(Clearwisdom.net) Note by the writer: I organized this article for this fellow practitioner. She is 58 years old. Her face shows no wrinkles and shines with a healthy complexion. For a person who wanted to end her life 14 years ago because she could no longer bear the suffering of her illnesses, she is now healthy, managing 20 Chinese acres of land and looking after her disabled husband. Her experiences validate that Dafa is miraculous.
1. I Started Practicing Falun Gong, and My Illnesses Disappeared in Seven Days
I started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. My mother-in-law saw that I had multiple illnesses, so she asked me to practice Falun Gong. She told me that Falun Gong had special healing power, and she gave me the book Zhuan Falun before she left. This was during the winter. The hand I held the book with did not feel cold; instead it felt warm.
I placed the book in a cabinet after I returned home and didn't start to learn the Fa right away. In 1998 my younger sister-in-law started practicing Falun Gong. By that time I had been bedridden due to my illnesses for a long time. She took me to her home and asked me to learn the Fa. I saw that there were colorful circles revolving everywhere in the room as soon as I entered her home, and I saw red light illuminating the room. (Later I learned that the circles were Falun.) I also saw Master's law body, and I felt a comfortableness that I had never felt before while I listened to the fellow practitioners reading the Fa.
That same day I watched a videotape of Master's Fa lecture at her home, and she taught me the exercises. In the evening we went to the group practice site to join the group Fa study and group exercises. Within seven days, the illnesses that I had had for many years all disappeared, including rheumatism, angina pectoris, protrusion of intervertebral disc, and headaches. (I had sought both Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatments for nearly 20 years, but had found no cure.) Master purified my body, pulled me back from my struggle on the verge of death, and turned me into a healthy person.
2. Passing Tests with Firm Belief in Master and the Fa
The day after the Chinese New Year in 2008, I suddenly felt weak. My body was skewed to one side, and my mouth and eyes also drooped on one side. These were symptoms of a stroke. I had a dream that night. In the dream I pulled up a scallion (Chinese pronunciation is “cong”) and someone gave me a set of keys. After I woke up, I came to understand that with the keys, Master was giving me a hint to look inside for the reason when I have a problem, and with the scallion (“cong”) Master was giving me a hint that I was encountering retribution, and I must break through (Chinese pronunciation “chong”) the barrier. I burst into tears after I came to understand the hints.
Three days later, I went out to distribute truth-clarification materials. I walked in the ankle-deep snow, carried the materials with me, and distributed the truth materials door-by-door. I had only the thought of saving lives in my mind and did not give any thought to my physical condition. On my way home after distributing the materials, I found that my legs were much stronger, and my gait was not as skewed. I started reciting, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” in my mind afterwards. One night I had a dream. In the dream, I saw the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good!” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” everywhere in my room. They were floating in the air, and they appeared on my blanket and on the walls. The stroke symptoms disappeared in ten days, and my physical condition returned to normal.
In the winter of 2009, while expending excessive effort working, I heard a heavy “click” sound in my back. I thought that my back was broken, and I immediately began sweating profusely from the pain. I stopped and could not move. I then realized that my thoughts were not correct. I have Master's protection, and I should not have any problems. Moreover, I had not yet finished my mission of saving lives. As soon as my righteous thoughts came forth, I felt a kind of force correct my back. I tried walking a few steps, and it was not as painful. I kept reading the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending righteous thought as usual after I went home. When I woke up the next morning, my physical condition returned to normal, and it was like nothing had happened. It was just like Master had said, “Good or evil comes from that instant thought.” (“Lecture Four” from Zhuan Falun)
3. Master Is Protecting Dafa Disciples All the Time
In my village I was the only one who was fortunate enough to start practicing Falun Gong. But less than a year after I started practicing Falun Gong, I lost my cultivation environment due to the persecution. However, I firmly believed in Master and believed that Dafa is righteous. My experiences are evidence that “Falun Dafa is good!”
I am a farmer. Because my husband had bone necrosis in both his knees, I had to provide for the entire family by myself. My family has nine Chinese acres of rice fields and 11 Chinese acres of other farmland. I was the only one to take care of this land, from planting to harvesting. Even during the busiest time of farm work, I read the Fa regularly. When I opened Zhuan Falun, I felt steadfast in my mind, and the exhaustion from the long day of work suddenly disappeared. I could see each character in Zhuan Falun emitting golden light, and I could quickly calm my mind to read the Fa. When the farm work was extremely busy, I recited “Falun Dafa is good!” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” in my mind, or I recited Master's poems from Hong Yin. No matter how hard the farm work was, I felt no difficulties. When I walked, the young men could not catch up with me. One time when I went out to distribute truth-clarification materials and I needed to cross a small river about four yards wide, I went across the river like I was afloat in the air, with the effort of only lifting my leg. This again demonstrated that Dafa is miraculous.
One night a fellow practitioner and I went out to distribute truth-clarification materials. We saw several young men chatting on the road leading in and out of the village. Considering that two women exiting the village in the middle of the night would arouse their suspicion, the other practitioner and I sent out a righteous thought to have these young men go home quickly. They soon dispersed and left for home. Before we had walked very far, a man about 50 years old walked toward us. The other practitioner knew him. He had listened to the wicked Party's propaganda and often tore up truth-clarification materials. The fellow practitioner asked that we leave quickly. Before we'd gotten very far, I heard the sound of a car behind me. I sped up and sent a thought that the car would not catch up with me. As soon as I got home and closed my door, the car stopped in front of my home. It then left in a short while, leaving the way he came. I thought afterwards that he probably found truth-clarification material at his door, and he drove his car out to find us. However, he would never have thought that, although his car was fast, he could not catch up with a Dafa practitioner's supernormal power.
On another night, another practitioner and I went to a village to distribute materials. A car stopped next to us, and we saw that it was a police vehicle. We did not panic. I sent out a thought that we came to save lives, including the police. We then walked by the vehicle, and it seemed that they didn't see us. We then went to another alley. It was miraculous that the dogs didn't bark that day. When we walked to the end of the village, we saw the police vehicle still patrolling there, and at times they even got out of the vehicle to check around. Later the vehicle drove away. We went home without any difficulties after we finished distributing the materials.
Please point out any mistakes in my understanding.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth