(Clearwisdom.net) My family was very poor before cultivating Falun Gong. My mother had been paralyzed for more than 30 years and my father was unable to work because he was so ill. The survival of the family fell on my shoulders, but I was still very young. I grew up in misery. After I got married, my mother-in-law's family was very poor, too. They looked down on me. My parents-in-law placed innumerable obstacles in front of me, and I was very disappointed about life. Later, I suffered a serious, incurable illness.
In despair I had the opportunity to learn Falun Dafa. On May 3, 1998, after someone introduced Falun Gong to me, I agreed to cultivate. As soon as I agreed, I instantly felt lighter, and my legs were no longer heavy. Teacher purified my body right away. I felt the wonders of the exercises, and I decided to cultivate. I obtained a copy of Zhuan Falun and learned the five exercises in a week.
Since then, I have studied the Fa everyday. At first I could only read a little and very slowly. I did the exercises in the evening. I was glad I did not need to become a nun anymore—I could cultivate the Buddha Fa at home. My wish had been realized. During both tribulations and tests, my husband blamed me for falling behind in my work because of the time I spent doing the exercises. My mother-in-law nagged me all the time, and my husband tried to find excuses to fight with me. I thought about the forbearance Teacher talked about, but I failed to meet the standard. My husband beat me until I was black and blue all over. In pain, I thought, “No matter what, I must do the exercises.” Just then I saw from the back of my head a big Falun spinning on top of my house. I enlightened that it was Teacher who helped me to pass the test.
One day after I did the exercises, I spit up blood from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. When my husband saw me spitting blood, he said that if I could not do the heavy labor, I could pick the easier jobs. I did not say a word, but went to the field to look after the corn sprouts, which is not easy work. I thought, “This time I did a good job in forbearance. I am getting better and better in my tests.” As a result, all my illnesses disappeared.
My husband saw I was illness-free, and, with my guidance, he began to learn Falun Dafa. Our two children and my mother-in-law began to practice Falun Gong, too. The atmosphere in our family improved each passing day. It was just like Teacher said,
"After passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!" (Zhuan Falun)
During my cultivation, I have experienced several miraculous occurrences. One day in November 1998, it was snowing heavily. We went to the field to collect sunflower stalks. After the horse-drawn cart was fully loaded, we began to drive the cart home. It was snowing and slippery, and the horse balked and reared. At the time, I was sitting on top of the load of sunflower stalks and was thrown more than ten meters up into the air. I spun around twice before landing in a ditch. At the time, I did not have any fear, but I opened my eyes to see where I had landed. My family was very upset and ran behind the cart to see how I was. I said, “I'm all right. I did not fall—I flew down.” They said, "The exercise you have learned seems very effective!"
Shortly before the 2000 Chinese New Year, I bought some staples and was on my way home. As I walked, I was sending forth righteous thoughts. Suddenly, a car struck me from behind. I was thrown more than 20 meters. After hearing a loud "bang," I lost consciousness. When I came to, I heard a girl beside me asking if I was all right. I did not answer right away, but sent forth righteous thoughts first. Then I told her I was okay. However, I could not move my leg because it was stuck in a motorbike. I asked the onlookers to free my leg from the motorbike, but no one stepped forward to help me because they were afraid it might be a trap and I would extort money from them. As a result, I begged Teacher for help. Immediately, I was able to free my leg.
Instantly, I stood up and thanked Teacher from the bottom of my heart. After I turned around, I saw the young man who had struck me still lying in the middle of the street. With his face down and covered with blood, I could not even see what he looked like. No one cared about him. The girl and I tried to stop a car to take him to the hospital, but none stopped. Finally, a car did stop and we begged the driver to save the motorist's life. The driver agreed, but asked us to be his witnesses because he was afraid the injured young man might blackmail him after he came to. The girl said that I had been struck pretty hard but I did not need to go the police station. She said she would testify for the driver. We took the motorist to the hospital. I returned home because I did not have any injuries. I knew the accident was meant to take my life because I practiced Falun Gong and it was Teacher who protected me.
This is what I personally experienced and wanted to write it down as a report to Teacher. Thank you, Teacher!
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