(Minghui.org) In 2002, I was arrested and sent to a forced labor camp, where I was deprived of sleep for six days and nights. The police forced me to squat, and when I couldn't continue due to exhaustion, they beat me and cursed at me. They used such vicious means to torture me only because they wanted to force me to give up practicing Falun Dafa. My legs were seriously injured due to the extreme torture. After six weeks continued persecution, I couldn't even take care of myself.
In the hospital, I was diagnosed with severe muscle atrophy in my legs. When my prison term neared completion, the local 610 Office and the medical security personnel came to pick me up with the intent of transferring me to a brainwashing center. Under Master's compassionate care and guidance, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. During the process, my heart was firmly in Dafa; I knew that cultivating in Dafa is always the right thing to do.
After returning home, I overheard my neighbors and relatives whispering to each other, “He can't live for too long.” From that point on, I firmly told myself. “No matter what ordinary people say or think, that's not what will happen to me.” Then I recalled what Master said in “Eliminate Your Last Attachment” (Essentials for Further Advancement II):
“The truth is, I treasure you more than you treasure yourselves!”
I suddenly felt that Master had given me great strength and confidence. I had faith that my health would recover soon. I knew that I must do what a cultivator should do. I told myself that no matter what, I would cultivate in Dafa without any doubts. I knew that only Dafa could change me, and I must be steadfast. After I enlightened to this, I told myself to begin doing the exercises. Then I asked my wife to help put my legs into the lotus position. She had always objected when I did the exercises. However, after seeing that I might not live for too long, she thought she would take this last opportunity to help me (to practice the exercises). After awhile, she wanted me to put down my legs. I told her that I was fine. And then, Master's words from Zhuan Falun suddenly came to my mind:
"When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it."
About two months later, bathed in Master's Buddha light, and with the help of crutches, I could walk on my own. Shortly after that, my legs were fully recovered, and I could even go to work. When I saw the neighbor who carried me home, he said, “I can't believe that you are still alive; Falun Gong is truly remarkable.” I cried.
If I had not been under Master's care, I wouldn't have survived. In the face of such facts, ordinary people can't help but admire the extraordinary and magical power of Dafa.
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