Chronic Illness Disappears
I suffered from rheumatoid arthritis when I was 14 years old, and the disease progressed to my whole body, with symptoms of swelling joints and body pain. I needed my parents’ assistance for everything. I needed help putting on my clothes and I even had difficulty eating because my jaw hurt. I stayed in bed for over a year and took lots of medicine daily. My arm muscles became stiff due to frequent injections. Western medicines had little effect, so I later switched to traditional Chinese medicine and received good results. I was almost recovered.
Although Chinese medicine seemed to cure my illness, it didn't completely remove the root cause. I was sensitive to the wind and cold, and had suffered chronic hip pain for more than a decade. I later developed severe back pain. Sometimes I had difficulty sitting or lying down when the symptoms were severe, and I had to lie on my stomach. Over the years, I continued suffering from many illnesses, such as complications from rheumatoid arthritis, tachycardia, and severe insomnia. I became an antisocial person with a short temper.
In 1996, after I read the precious book Zhuan Falun I became very excited. Master cleansed my body, and all the illnesses from which I had suffered for years disappeared. Every day I felt light and happy. When the persecution began on July 20, 1999, we lost our peaceful practice environment and I returned to living like an ordinary person, but from the bottom of my heart, I could never forget Master’s great compassion. I knew that Dafa was being wrongfully persecuted by evildoers, and I still conducted myself as a Dafa disciple, but I didn't know what to do next.
An ordinary condition manifested: I was suffering from eye disease – viral iritis. The disease became symptomatic once or twice per year and lasted for more than a month even with treatment. During that period, I had to take infusions, oral medications, and eye drops, and I was not able to work. In 2003, it relapsed. When I asked a local ophthalmologist how to avoid a relapse, he said that this disease was determined by the individual's physical condition which might be linked to my original diseases. There was no treatment or cure. His response woke me up, and I felt that Master was using the ophthalmologist's mouth to talk to me.
This time, I did not seek everyday people’s medical treatment, but viewed my “illness” from the standpoint of the Fa, regarding it as a test. I resumed Dafa cultivation, practiced the exercises, and studied the Fa. With strong belief in Master and Dafa, I recovered and resumed practicing. With other practitioners’ help, I went online to read the Minghui website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom). I was able to quickly catch up, understand the progress of Fa-rectification, and learn what to do and how to do it. I was so excited. It was like a long lost wandering son who finally found his beloved mother. Master had not given up on me and He helped me get back on the right track.
My Son’s Cultivation Story
Under my influence, my son showed great interest in Dafa. The first time he saw Master’s image he felt that Master looked familiar. As soon as he started practicing Dafa his Celestial Eye opened. He said that Master smiled at him when he cultivated well and looked serious when he was not doing well. He saw that evil elements were being eliminated when he sent righteous thoughts.
While answering questions on his junior high school entrance exam, my son felt that the people and things around him were suddenly fading, and a person that looked like a Taoist showed up and said, “If you listen to me, I can guarantee that you will get accepted by a good school with the tuition waived.” He responded without any hesitation, "I am a Falun Dafa disciple, and I resolutely listen to my Master. Even if I can't get into a school with free tuition. I will not listen to you." Then the Taoist looking person faded away. My son concentrated on his exam, and was able to answer the questions without too much difficulty. He ended up with a score that was way above his usual grades and was accepted by a good school.
During the first semester of junior high, my son's grades improved dramatically and he received the most improved student award. During the school break, he and I practiced Dafa diligently, and we both improved quickly.
For a period of time, due to a heavy school workload and the lack of a cultivation environment, my son slackened off. His grades were stable, but didn't improve much. His ability to see through his Celestial Eye also declined. During his third year, he realized his problem and was able to find the proper balance between academic study and practicing Dafa. His grades improved significantly and he was accepted to one of the top high schools. It would not be possible to be admitted such a top-ranking high school based on his regular grades.
Witnessing the ups and downs in my son's practice state, I frequently thought about how to look after young disciples. Sharing this with other practitioners, I thought that we should treat young practitioners using the same standard that we use for adult practitioners. We should not relax the standards and responsibilities for them, and we need to help them have a good cultivation environment. My son and I frequently exchanged cultivation experiences. I encouraged him to go out and tell his classmates the facts about the persecution, distribute Dafa materials, study the Fa and practice the exercises, and to correctly allocate time for school work and cultivation.
My Wife’s Pre-destined Relationship with Dafa
My wife started practicing Dafa late. No matter how I explained to her the goodness of Dafa and how I encouraged her to get to know Dafa, all my efforts had little effect. Because of my poor cultivation state, I was anxious. She said, “Please stop repeating this over and over again about Falun Gong, You should go out to make more money while you still have energy.” Meanwhile, she obstructed my son’s cultivation by saying, "You should focus more on your school work.” Occasionally she would say, "I know that Falun Gong is good, but I am tired of your persuasion." I came to realize that I had a strong attachment, and that I was pushing her away. Master said that everyone has the right to choose their destiny and we can only clarify the truth and tell them about Dafa. I realized I needed to adjust myself.
Time passed. I conducted myself well and I was also promoted at work. My son respects his parents, is well behaved, and gets good grades at school. My wife observed all of these positive changes in us. She now watches videos of Master’s lectures, and has started reading Zhuan Falun. She has also begun talking to people about the truth of Falun Dafa.
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