(Minghui.org) Professor Reid has seen Shen Yun three times. Every year he looks forward to the arrival of Shen Yun. As this year has been too busy, he was unable to go see the show, which is something he regretted. His research team consists of ten Chinese who hold Ph.D. and Master degrees. I told Professor Reid, “How about you introduce Shen Yun to your students? I hope they do not miss the once in a year chance to see Shen Yun.” I have previously introduced this group to Shen Yun, but because of various reasons, only a few could attend. He said to me, “They might not all be able to afford it. Let me buy their tickets. That way, they will all be able to go.”
Professor Reid's words gave me an unexpected surprise. I thought to myself, “He really is a very clear person. He knows what is precious.” When his students heard that their professor had bought them all tickets to see Shen Yun, they all cheered. One student who had just arrived from China and had not yet been in the country for even a whole day was experiencing a fever, yet he was still willing to go with the group. After those ten Chinese Ph.D. and Master degree holders had all seen this year's Shen Yun performance, they all agreed that it was incredibly beautiful. Upon seeing his students happy, Professor Reid was also happy.
Along with the previous event, another event made me surprised. Once when drinking coffee, he asked me about the latest news about China. I naturally just clarified the truth about Falun Gong. After, I asked him if he could understand. He said, “Of course I can. I know Falun Dafa is good.” One colleague asked him, “If you said that in China you would be arrested, what would you do?” He said, “I'd just say Falun Dafa is good!”
I remembered what he said, so I found a chance to ask Professor Reid a question alone. “Are you interested in practicing Falun Dafa?” He said that he was. I asked further, “So, are you willing to cultivate Falun Dafa for the rest of your life?” He said, “That's what I'm thinking.” I asked him, “What about your original belief?” He said, “I now believe in Falun Dafa.” He went on to say, “You are different from other Chinese. You always consider others. You have a good heart. It's because you cultivate Falun Dafa that I also want to cultivate Falun Dafa.”
I could never have imagined he would have said that. I was momentarily unable to speak. I thanked Master for His merciful salvation. I turned to wipe away my tears. I seized the opportunity and asked Professor Reid, “Then, how about we go and read at the local Fa study group?” He asked the time and location. He then felt embarrassed and said, “In fact, I don't have time. Even every meal is eaten in my room. This month I don't have any time to go to anywhere.” I saw his tired face and thought that people are so miserable. I said to him, “Actually, with this type of job it is very easy to quickly feel fatigued and not be so efficient. One probably also feels restless because the pressure is too great. One will be adversely affected. It would be better if we both go to study the Fa. The busier work gets, the more you should leave a little time for yourself. People didn't come to this world to just to work.”
He seriously considered it for a few minutes. Then in a big voice he said, “OK. I'll go to study the Fa in the evening.”
In the evening it was raining. We originally planned to walk. The place we planned to go to was very unfamiliar. I asked Professor Reid if he wanted to go. He didn't hesitate and said, “No problem. As long as we have an umbrella, it's fine.”
Originally I said that we'd just read for an hour and go back to eat dinner. So, fellow practitioners suggested to just read till that point. Professor Reid said, “Can we continue reading? You are all not tired. I'm also not tired.” Thus, we extended study to an hour and a half.
Professor Reid has been persisting to go to the small Fa study group. He also reads Zhuan Falun with me every day online. This professor, who previously often sighed and complained about the heavy burdens of being a university professor, withing only a few days became a person who often bursts into laughter.
Recalling how Professor Reid started cultivating, I always think of how he bought Shen Yun tickets for the Chinese students. I believe that he made the best choice for his life at that very moment.
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