(Clearwisdom.net) Every time after reading about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners on the Internet, I would feel really bad and it would take a long time for me to calm back down. What could I, and should I do? Dafa practitioners should form one body, and as a part of the body, I should be supporting it. So one day, I finally decided to call one of the individuals responsible for persecuting practitioners.
I called the Secretary of Discipline of a research institute in Jilin Province. Practitioners in China know that this position is responsible for many instances of persecution. My main purpose was to stifle the evil and assist fellow practitioners. After I said to him that he must stop persecuting so and so, he immediately turned off his cell phone. I sensed that when he heard what I said, he was frightened and full of fear.
Recently, the blocking of Internet access has been a common CCP tactic. However, I was able to get on the Internet and find a case in which a police officer illegally arrested a practitioner and detained him in a prison. I called this officer from Pinan County, Hebei Province, and told him that “Good is rewarded with good, and evil is met with due retribution,” and that his participation in the persecution would bring bad things to him. He kept listening over the phone and did not say anything.
The warnings I gave to the individuals above were intended to restrain the persecution. At the time, I had no fear, just like what Teacher had said,
“If you are not afraid, the factor that would make you afraid will cease to exist.”
(“Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)” from Essentials for Further Advancement II)
However, I now understand that I should have done this more rationally and I should pay more attention to safety.
The following is my own understanding about making phone calls. Fa-ratification is in its last phase. If all practitioners in China with the means to make calls called these bad people (make sure not to use local phone numbers), instead of relying on overseas practitioners to make the calls, wouldn't this represent a step forward in forming a whole body? I think it would put greater restraint on those who participate in the persecution. It would also help to clean up more evil beings in other dimensions. Those who have committed crimes would become afraid, and our efforts would be a heavy blow to the persecutors.
Please point out anything that is improper in my understanding. Heshi.
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