(Minghui.org) I am a retired soldier and a peasant. In the past, I made a living by taking on short-term jobs. However, then I became handicapped and could not take care of myself for four years. On January 23 of this year, I began practicing Falun Dafa. Since then, I have experienced the wonders of Falun Dafa and many miraculous changes have taken place in my body. Falun Dafa is a very high-level and good cultivation practice. I would like report on my cultivation experience of the past several months to Master and fellow practitioners.
1. Master Led Me to Falun Dafa
January 23 was the Chinese New Year, but I could not visit my family. Due to my circumstances, I was forced to search through trash [for sellable items] to make a living. I went to a school to pick up trash and suddenly heard a voice behind me, “Even on this New Year’s Day, you still come out here to pick up trash!” I slowly turned around and saw a woman. I told her that I was handicapped. The woman said: “Oh! How come your face has so many deep scars? You must have some bitterness in your heart. If you sincerely recite ‘Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!’ not only will you gain better health, but also the bitterness in your heart will melt away.” Hearing this, I was stunned. I immediately repeated, “ Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I said to the woman: “Several times I picked up your pamphlets about Falun Dafa, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and Shen Yun Performing Arts. I read them and did not want to sell them for money, so I gave them to my friends, relatives and neighbors.”
I kept talking to the woman and told her that I had served in the military for four years. After retiring I went back to the countryside. I wanted to build a house on the land where my previous house had been located. However, I needed to get approval from many different government officials. The officials led me around in circles and I was not able to obtain the permits for a long time. I eventually went to the provincial capital to resolve this problem. I had spent lots of money, but nothing was fixed.
Later my 13-year-old daughter quit school, and my wife left home to work. My youngest daughter was only several months old at the time. In order to make a living, I walked with my bad feet and picked through the trash to find and sell anything of value to make a living. Soon my wife complained and wanted to divorce. She also let my elder daughter, who was not yet 18 years old, to get married. With so much anger inside me, I used a knife to slash the skin on the left side of my face twice and on the right side of my face three times. I did that trying to commit suicide, but I failed. I also drank poison used by the farmers, but still I did not die. Now I understand that Master was taking care of me and keeping me alive.
“At that time my life was so miserable that I thought it was worse than death!” I told the woman. “I was thinking every day that if I could meet with Falun Dafa practitioners that would be very good indeed. Finally, today I met you!”
The kind woman saw that I eagerly wanted to cultivate, so she gave me a lot of Dafa materials without any hesitation. She also gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun and the exercises instructional DVD. I was very, very excited. I felt as if I was very dry grass finally meeting pleasant rain.
The woman told me that in the morning when she did the Falun Dafa exercises, she saw an image of Zhuan Falun flying around outside my window. She did not know the reason for this vision until we met. She realized that it was Master who had lead her to help me obtain the Fa and give me this book!
2. Miracles Occurred After Only One Month of Practice
I brought lots of Dafa books and materials home that day. I read Dafa teachings past 2 a.m. everyday, and that helped me forget the pains and fatigue of the day. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. Every sentence of Master’s lectures touched my heart.
On January 26, after my wife left home to go to work, I began to learn the exercises according to Master’s instruction on the DVD. I practiced all of the movements and felt great. Since then, I have had lots of energy and I feel very light. I could see many transparent Falun rotating around my body when doing the exercises. Each time I read the Fa, my tears came and I did not know why.
One week later, I went to that woman's home and she let me see Master’s photo. I saw Master’s body moving in the photo. I initially thought that my eyes had problems, but later realized that Master was encouraging me.
Several weeks later, while I was sharing my cultivation experience with my fellow practitioner (the woman mentioned above), I shouted with big surprise, “See the Falun!” Two big Falun rotated separately around my chest and stomach, and I felt a moving sensation. The fellow practitioner said that I should not intentionally sense the Falun and that I should just let it be. Soon the Falun moved into my lower abdomen. We kept talking, and after a while I saw a big Falun again and felt a big force, which prompted me to turn my body sideways. We kept talking further, and then I saw an image of Master. I shouted happily, “Master is standing outside the room that has Master’s photo!” “That is Master’s Law Body,” said the fellow practitioner. “Indeed, you have a deep predestined relationship!” Later, every time I went to this woman's house, I could see Master’s Law Body.
Once when I read Zhuan Falun, I found the book was talking to me. Another time when I was working in the farm field, I experienced the state of opening the Celestial Eye, exactly as Master described:
“…when looking at your forehead and the Celestial Eye during the sitting meditation, some of you sense that it is dark inside the forehead, and that there is nothing there. As time passes, one will find that it gradually turns white in the forehead. After a period of cultivation practice, one will discover that it gradually begins to be bright inside the forehead, and then it turns red. ” (Zhuan Falun)
When I practiced the “Holding the Wheel in Front of the Head” movement of the second exercise, the Falun was rotating back and forth in front of my eyes. The scars on the right side of my face felt like they were moving away from my body. During the “Holding the Wheel Above the Head” posture, I felt like I was wearing a hat with no cover, and the Falun flew up and down. When I was doing the “Holding the Wheel on Both Sides of the Head” posture, I felt the Falun flying around my hands and ears. My good hand felt strong and the hand affected by paralysis felt very weak.
When I practiced the sitting meditation, countless Falun continuously flew out from my hands. I also felt the energy being absorbed into my hands, moving from my arms to the top of my head, and then springing out like a water fountain. My head felt cool and light. I had never experienced that comfortable of a feeling. After that, the long scars on the left side of my face were healed and the scars on the right side of my face were greatly reduced. My sickly, yellowish completion changed to a healthy reddish color. When the folks in my village saw me again, they exclaimed: “You are full of energy!”
3. Clarifying the Truth to Fulfill My Destiny
During the past several months, what I saw and experienced through cultivation enhanced my confidence in the practice. I've realized that my mission is to validate the Fa and help Master save sentient beings. This is my destiny from even before I came into the human world. Thus, I am determined to try my best to fulfill my destiny.
After I began to practice Falun Dafa, each time I went to pick up trash, I always brought all kinds of truth-clarification materials with me. Whenever I ran into strangers or met people that I know, I told them that Falun Dafa is good. I also told them that Falun Dafa is a righteous way and that it has spread around the whole world; Zhuan Falun has been translated into over 30 languages. I also explained the facts about the Communist Party-staged self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square and encouraged people to withdraw from the Party and its affiliated organizations. Most of them agreed to quit the Party. After explaining the facts, I would give people informational materials. I would then give out any remaining pamphlets on my way home.
Each time I practice Falun Dafa exercises, there are countless Falun rotating inside and outside of my body. I've realized that Master has used this method in order to encourage me and give me courage to clarify the truth as a new practitioner.
On one occasion, I visited a friend who was experiencing many difficulties in life. Even before I opened my mouth, he said: “Before the Spring Festival, I saw that the scars on the left side of your face were very deep and the right side of your face had a large scar that was red and hard. How come they have all disappeared?” I then told him about Falun Dafa. He happily agreed to quit the Communist Party and also said that he wanted to practice Falun Dafa with me.
Two days later, another friend, also in a poor living situation, saw me and said: “Your leg is no longer handicapped, your hand looks quite flexible and you talk very smoothly. What kind of medicine did you take?” I said: “You know that I took treatments from all kinds of doctors. On New Year's Day, I even introduced Dr. Wang to you. I took three of his treatments, and each time I needed to have shots, was given medicines, and also had some physical treatment done. All that was very painful and I didn’t see any positive results. However, during Chinese New Year, I began to practice a high-level cultivation way named Falun Dafa. Since then, I have not gone back to Dr. Wang. My illnesses have been healed.”
Other people who knew me also commented: “You do not look like a handicapped person anymore.” Another friend of mine said: “The Chinese Communist Party does not care about its citizen's lives. I will also practice Falun Dafa. When you have time, please teach me.” I told him: “You should quit the evil party first and then you will have a healthy body and safe future.” He nodded his head in agreement.
While cultivating for several months, I've explained the facts about Falun Dafa to many people. I am grateful to Master for saving me! I will remember Master’s words and will follow Dafa teachings. In the limited time of the Fa-rectification, I will work hard to do the three thingswell to fulfill my destiny. I want to return home with Master!
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