(Clearwisdom.net) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been persecuting Falun Gong for more than 12 years. However, Falun Gong practitioners have not been intimidated; instead, we have become mature and sophisticated in cultivation, clarifying the facts, and saving people. As the CCP's lies and persecution about Dafa have been widely exposed, more and more everyday people have learned the facts about the unlawful and inhumane persecution that has ultimately failed. The following are some experiences our local practitioners have had that show how the precious Chinese people have awakened to the truth.
One day several practitioners went to a village to distribute informational materials. When they were wondering which way to go, a 50-year-old local man went up to them and asked, “Who are you?” Uncertain about his intention, the practitioners didn't answer him, so he left. But he turned back and asked again, “Are you Falun Gong practitioners? If you are, I'd like to be your guide because the roads in our village are quite confusing.” The practitioners believed that he was trustworthy, so they followed him and were able to distribute all the materials throughout the area. Afterwards they returned home safely.
A practitioner came across a relative whom she had not seen for years. She asked her relative what he did for living, and he told her that he was working at the local police station. Then the practitioner said, “Please remember not to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.” After hearing the facts about the persecution, the police officer withdrew from the CCP. He also told the practitioner, “In the past we did arrest many Falun Gong practitioners, men and women, young and old. They were all very tolerant and peaceful, with an attitude that I have never seen among CCP members. In my opinion, Falun Gong will be able to defeat the CCP with the power of morality. You know what? We police officers talk about (persecuting) Falun Gong in a blustering manner, but we all have a high opinion of them.”
Several times when we were distributing Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs, some people asked, “Are these DVDs Falun Gong's? I will only take them if they are.” Others said, “Falun Gong is much better than the CCP. The CCP has only lied to people, but Falun Gong practitioners truly care for everyone.”
When distributing truth-clarification calendars, an 80-year-old practitioner simply said to passersby, “Calendars, calendars! Learn the truth, and have good fortune!” She also told those who wanted calendars to repeat, “Falun Dafa is great; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is great.” Not only people from her own village asked her for Dafa calendars, villagers from all over especially went to her village, too.
A young man loved the picture Fortune Dolls on the calendar and said, “I am looking for something to hold in my hands when I have my wedding video shot. Can I hold this calendar in my video?” The practitioner said, “That's a great idea. How fortunate you are to hold a Dafa calendar in your video.” The young man seemed very pleased with his idea.
A former forced labor camp worker asked for six more calendars after getting one for himself, saying that the extras were for his relatives. Another person asked others when Dafa practitioners would come to the local bazaar again to give out calendars, as he had just missed them.
We local practitioners have been using yuan bills with truth-clarification messages written on them. Although local governments have tried various means to stop the use of these bills, more and more people are willing to accept and use them. For example, a practitioner paid a fruit vendor 10 yuan with 10 new one-yuan bills with truth-clarification messages. The new bills caught the attention of a middle-aged woman beside the vendor, and she was curious, “Look, there are words on the money. Can I have a look?” The vendor, a 60-year-old man, said, “Sorry. These bills are for good fortune, and I am not going to use them. I am going to keep them safe at home.”
I used to mix bills with truth-clarification words and regular ones when I paid. But lately I only had bills with messages on them. Once a cashier read the words aloud in public, “Falun Dafa is great.” Another time after I had handed my money to a cashier in a store, he asked the owner if he should take my bills because they had words them. The owner answered, “What's the big deal? It's not a problem as long as they are not counterfeit.”
As the Chinese New Year was drawing near, a lot of people were buying and selling in their local markets. A vendor practitioner was telling his fellow vendors the facts about Falun Gong and the CCP while they were all doing business. He said, “No matter what you believe, don't believe the CCP.” All the vendors shouted at once, “Who believes in the CCP? The CCP is brutal!” Then they all laughed.
A worker would read aloud the words on the notes in the brainwashing center where he was working. He not only quit his memberships in the CCP and all it affiliated organizations, but also expressed his respect for the founder of Falun Gong. He learned the Falun Gong meditation exercise as well.
A warden in a local city detention center said in a speech to the general inmates, “I agree with Falun Gong's principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”
Another practitioner who had been released from a forced labor camp shared with fellow practitioners his experiences in the camp. Because most wardens there knew that Falun Gong practitioners were good people, they did not treat practitioners as offenders. Around 80 to 90 percent of the other inmates had quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations with the help of Dafa practitioners. An inmate liked to show his respect to practitioners by saying, “Falun Dafa is great!”
A woman who is not a practitioner often helps practitioners to distribute truth-clarification materials. She told us, “Please involve me in your distribution work because I want to obtain some virtue and save people, too. Heaven is watching what people are doing.”
I would like to say “Happy Chinese New Year” to our esteemed Master for his merciful salvation through extending the Fa-rectification time in order for more people to be saved and for more opportunities for practitioners to fulfill our oaths and build our mighty virtue.
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