(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2004. Merciful Master saved me from the brink of death and gave me a second life. I embarked on the path of Fa-rectification cultivation practice. I'd like to share with everyone the wonderful benefits I have gained from Dafa.
Prior to practicing Falun Dafa, my health condition was very poor. I suffered from serious insomnia, vertigo, neuralgia, high blood pressure, and lower back and leg pains. My life was very difficult. As soon as I started practicing Dafa, however, my illnesses disappeared, and I no longer needed to see a doctor. How could I repay my Master? As I write this article, I can't stop shedding tears.
Overcoming the Difficulty of Truth-clarification
Clarifying the truth is one of the three things that Master asks us to do. I'm an introverted person, so talking with people and clarifying the facts is difficult for me. But I am a practitioner now and truth-clarification is a must on my path. Therefore I have had to overcome this barrier. I recited again and again, “When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Zhuan Falun) I told myself, "I will follow Master's requirements, step out and clarify the truth and become a genuine Dafa practitioner."
One day, during a dinner party at my relative's house I clarified the facts. I talked about the corruption of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and how 80 million people have been killed in it's campaigns, but they wouldn't listen. Instead they accused me of being against the Party. I didn't conduct myself as a practitioner and I argued with them. My efforts failed and everyone parted unhappily.
As soon as I got home, I looked inside and realized what had caused this negative outcome. I was eager to succeed and I lacked compassion. I realized that I tend to lose patience as soon as soon as another person disagrees with me. I told myself, “As a practitioner, I need to clarify the facts with compassion. I did poorly this time, but next time I will do better.” I started clarifying the facts to my neighbors by going door to door to persuade them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and I gave them truth-clarifying materials to read. Although the number of people who agreed to quit the party was not large, I found that during the process I had matured a lot. This is how I overcame my difficulty in talking to people.
One day I went to a farm shop. I entered and saw the shop owner bending over with one hand pressed against his thigh and the other hand supporting his lower back. He was struggling to sit in a chair when he saw me. He looked to be in his sixties. I asked him what was bothering him. He said it was a prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc, and every move was painful. I told him, “If you sincerely say, 'Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' Your health will improve.” He said, “Are you a Falun Gong practitioner? I am a Party secretary.” I started talking to him about the CCP's corruption and about all it's harmful campaigns including the Cultural Revolution and the persecution of Falun Gong. He listened attentively. I felt that Master was strengthening me. Suddenly, he stood up, picked up the phone and said, “I'm going to report you to the police. Aren't you afraid?” I thought to myself, “I have said so much, what's left to be afraid of?” I said calmly, “I am not afraid. Every word I said was true.” Then he phoned someone else--perhaps he was just trying to scare me. After he put the phone down, he told me solemnly, “I will quit the CCP.” He opened the drawer and took out a blank sheet of paper, and had me write down his declaration to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations. I warned myself not to develop an attachment of zealotry, as I knew that other practitioners had done far better than I, and there were many others waiting to be saved.
Saving People by Distributing Truth-clarifying Materials
I usually take some truth-clarifying materials with me when I go to the market. I send forth righteous thoughts to clear away evil elements in other dimensions as I walk along. I try to buy only a little so I can patronize more booths and give the materials to more people. If a booth has no customers, I will give the booth owner a copy of the materials and tell them, “You will be blessed for believing in Dafa.” I also give away informational materials when I visit relatives and friends, and take taxis and buses. Most people accept them. I often ride a bicycle at night to distribute truth-clarification materials in villages several miles away. I feel extremely fortunate and proud to be a Dafa practitioner and to do things to validate Dafa.
Compassionate Master is watching over our every step in Fa-rectification cultivation practice. As long as what we want to do is righteous, we will succeed. As Dafa practitioners we must make a priority of giving up fame, gain, and emotion as well as other attachments, which are impeding our cultivation practice amidst Fa-rectification. We need to hold the Fa in our hearts, rectify every act, advance diligently on our path of Fa-rectification, and follow Master to return home.
This concludes my humble cultivation experience sharing. Please kindly point out anything improper. Thank you Master for saving me! Heshi!
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Category: Clarifying the Truth