(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Dafa after the persecution began (July 20, 1999). Prior to cultivating, my body was very weak and I was often sick. I live in a rural area, and I was not able to do any heavy work. My husband had to do everything to support the family.
In November 1999, my husband was in his car when some scoundrels grabbed and killed him. My son was sixteen years old at the time, and my daughter was twenty-two years old. We had no one to support us. Being a woman who was often sick, I could not accept the fact that I had to take care of our children and do all the housework myself. I was very tired every day and cried all the time. I wanted to die rather than live like that.
My older sister, who had been practicing Falun Dafa, came to my home in 2001. She helped me and took care of my children. She also told me about the beauty of Dafa and how effective Falun Dafa was in healing illnesses and keeping one fit. She hoped that I could also begin practicing. She gave me the book Zhuan Falun.
After I started to cultivate, I understood the real meaning of life. My sister and I studied the Fa and did the exercises together every day. We also sent forth righteous thoughts and distributed truth-clarifying materials. All the worries I had disappeared and my physical condition improved. I was able to again work on the farm by myself. Others said that I became a different person.
It was not easy for me to support the family by myself. Had I not practiced Falun Dafa, I could not have made it. Oftentimes, what everyday people thought was impossible became easier for me to handle. I knew that Master was by my side and gave me everything. I thank Master for offering me salvation and giving me a new life.
In October 2010, my daughter had a baby and I became a grandmother. The baby was deformed and her right wrist was bent. She did not have a nipple on the right side of her chest and her feet had a gap, which looked like her feet were split into two pieces. Moreover, her feet were black and blue and swollen, and her little legs were also bent.
The doctor said that her heart, liver, and lungs had some problems as well. The strain on those organs were several times higher than those of a normal baby. She also had brain edema. The doctor said that it was possibly caused by her parents having to work around chemical substances. A thought came to my mind,
“When disciples have ample righteous thoughts
Master has the power to turn back the tide”
(Hong Yin, “The Master-Disciple Bond”)
I believed that Dafa is powerful and could save my granddaughter.
When my granddaughter was born, I always said to her, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” My daughter-in-law and her parents were so sad that they wanted to abandon the baby. They asked me to apply for disability for her and to let the government take care of her. I disagreed with them because in my heart, I thought that my granddaughter was not going to be disabled, and that Dafa could save her life.
I recalled many miracles that happened when Master was giving lectures. Some practitioners were carried-in to listen to Master's lectures. When they left, they were able to walk. Master said in “Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference,”
“Since he's your child, you should provide loving care and do your best to take care of him. But put your mind at ease. As long as you can cultivate to Consummation, everything will end up to be the best (applause)--this is created for cultivators and Dafa disciples.”
I believed that Master would give her the best.
My granddaughter had to stay in the hospital for ten days and her brain improved a little. But her legs and feet were still in terrible shape and I decided to take her home. On the way home, I said to her, “Master is waiting for us to go back to our original home. You came here to obtain the Fa. Remember Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I told my son that only Master could save his daughter, and asked him to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
At night, I held the baby and we listened to Master's audio tapes of the Fa lecture in Guangzhou. Then the baby fell asleep. The next morning a miracle happened. The color of her legs turned red, she was able to move her hand, and her feet became normal. Within the following four days, she was totally fine. One month later, her right nipple appeared.
My granddaughter is now nine months old, is healthy and lovely, and is perfectly normal. The splitting gap on her feet disappeared and she is able to stretch her legs.
My granddaughter used to be a deformed baby, but is now a healthy girl. I personally experienced "Buddha's infinite grace." Words can't describe my appreciation toward Master.
I thank Dafa and Master for saving my family and giving my granddaughter a new life. My son knows now that Dafa is good and often takes me on his motorcycle to distribute truth-clarification materials.
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