(Minghui.org) The universe is vast; the oceans seem endless. I fell into this material world and lost my direction. I struggled for fame, happiness and personal interests to the point of total exhaustion, both physically and mentally. After developing severe nephritis, I tried many treatments from Western medicine, Chinese medicine, and secret remedies passed down through generations, yet nothing worked. Just as I lost all confidence in living, I was introduced to Falun Dafa in 1995. Since then, Dafa has changed my whole life and given me endless benefits. I would like to take a small corner of Minghui.org to say, “Thank you, Great Master Li Hongzhi, for your grace and salvation!”
Dafa Dispelled My Diseases and Made Me Energetic
I was diagnosed with severe nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) 17 years ago. Back then, my son was still little, and my family was pretty poor. Treating my disease put my family in deep debt. There was no laughter and no happiness in my family. I was under a lot of pressure from life, work, finances, as well as bodily ailments. As a result, my life was shrouded in misery, and I cried frequently. I wanted to end my life to escape the suffering, but when I looked at my little son, I didn't have the heart to do so—I still wanted to live. Thus, I began to search for remedies everywhere, day after day, month after month. I replaced meals with medicines, yet my condition only worsened. Just as I lost all hope, some Falun Dafa practitioners introduced me to Falun Dafa and told me about its miraculous power to heal illnesses. I was deeply imbued with the concepts of atheism and modern science at the time, so it was very difficult for me to believe in miracles. However, I felt that had no other choice and wanted believe it.
Thus, I began to practice Falun Dafa exercises. Within a month, my chronic lethargy disappeared, and I became more and more energetic. My sleep and eating also improved. I was shocked by the miraculous changes in my health. I couldn't quite believe what I experienced, so I went to a hospital for a checkup. It showed that my kidneys functioned normally. I wondered: What is this miraculous power that has saved my life? I borrowed Master Li's book Zhuan Falun and began to read carefully. I was deeply drawn in by the broad teachings in the book and regretted finding this book so late. The joy in my heart could not be described in words. To sum it up in one sentence: This was exactly what I had been looking for.
When I finished reading half of Zhuan Falun, every word on the page suddenly shined like gold. I was shocked. I realized that this was not an ordinary book of qigong. This book is a precious, priceless treasure. I then finished reading Zhuan Falun in one day. It explained all questions that I had pondered all my life: Where did human life come from? Why are human beings living on this Earth? What is the true purpose of being a human being? What is the true meaning of life? Why do humans have diseases?
I understood that Falun Dafa is a cultivation system of the Buddha School and a supernatural science.
Master Li said:
“Nothing is as profound as BUDDHA LAW. Of all teachings in the world it is the most wondrous and highest science. To open up this field, ordinary people have to fundamentally change their way of thinking. Failing that, the reality of the universe will forever remain something of a myth to mankind, and ordinary people will forever grope around inside the box created by their own ignorance.” (Zhuan Falun)
“Its broad and immense, profound inner meaning can only manifest itself to, and be experienced and understood by, practitioners who are at different levels of true cultivation. Only then can one truly see what the Fa is.” (“Broad and Immense” from Essentials for Further Advancement)
Just because human beings are unable to see it or science has yet to discover it does not mean that something does not exist. Dafa purifies one's body and mind from the origin. Since my first reading, I have followed the principles in Zhuan Falun in my cultivation and I have experienced the supernatural power of Dafa: I no longer have any ailments and am full of energy, despite not taking any medicine.
Dafa Purified My Heart
I was born in the period of famine following the Great Leap Forward (an economic and sociopolitical movement of the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, 1958-1961) and almost died of starvation. I then lived through the Cultural Revolution (another sociopolitical movement of the CCP, aiming at eradicating traditional culture, 1966-1976). Having been educated within the CCP culture, I was deeply poisoned and formed a very selfish personality of wanting to defeat others and be the strongest. If others were better than me at something, I became extremely jealous. If anyone hurt me, I would hurt that person even more. I fought hard for my personal interests and lost all sense of tolerance and gentleness as a woman. At home, I fought with my husband and never admitted my mistakes. No matter what I did, I considered my own interests first. Even though I was so selfish and narrow-minded, I still thought of myself as a good person.
After I started Dafa cultivation, I found a huge distance between myself and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In this human society full of material desire and free-falling virtues, I had been swept up by the current and descended with it. After studying the Fa, the principles of Dafa washed the dirt off my heart and flushed away my selfish notions, elevating my virtue.
Master Li said,
“I often say that if all a person wants is the well-being of others and if this is without the slightest personal motivation or personal understanding, what he says will move the listener to tears.” (“Clearheadedness” from Essentials for Advancement)
In my family, I first adjusted my own position and started doing my share of the housework. I considered others in every aspect and began to truly care about my family members. I helped my husband in his career and looked within for my own shortcomings whenever a conflict occurred. From then on, my marital relationship became good, and our family became a happy and loving one.
At work, I was diligent, responsible and dedicated. I contributed large amounts of high-quality scientific data to universities, institutes, technology and research centers, and production plants. In my work, I regularly handled thousands of yuan in cash without receipts. Even though my family was still quite poor at the time, money could never move my heart; I always handed in all of the money to my supervisor without leaving a penny in my pocket. When my colleagues called me a fool for not embezzling money when the opportunity arose, I just gave them a smile.
I know deep in my heart that gods are watching everyone. Good and evil are only a thought apart. I understand that no matter if the money is public or private, I should not have a slight thought of greed. This is a basic virtue of a human being. My supervisor, colleagues and customers trusted me because of my work ethic and attitude. They spoke highly of me, and I was elected for employee awards for many years.
In early 2006, my brother-in-law borrowed money from my family to finance a new company and agreed to give us 40 percent of his company's earnings. We trustingly lent him our life savings and 50,000 yuan that we borrowed. The company earned about 4 million yuan over the next several years. Despite our difficult living situation, my brother-in-law returned only our principal and not a dime of the earnings. Our relatives and friends felt sorry for us. I felt angry at first, but then looked within. I am a practitioner and must behave according to the teachings of the Fa. Money is not something that I should pursue, and everything happens for a reason. I understood that this happened because I needed to improve something within myself, and that I should look at this incident as a good thing. I then realized that I was attached to money. Perhaps I owed my brother-in-law a large debt in a previous life and needed to pay it back. I gradually came to peace with myself and no longer held a grudge against my brother-in-law.
I am very fortunate that Falun Dafa has guided me to let go of personal gain and fame. It purified my heart.
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