My family members benefit from Falun Dafa
In the second half of 1997, several members of my family began practicing Falun Dafa. My father had a pinched nerve under the cervical vertebra in his neck, causing numbness in his legs. The doctor told him that it could lead to paralysis and it would cost quite a bit of money to do surgery. However, there was no guarantee of a cure, and our family did not have the means to cover the medical costs. When my father heard that Falun Dafa could bring someone a healthy body, he decided to practice. After a period of time, my father's legs recovered and he felt really good.
When my mother saw the improvements in my father's health and understood that Dafa requires practitioners to be good people, she became very supportive of the practice. However, as my mother could not read, she was not able to have a deeper understanding of the Fa. This is the reason that she did not become a practitioner.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began a nationwide campaign to persecute practitioners in July 1999, and many practitioners were fined, imprisoned, sent to forced labor camps, were fired from work or not allowed to go to school. Some were tortured to death and many ended up with their families broken apart. My sister and I were arrested, which was a big blow to my mother. Local police ransacked our home and threatened my parents, causing my mother to suffer from a mild schizophrenia. After we were released and returned home, we sat down with our mother and told her the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution. As our mother was able to accept that Dafa was good and that practitioners are good people, gradually her health improved and her illnesses disappeared.
When my parents went to the woods to fetch some firewood one day, my mother lost her footing and a sharp branch stuck into the calf. The cut was so deep that my father could see the bone in her leg. He immediately told her to recite: “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” In his heart he also asked Teacher for help. Miraculously, my mother did not bleed and furthermore, she was able to walk five miles to get home. After returning home, they wrapped her leg with a piece of clean cloth. Her calf completely healed after a few days. Those who knew about my mother's accident were amazed by her miraculous recovery.
My elder sister studied the Fa and did the exercises a few times before the CCP started persecuting practitioners. But when the persecution started, she became fearful and did not practice anymore. Last year, she suddenly lost a lot of weight and went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with having hyperthyroidism - an overactive thyroid. The doctor suggested that she would need to take medicine for a long period of time, but still could not guarantee a full recovery. Her family's finances were not good enough to handle long term medical expenses and she was in despair. I went to her home and told her that she should return to Dafa. Having nowhere else to turn, she began practicing again. When she went back to the hospital a few days later for another examination, the doctor was surprised to discover that her illness had disappeared.
Clarifying the facts to save sentient beings
An elderly gentleman, about seventy years old, and his wife came to the small retail shop that I run. He was in a wheelchair, and apparently suffered from thrombosis and had difficulty standing up by himself. I was hoping that he could be saved by Dafa, so I told him about the practice and the persecution. Finally, I told him to sincerely recite the words, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” so that his health would improve. He appeared fearful and did not say anything.
About half a month later, this man came back to my shop. This time he walked in by himself. I was happy to see him in such good spirits and health. When I asked him how was he feeling now, he replied excitedly, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. I have recovered fully by reciting these words.” Everyone in the shop could hear him. I was moved by his words and happy for the sentient beings who were listening.
When I was detained by the authorities one time, I was kept in a room with other women. The next room was where the men were detained. There was only a wall separating us, and we could easily talk to one another. I did not care who they were and clarified the facts to them whenever there was an opportunity. The response was pretty good at the beginning. But then one day people began shouting at me with obscene words and slandered me. I thought that as a practitioner I should not fight back, so I did not say anything. However, the abuse went on and was getting worse. Every time I went to the restroom, I had to pass by their window and they used the opportunity to insult me further. I began to look inward and searched for my attachments. I was not reacting to what they said, so why did they continue to insult me? Then, I realized that I needed to have more compassion; just refusing to pay attention to them was not enough.
I took the time to explain the Fa principles to them one day. They remained quiet while they listened. Finally, a person from the other room said, “She is a good person. Anyone says bad things about her again, I will beat him up.” From that time on no one slandered me anymore. When I passed by their window, many of them offered me food that they had bought. Of course I thanked them, but did not take anything from them.
When a warden saw them offering me food, he shouted at them. A person from the room said, “We are on the same path as her.” The warden looked at me and said to that person, “How could you be on the same path as a Dafa practitioner? She is after spiritual development. What did you do in our society?” I was deeply moved after hearing the warden's words. Even these inmates had a good side, it is just that they were misguided by the CCP into believing in atheism, causing them to lose their moral standards.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth