
When we whisk away the dust, do we hate the dust? No, we don't. To eliminate the CCP is like whisking the dust out of the Three Realms. Hating the CCP will not disintegrate the CCP, but it will prevent us from cultivating well.
When we read what Teacher said in "Bigu" in Zhuan Falun, we might ask ourselves, “How come we cannot do even as well as our ancestors? In ancient China the cultivators all hid in remote mountains or caves far away from human settlements. They lived in the caves on the cliffs and they would die there if they eventually failed to reach consummation. They were cultivating on the small paths and still could overcome unimaginable loneliness. However, we are Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners. How can we not do as well as they?”
Keeping pets and plants
Practitioners in cities should not keep pet dogs and cats, because they will develop an attachment to the pets. Teacher told in his lectures about a Taoist and a deer. We must draw a lesson from this. The cats and dogs can be sent to the countryside. As for plants, we can keep them following the course of nature, but should not get new ones. Practitioners must use every minute on Dafa and should not do anything that has nothing to do with our cultivation.
Some practitioners love animals and plants, so they take their children or grandchildren to zoos or botanic gardens. Kindhearted people get upset to see birds that should fly in the sky, fish that should swim in the sea or river, and lions and tigers that should live in the jungles being kept in cages or fish tanks. As for human beings, we have the same fate. Everyday people confined within the net of fame, gain, and sentiments, and practitioners struggling in the Three Realms cannot get out and will also feel upset.
Some practitioners like to go sightseeing when spring sets in, like to enjoy the blossoming of peaches, rape seeds, and cherries. When flowers wither away, they pity them. They should enlighten to the fact that flowers will wither, people will get old. Only the truth of the Buddha Fa is eternal. As for the flowers that fill the trees, how many can achieve Righteous Attainment after being buffeted by the wind and rain, the scorching summer and biting cold winter? We must eliminate the desire to go sightseeing and follow the path toward godhood instead.
Relying on fellow practitioners
Some practitioners are attached to other practitioners' miracles. After group Fa study they are not on the Fa, but often indulge in animated chitchat. We think this is also a manifestation of loneliness, so it must be eliminated.
The miracles that happen to fellow practitioners will increase our confidence in our cultivation. In the "Fairy Stories of Future People" there was a paragraph that said, "If a Falun Dafa practitioner only became steadfast in cultivating Dafa because of other practitioners' cultivation stories, but not really understanding the Fa rationally so as to reach the righteous belief of which is indestructible and diamond-like solid, there must be loopholes."
When some practitioners read Minghui Weekly or Pure Insight, they like to read articles written by practitioners whose third eye is open or who have the supernormal ability of clairvoyance, as well as the stories of prophecy for the purpose of encouraging their cultivation. In cultivation we do not learn from human beings, nor divine beings, but by studying the Fa. Since the fruit status every practitioner wants to reach is different, the cultivation path is different, so there is no example.
Loneliness is the result of sentimentality, not the emptiness of one’s mind. When we have a calm mind we are able to see miracles. When we study the Fa with a pure and calm mind, we will face countless Buddhas, Daos and Gods, and the new Fa principles will also display themselves for us. At a time like that we will feel content, so we will not feel lonely at all. If we read the Fa but what we read does not go into our mind, no Fa principles will be revealed to us no matter how much we read. At a time like that, of course we will be bored and feel lonely. When we come across conflicts, if we do not look inward but instead pick on other people's shortcomings, our xinxing will not be upgraded, the bad substance will not be eliminated, and we will feel uncomfortable, bored, and lonely. This is the manifestation of not knowing how to cultivate. If this situation lasts for a long time, then problems will occur. Loneliness is a test. We should not lose our bearings in our loneliness and search for other things outside the Fa. Looking inward is cultivating toward Buddhahood, looking outward is going towards demon-nature. When we are in the state of loneliness we will want to complete our cultivation soon. However, the Fa boat still hasn't been filled with all the people to be saved and still has not reached the other side of nirvana.
Since my level is limited, there might be some mistakes. Please feel free to comment and correct.
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