(Clearwisdom.net) Master's Hong Yin III has been published on the Internet. I was so happy that I didn't wait for the book and immediately downloaded the whole thing, word by word, and put it into a binder. While I was copying the poems, I was trying to memorize them and enjoyed the paintings. Master's poems are very engaging and easy to learn. Within a few days, I was able to recite part of Hong Yin III, and at the same time, noticed a magical change.
Some time ago, I was easily distracted, felt drowsy, cranky and ineffective, as if there was a layer of film between the Fa and me, causing interference for my Fa study. Whenever I started to study the Fa, I felt sleepy within 20 minutes regardless of how hard I tried to stay awake. Frustrated, I had to put away my Dafa book and take a rest. However, I was unable to sleep. I felt helpless and unable to make a breakthrough. Who would have known: Since reciting Hong Yin III, my situation has changed. When I study now, I do not get cranky or sleepy, and the layer of film between the Fa and me has disappeared. Every word of the Fa enters my mind. One time when my family was out of town, I was able to do what I should: Recite the Fa, send righteous thoughts, do the Falun Gong exercises, and read three lectures of Zhuan Falun. I did not feel sleepy at all and my mental state was very good. I finally broke through the interference.
In the past, whenever I sent forth righteous thoughts, it was like routine business. Because I didn't have a calm mind, I was always thinking about human things and I was ineffective. So, I was afraid to send righteous thoughts and didn't do much about it, either. I used to think of myself as being big and tall when sending forth righteous thoughts. But I ended up being as small as an everyday person. One day while sending forth righteous thoughts, as soon as I held my right hand erect, Master's Fa immediately entered my mind,
“Looking down at the human world
Planet Earth looks like a tiny pellet”
(“Holding the Wheel,” Hong Yin III)
Immediately I felt that the earth looked very small in front of me and that my own body seemed extremely huge, with tremendous energy. It seemed that my third eye shot out the word “destroy” over and over, covering up the small planet earth in order to destroy the evil there. I was then thinking that I should use the divine super power that Dafa bestows to destroy evil elements in mainland China.
On another occasion, when sending forth righteous thoughts I felt that I had come to a mountain cave, where I saw an evil bird over a foot long flying in. I tried to beat it with a Fa instrument but was unsuccessful. Then I thought of having a net to catch it. Then, immediately, a white, transparent net fell on the bird and trapped it. But, instantly, the evil bird turned itself into 4 or 5 identical ones that flew out of the net. Again I sent out many Fa instruments to kill them.
Looking around the mountain cave, I realized that it must be a breeding ground for evil and that it must be demolished. Thinking that it would be great if there was a bulldozer, suddenly, a few bulldozers materialized to level off the mountain cave, turning it into a small slope. At that moment, again I thought of Master's Fa,
“The slopes coated with lush grass
The halls and pavilions glorious”
(“Entering a Sacred State of Mind,” Hong Yin III)
Through reciting Hong Yin III, great changes have taken place within me. How great the miraculous power of Dafa really is! Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!
Fellow practitioners, kindly point out any errors in my understanding.
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