Name: Zhu Changming (朱长明)
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Address: Donggang, Liaoning Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: April 9, 2002
Most Recent Place of Detention: Shenyang No.1 Prison (沈阳第一监狱)
City: Donggang
Province: Liaoning
Persecution Suffered: Forced labor, brainwashing, illegal sentencing, beatings, hung up, imprisonment, solitary confinement, torture, detention
( Mr. Zhu Changming, a 47-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Donggang, Liaoning Province, was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment for remaining steadfast in his belief. Mr. Zhu graduated from the Physics Department in Liaoning University. For the past 10 years, he has been enduring torture in Shenyang No. 1 Prison. Over the past year, he has been denied visits from family members. Every time his family has asked to see him, the guards have turned them away citing his refusal to give up his belief. In order to torture Mr. Zhu, the guards also placed him in solitary confinement. He was not allowed to return home when his father passed away, and the prison even refused to give him a message when his mother-in-law died on November 7, 2010.
On February 20, 2012, Mr. Zhu's younger brother made another request to visit him. Guards turned down his request again. According to inside sources, Mr. Zhu is currently in critical condition.
Mr. Zhu was sentenced to prison in June 2002. In July of that year, he was taken to the No. 15 Ward in Shenyang No. 1 Prison. Presently, he is in the No. 9 Ward. The following is information we obtained about the persecution he has suffered.
1. The Persecution Zhu Changming Has Endured in Shenyang No. 1 Prison
Mr. Zhu is currently incarcerated in Shenyang No. 1 Prison. Every day practitioners are forced to do slave labor. If they fail to meet set quotas, the guards use it as an excuse to torture them. At the same time, practitioners are brainwashed. Because he refuses to give up his belief, Mr. Zhu has been subjected to all kinds of torture. Below are several incidents describing what he has had to endure in Ward No. 15.
On December 22, 2004, Mr. Zhu wrote a letter to ward officers, stating, “It is not a crime to practice Falun Gong and promote the practice. I am not a criminal, so I will not go along with any 'rehabilitation' measures implemented by the prison to reform criminals.” From that day onwards, he refused to do any slave labor.
On the morning of April 1, 2005, deputy head of the ward Wang Chi ordered Mr. Zhu to do slave labor. He refused to obey. Prisoner Su Changjiang shoved Mr. Zhu into the guards' office and, together with prisoners Wang Yongjun and Zhao Baicheng, they took turns beating him for approximately half an hour. Afterwards, prisoner Dai Liming stabbed Mr. Zhu several times in his right ribcage area with a walking stick. The beating and abuse went on until lunch time.

Torture Reenactment: Vicious beatings
Around 8:30 that night, prisoner Zhang Jie lured Mr. Zhu to the library. There, Zhang and fellow inmates Dai Liming, Zhao Baicheng, and Du Song started to beat him again.
On the afternoon of April 4, prisoners Wang Yongjun, Wu Zhongquan, and Liu Yankui dragged Mr. Zhu into the warehouse and beat him. The next day around 8 a.m., Li Chong and Wu Zhongquan carried him into the warehouse and shoved him to the ground. Wu Zhongquan kicked his right thigh while Wang Yongjun gagged his mouth with a torn towel and proceeded to kick him. As a result of these brutal beatings, for a long time Mr. Zhu suffered from pain in his chest and back and had difficulty walking. On the third day, in the afternoon, his family came to visit him, but the guards turned them guards. Mr. Zhu was put in solitary confinement for over a month.
2. Zhu Changming and His Wife, Liu Mei, Unjustly Sentenced to 13 Years of Imprisonment
In December 2000, Mr. Zhu was seized by the Donggang City Police Department for exposing the facts of the persecution. He subsequently had to spend one year in at Dandong Forced Labor Camp, where he was tortured.
His wife, Liu Mei, is 47 years old this year. Before the persecution, she was a volunteer assistant in charge of the Donggang City Falun Gong practice site. After the persecution began in July 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was illegally arrested and sent to a forced labor camp for two years. She was also held in Dandong Forced Labor Camp and later on transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang.
On April 9, 2002, Mr. Zhu and his wife were arrested again at home for clarifying the facts. Mr. Zhu was hung up and beaten for six days in Donggang City Police Department. Ms. Liu Mei was brutally tortured in detention. For more than four months, she had a high fever, but police refused to get her any medical treatment. She consequently developed acute tuberculosis. In June 2002, agents from Donggang City and Dandong City collaborated to sentence the couple. Many other practitioners, including Li Xinliang and Lian Ping, were seized and sentenced at the same time. Police bound practitioners Ms. Liu Mei, Mr. Zhu Changming, Li Xinliang, and Lian Ping, using ropes and handcuffed them behind their backs. The handcuffs cut into their flesh. They were forced to wear large signs with their names written on them around their necks and taken to Dandong City on a 40-minute drive. A public trial was held in front of Dandong City Police Department, and the couple was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment. Today, both of them are still imprisoned.

Torture Reenactment: Handcuffing behind the back
On November 2002, Ms. Liu was sent to prison by the Donggang City 610 Office and police department personnel, despite being previously rejected by the prison for being severely ill. She was detained in the ward for the elderly and handicapped at Dabei Prison in Shenyang. Her right hand became handicapped as a result of torture. For the past 10 years, because she refuses to give up her belief, she has been locked up in the hospital and strictly controlled cell of the women's prison several times. She was tied to a bed and injected with unknown drugs and force-fed unknown substances. In 2004, she vomited up a lot of blood. Upon discharge from the hospital, she was taken to the strictly controlled cell and locked up with prisoners who had hepatitis. Her family requested her release due to her poor health, but their requests were all denied.
3. Based on the Death of Li Xinliang, We Believe That Zhu Changming Is in Critical Condition
Mr. Li Xinliang from Donggang City was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment at the same time as Mr. Zhu and taken to the same prison. Because he refused to give up his belief, he was placed in solitary confinement, subjected to the stretching bed torture, and stabbed with a needle on the hegu acupuncture point of both hands for more than 20 minutes until he became unconscious for more than a minute. As a result of all the torture, Mr. Li contracted acute tuberculosis, left lung atrophy, fluid in the chest, intestinal adhesions, a gastric condition, and other illnesses. He vomited non-stop and later on began vomiting blood until he passed out. Guards forced him to work during the daytime, and at night, he had to sleep on the workshop's ice-cold cement floor. This abuse and mistreatment lasted for over six months. Mr. Li Xinliang finally passed away on January 25, 2012.\
Torture Reenactment: Stretching bed
The death of Li Xinliang as a result of abuse and torture is a clear indication of the real reason why Shenyang No. 1 Prison has repeatedly not allowed Mr. Zhu Changming's family to visit him for over a year. The communist regime usually refuses to permit practitioners' families to visit due to the following circumstances:
1) The practitioner refuses to give up his belief and the prison is resorting to inhuman torture to “transform” him.
2) The practitioner has been tortured beyond recognition. He has become either handicapped or suffered a severe mental collapse.
3) The practitioner is in a critical condition.
4) The practitioner has died from torture or his organs have been removed.
We believe Mr. Zhu Changming's life is in danger. We therefore sincerely appeal to the international community and people with a sense of justice. Please help rescue him from prison.
Liaoning Province Prison Management Bureau's Supervision Department: +86-24-86904274 or +86-24-86906699 ext. 3057
Prison Affairs Department: +86-24-86906547
No. 15 Ward of Shenyang No. 1 Prison: +86-24-89296320
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