(Clearwisdom.net) In our locality there is a police officer named Xinmin, who is notorious for his sinister character, cruelty, and coldblooded persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. He followed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) closely in persecuting Falun Gong since the hooligan regime of Jiang Zeming began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, and has spared no effort in suppressing and arresting Falun Gong practitioners. His cruelty and malice was recognized by the CCP and as a reward he was appointed chief of the local police station and chief of the National Security Group.
Out of their goodwill, local practitioners have clarified the facts about Falun Gong to him many times, warning him not to persecute Falun Gong, and that he would ultimately pay for what he did according the heavenly principle of karmic retribution. But he refused to listen and retorted, “This is the only thing that I can do as I do not possess any particular competence or skills.” His words reflected his sinister character. During his term as the chief of the national Security Group, more than 200 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested, among whom 100 were sent to detention centers and brainwashing centers, 40 sentenced to forced labor, and five sentenced to imprisonment.
To escape arrest, some practitioners jumped from their windows on high floors and died when they hit the ground. Some practitioners were forced to become homeless and for many years their whereabouts were completely unknown. Relatives of some practitioners died due to the overwhelming terror. Their families broke up and were decimated. Many practitioners' home were ransacked. The practitioners' private property, valued at about 25,000 yuan, was confiscated, and they were forced to pay the police more than 400,000 yuan in fines. The employers of the persecuted practitioners were also forced to pay more than 320,000 yuan in fines for hiring them. In addition, the police seized more than 4,000 yuan from practitioners' salaries, took away 700 yuan through deception, and stole 600 yuan from the homes of practitioners. The practitioners suffered a total economic loss of more than 750,000 yuan, not to mention all the lost working hours because of the arrests.
Master said,
“Exposing the wicked policemen and bad persons and publicizing their evil deeds is extremely effective at shocking and restraining those irrational, wicked people. At the same time, by clarifying the facts to the people on a local level it most directly exposes, and generates public awareness of, the wicked persecution. It is also a great way to save the people who have been poisoned and deceived by the lies. I hope all Dafa disciples and new students in Mainland China will do this well.” ("Master's Comment on a Student's Article," November 15, 2003)
The local practitioners studied this teaching and shared their understandings with each other. A consensus was reached, that we should expose Xinmin's sinister enterprise to the public. We put our plan into action by cooperating well with each other. Some collected information about the bad things that Xinmin had done and compiled them into a document, and others mailed the document to local authorities. Some made information sheets listing his infamous deeds and attached them to boards, and others posted them in our region, neighborhood, and counties. The police tore them up when they saw them the next day, but we posted them again the following day.
Several days later we received feedback about our effort. Many people, including his friends, relatives, and fellow police officers, found out about his bad qualities, some saying, “We never realized that you were such a bad guy.” He was quite worried about his reputation and attempted to keep practitioners from exposing him further. One day he went to a practitioner's home when a group Fa study being attended by many practitioners was going on. The host, seeing him knocking, refused to open the door. Xinmin pleaded him from outside, “I am not here to arrest you. Please open the door.” When he got inside he said, “I beg you, please do not publicize my activities any longer. I swear to the heavens, I will never arrest you again.” He truly kept his promise from then on. Our cultivation environment became much less suppressive than before, and we performed better in doing the three things.
We later we shared our understandings on this matter and enumerated the lessons to be learned from it. In the following I will share some of my personal understandings.
1. Setting Right the Starting Point When Exposing Evil
Many practitioners were afraid that exposing the evil would incur revenge. This thought is precisely a manifestation of the attachment of being afraid, which is based on the logic of everyday people. As cultivators of Dafa, there is no reason for us to be afraid. It is the evil that is afraid – they are extremely wary that their evildoing could be exposed to the public. They are afraid of being dismissed from their posts. They are afraid that they will someday be punished for the bad things they have done, by the universal law of karmic retribution. They fear curses from their friends and relatives, who might cast them out of their community like a cur. It is fear that fills their minds. By contrast, we Dafa practitioners are the guards of the cosmos that represents the righteous force. In history the evil never stood a chance in overwhelming justice. If we are free from any human attachment while exposing the evil, we will certainly prevail, just as Master said, “...just by remaining unmoved you could handle all situations.” ("Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference")
Teacher taught us,
“We expose the evildoers and that vile party in order to stop the wicked persecution, and it is done to awaken and save the sentient beings who have been deceived by the evil.” (“We Are Not 'Getting Political'”)
Master explicitly pointed out the goal of exposing the evil. We bear no grudge against the police or individuals who persecute us, nor any resentment or hatred. What we do is stop them from continuing to do bad things, and save the local people.
2. Proper Emphasis and Clearly Exposing the Details
We have shared with fellow practitioners many times that our exposure of the perpetrators should be as complete as possible. The details should include their names, employers, post, home address, telephone numbers, and the same information about their close relatives.
The former chief of the National Security Group moved to another city after a local practitioner visited his home to clarify the facts about Falun Gong to him. For quite a long time has he been wondering how the practitioners found his home address and his wife's name.
The stories of perpetrators should be supplemented by the persecution cases they were involved in. The descriptions should provide the details, like how many practitioners were killed, disabled, arrested, and imprisoned. Data about funds extorted and personal property confiscated are also very important. We should use many different channels to publicize the perpetrators intensively in a certain period of time, like leaflets, posters, mail, text messages, and telephone broadcasts.
Another suggestion is to maximize the deterrent effect in the hearts of perpetrators by focusing our exposure on no more than two cases at a time.
3. Taking the Initiative to Expose the Evil
In many cases we don't go ahead and expose the persecution and the evil until practitioners are persecuted. It is definitely useful and necessary. However, if we can expose the evil before they carry out their persecution, we can minimize our losses. This is particularly true for practitioners from places where the evil is still rampant. Let us take action to single out the worst perpetrators and expose their evildoing completely. It will work whether we do it after the persecution or before the persecution. In a certain sense, we are taking initiative either way.
At this final stage of Fa rectification, our cultivation environment should improve, since so many sentient beings are still waiting for our salvation.
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