Image for article New Brunswick, NJ: Shen Yun Sparkles Amidst Thunderous Applause (Photos)

Dance teacher: “I was moved by the dance sets that represent freedom and doing the right thing and goodness prevailing over evil. Tears welled in my eyes.”

Image for article Villagers in Qingyuan County Sign a Petition to Demand the Release of Ms. Liu Liying

Citizens are outraged by a recent mass arrest of Falun Gong practitioners by plainclothes police.

Image for article Chinese Communist Party Exerts Pressure on South Korea to Cancel Scheduled Press Conference to Expose Organ Harvesting (Photos)

A press conference scheduled for November 1 at the South Korea Press Center to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners was canceled unexpectedly. The press conference was instead held in front of the Press Center, calling attention to both the CCP's crimes and Beijing's interference in South Korea.

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