(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1997, when I was a high school student. After the massive persecution started in July 1999, my faith in Master and Dafa did not falter. I kept reading Zhuan Falun on my own. I still remember that the summer that year was very oppressive; it could suffocate a person at any time. At that time, I was unclear about the evil in other dimensions. But when I was feeling powerless, I often recited Master's words:
“To put it more simply, as long as you read Dafa, you are changing; as long as you read Dafa, you are elevating. The boundless content of Dafa plus the supplementary means—the exercises—will enable you to reach Consummation. Group reading or reading by yourself is the same.” (“Melt Into the Fa” in Essentials for Further Advancement)
Soon after that, a practitioner began to give me different articles, and I cherished them very much.
In an experience-sharing article from a Minghui editor, she wrote about an exciting moment in her life. That is, one day Master sent over a recent photograph through another practitioner. That photo is the one we see on the Minghui website “Master Li quietly watching the world.” The practitioner said that all genuine practitioners remembered well the date they saw that picture. I also had the same feeling. When a practitioner showed me that photograph to me, I was moved to tears.
Later, Master's article “The Knowing Heart” was published, and we were told to pay attention to Minghui on major issues. Through Fa-study and reading the experience-sharing articles on Minghui, I gradually realized our important mission to assist Master with Fa-rectification and to save sentient beings. During the most difficult days, Minghui provided a platform for us to obtain Master's articles and to exchange understandings among practitioners.
Helping Minghui to Save People on a Larger Scale
I graduated from college in late 2004. When I had a pure thought at the bottom of my heart to save sentient beings, I surprisingly got a satisfactory job. I knew Master saw my righteous mind and helped me.
Not long after that, I bought a computer and was able to visit the Minghui website every day. I also bought a printer and other accessories. Then I realized that, besides reading Minghui articles and preparing truth-clarification materials, I should do more. Many practitioners in my local area were being severely persecuted, and we felt the need to expose the brutality. So I gradually helped practitioners to prepare such articles.
When the First Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China was held, I submitted an article about my personal cultivation experience in the Fa-rectification period. Then I saw Master’s new article “Mature” and felt guilty. This was because my xinxing and realm when writing the article fell far below Master’s expectations. Gradually, I learned more and more. I was able to write about experiences of everyday people who benefited after learning the truth about Dafa. I also wrote some reports on the persecution experienced by other practitioners.
Through this process, I realized that the Minghui website has connected practitioners worldwide, providing a one-body cooperation on a large scale. Therefore, working with Minghui is very important for us to save more sentient beings.
Exposing the Persecution and Saving More People
In 2005 a practitioner who had been imprisoned for four years and tortured was in a life-threatening condition. We discussed this issue and decided to visit her in prison. Even if we could not say anything, our presence would greatly encourage her, since she had been detained there for such a long time.
Her family lived in a city far away. After we put lots of effort into it, we were able to get in touch with them. However, they did not agree that we should visit at all. We looked inward and felt that we should not leave this practitioner unattended because she was suffering so much. The objection from her family was due to their misunderstanding of Dafa and their fear of the wicked Party. Again and again, we communicated with them with compassion; they turned us down again and again. Nonetheless, we did not give up, and in the end we earned their trust.
We witnessed many miracles during this effort of practitioners working together as one-body. When we went to the prison for the first time, the practitioner’s family was afraid that our going might affect them. So they ignored us and went to register themselves at the front desk. In front of the security officers and other people who waited to visit, the four of us practitioners walked directly into the prison. (That is, no one asked us for ID documents, and no one stopped us, either.) We sent forth righteous thoughts many times, asking Master to help us pass on new articles to the detained practitioner. The guard attempted to intervene, but she was not able to say anything. In addition, we were able to get to the practitioner’s bedside as well as to the prison head’s office, and we obtained a large amount of first-hand evidence of the persecution that this practitioner has suffered.
After returning home, we had different opinions on how to use the valuable evidence we had obtained. Some said that, because we recently visited the prison, it would risk our own safety if we provided the evidence to Minghui right away. We then had more discussions and realized that by holding back the information we had, we were actually helping the evil to cover up their crimes. We studied Master’s recent articles and came to understand that were we only to pay attention to our own safety and neglect Master’s words, we would not have been referred to as Dafa disciples. This is how we came to agree to submit the information to Minghui. We also decided to let go of thought for ourselves and to treat this matter with righteous thoughts.
The outcome was very good. The prison officials immediately stopped brutally torturing the practitioner. In addition, for a period of time after that, the prison officials also reduced their persecution of other detained practitioners. Gradually, more and more follow-up reports were published, and practitioners worldwide paid attention to our fellow practitioner's situation; they also began to use different means to rescue the practitioner. The practitioner’s family and classmates also heard about the practitioner’s recent situation from information published on Minghui. From this, they witnessed the miraculous nature of Dafa, and they no longer had negative notions about practitioners. After learning the truth, they chose to stand with practitioners and join together to oppose the persecution.
This experience gave me further understanding about writing articles to expose the persecution. It further showed me how we are helping to disintegrate the evil and save sentient beings. This also paved the path for me to later continue doing this.
Becoming a Minghui Correspondent
Several articles were published on Minghui in 2010 about how to better prepare truth-clarification materials specific to each region. After reading the materials that were distributed in my local area, I noticed several shortcomings. For example, most of the publicized incidents had occurred in other regions; the exposure of persecution was not timely, and sometimes there was a lag time of several months. In addition, I noticed that our materials lacked examples of people who benefited after learning the truth, that is, stories that would help people to easily understand the wonderfulness of Dafa.
Therefore, I collected many incidents like this. I also asked practitioners about their experiences in this regard and collected more information. In this way, in order to better save sentient beings, we came up with a new collection of truth-clarification materials.
During those days, I read almost every article published on Minghui, and the Minghui editors also helped me a lot. I saved the drafts of all the articles I submitted, and by comparing them with the published version sentence by sentence, I was able to see where I could improve.
I have been fortunate to work with other practitioners on Minghui, and I will do better in the future.
Thank you very much, Master.
Views expressed in this article represent the author's own opinions or understandings. All content published on this website are copyrighted by Minghui.org. Minghui will produce compilations of its online content regularly and on special occasions.