(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Han Yanfeng is 74. He went to Beijing with six of his family members to appeal for Falun Gong after the persecution began on July 20, 1999. They were arrested and suffered from brutal persecution. I met Mr. Han for the first time in December 2000 at a custody center, after the 610 Office agents had sent him there. He is illiterate, but was able to read Zhuan Falun with Master's help soon after obtaining the Fa in 1998.
A city official had a talk with Mr. Han after detaining him and asked him, “Han, are you still going to practice?” He immediately answered, “Absolutely! As long as I’m still breathing!” The official said, “How impossibly stubborn! Forget it...go ahead and practice.” He then told his subordinates, “Take his name off the list [of Falun Gong practitioners] and leave him alone!” Mr. Han returned home that same day.
One day in April 2011, a practitioner told me about a practitioner in his 70s from Bei Township speaking with people about Falun Gong. As it turned out, it was Mr. Han! It has been a decade since I last saw him, but he does not look a day older and is even more energetic now.
He said, “It's not me who is saving lives. I’m illiterate. The only thing I knew was working the field. Master taught me profound universal principles and cleansed my body. He gave me everything. It looks like we are rescuing people, but Master is in fact doing everything in other dimensions. He is doing everything as long as we believe in him without any doubt.”
Then he told me a few stories, which are narrated below in the first person.
My military friend, Li Wendian, has a 14-year-old grandson who was diagnosed with leukemia in 2008. His family had already spent 410,000 yuan on treatment and incurred so much debt that they were destitute. In the meantime the child continued to weaken. I had two dreams about Li Wendian in December 2009, and I realized that Master was telling me to save his grandson’s life. I went to his home one day and said to Li Wendian in front of his family, “If you want your grandson to be well, you should ask your son and daughter-in-law to practice Falun Gong, and your grandson will follow suit.”
His son and daughter-in-law immediately said, “Ok, we’ll practice!” I gave them exercise instruction videos, and they did the exercises twice a day. They did not have access to Zhuan Falun but said, “Falun Dafa is good;” “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” multiple times each day. The child was cured after only nine days. Follow-up CT scan, X ray and ultrasound results at Qingdao Hospital all came back negative. Eighteen days later his skin shed from head to toe, and his new skin was silky smooth.
The family told everyone in the village what had happened, and their neighbor, a woman in her 80's with a severe hunchback, asked for me through her daughter. I thought, “This is a great opportunity to introduce Dafa.” While at her home I asked Master for help in my heart and I said, “Master, please let her straighten her back so that everyone will be even more convinced of Dafa’s miraculous power.” As soon as this thought emerged, I immediately felt warmth throughout my body. I knew Master was encouraging me. I told the elderly woman to say, “Falun Dafa is good” and to stand up straight. She said, “How can I straighten my back when I’m like this?” I said the word “stretch” three times while stretching out my arms, same as the posture found in the first exercise “Buddha Stretching a Thousand Arms,” and she was able to straighten her back at the same time as I was uttering these words. The woman’s daughter and I both cried. Her daughter was crying tears of joy upon seeing her mother straighten her back after so many years of suffering, while I was moved to tears by Master’s boundless compassion. They thanked me over and over. I said, “I didn’t do it, our Master did! You should thank him.”
The story spread in the village like wildfire. The older woman, her daughter and her second son all started practicing Dafa. Her son also spoke with the police chief about the wonders of Dafa. My reputation as a “miracle man” also began to spread.
When speaking with people about Dafa, I found people in the educational field to be heavily brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies. 68-year-old teacher Peng Jinglong's legs were paralyzed, and he walked with crutches. When I discussed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party with him, he said, “You are going against the Party.” I said, “The Party started persecuting Falun Gong first, then Falun Gong exposed the lies and the brutal persecution. The persecutors have killed more than 3,000 Falun Gong practitioners and yet, to date, not a single police officer has been prosecuted or convicted. But Falun Gong is somehow ‘guilty’ of appealing for justice? Isn’t that terribly wrong? Why should people be persecuted for following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance? Do you think this Party is good?” He nodded in agreement at my words. I asked him to do the Dafa exercises, saying, “If you say ‘Falun Dafa is good’ from the bottom of your heart, your legs will be better.” He scoffed. His wife said, “Just listen to Mr. Han. Just try it.” He agreed. I said, “You can’t ‘just try it,’ you have to believe one hundred percent.” I told him to say it every night, and he did. I went to see him on the sixth day, and he had already thrown away his crutches, because his legs were completely healed. He and his wife both began practicing Dafa.
65-year-old Zhang Zhenchang was hit by a car in 2005 and severely injured, including damage to his brain. His mouth and eyes drooped to one side. Learning of his plight, I went to his home and told him to say “Falun Dafa is good.” He said it for two days and nights, and his mouth and eyes became normal, and his speech is now much more coherent than before.
My 71-year-old cousin Wang Shizhi was hunchbacked, and his brother Wang Shili had been paralyzed from a car accident for three years. I told Wang Shizhi to tell his brother to say Falun Dafa is good. He said it for five days and was able to stand up straight. His wife said it for four days, and her condition visibly improved. They continued to say it for 20 more days, and Wang Shizhi was able to go shopping on his own, while Wang Shili was able to get up in bed. The brothers and the wife began to practice Dafa.
54-year-old Wei Zhaozhong from Hanjia Village was afflicted with numerous illnesses. His wife had two kidney tumors for 13 years, and they spent all their money on medical treatments. I spoke with them in the spring of 2006. Wei Zhaozhong believed what I told him and started saying, “Falun Dafa is good.” All of his illnesses disappeared. This experience was an eye-opener for his wife, who also started saying it. One month later, both of her tumors had disappeared. When I went to their home again, she burst into tears and said, “It was 13 years that my abdomen felt horrible, like it was stuffed with rotten grass. Master Li sent you, a living divine being, to save me…” Both of them, in their 50s, have started practicing Dafa. They look to be in their 30's now. Their son and daughter-in-law own a restaurant in the city. When they came home for a visit, they were surprised at the amazing transformation. They asked, “What did you guys eat that made your skin so silky smooth?” Wei Zhaozhong said, “Nothing! We simply practice Falun Gong! If you don’t have time [to practice] just say ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and you’ll have good fortune.” The young couple followed his advice after they returned to the city. Not only are they in great health, but their business is also booming.
57-year-old Han Jilu, who lives in my village, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and necrosis of the femoral head. It is only 20 meters [65 feet] between his home and the market, yet he had to take three breaks walking this short distance. I gave him a copy of The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa. He did not do the exercises, but felt much better after reading the section about the “Falun cosmic orbit” five times. One practitioner gave him nine decals/stickers with the words “Falun Dafa is good.” He put them in prominent spots on utility poles on market day when the streets were brimming with people. He said, “After I did that, I almost flew home.” His liver cancer and necrosis were cured, and he also started practicing Dafa.
Another villager, 52-year-old Han Yongfeng, was also suffering from necrosis of the femoral head. I saw him limping in 2007 when I was on my way to work in the field and told him to say, “Falun Dafa is good.” He was cured after ten days.
More than 20 people in my village now practice Dafa after they were cured. The majority of villagers believe that Dafa is good, and many of them even publicly stand up for Dafa. The village deputy Party secretary slandered Dafa at a feast last year. Three farmers stood up and confronted him. One of them said, “Dafa cured many people in our village, and everyone knows that. Dafa never asked for a penny. Your family runs a sand excavation operation and you are a multi-millionaire, but how much money have you donated to help people with their illnesses?” The Party secretary blushed and was speechless. He never slandered Dafa or persecuted Dafa practitioners again.
In the end Mr. Han said, “We are divine beings by truly believing in Master and Dafa. When we tell other people to say ‘Falun Dafa is good,’ we must first believe it ourselves and believe in Master’s every sentence without a shadow of a doubt, then the outcome will be good.”
Mr. Han’s experience has truly inspired me. What is righteous thought? It means believing in Master and Dafa one hundred percent and rescuing sentient beings based on the Fa, and then miracles will happen.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth