(Minghui.org) Yuzhu, a retired post office manager from Takao found out that she had an incurable disease. Desperate and hopeless, she fortunately found Dafa, and her disease was cured. Since then, she has become optimistic and calm.
Yuzhu at 2012 Takao Candlelight Vigil shares how she recovered from an incurable disease after practicing Falun Gong.
Doctors have no cure for the rare disease
One day in 2011, Yuzhu experienced severe abdominal pain, which lingered for several days. She went to the emergency room, and the X-ray showed that her stomach was filled with pus. Doctors performed a biopsy and discovered that she suffered from acute peritonitis and told her that she should be fine after surgery.
A day before she was discharged, however, doctors told her: “The tests that we ran show that you have Pseudomyxoma peritonei.” This is an extremely rare cancer; only two to three out of a million people have this kind of tumor. The tumor cells secrete mucus, which sticks to the intestines and makes it impossible for the intestines to have peristalsis. Consequently, people who suffer from this disease cannot eat anything and eventually die. Since this rare tumor grows inside the peritonea, regular chemotherapy would not be able to destroy it. Doctors had no cure for this cancer. This news seemed like a death penalty to her.
The frightening hyperthermia
Yuzhu’s family would not let any chance of treatment slip by. They went to see several doctors in Taipei, but all of them agreed that the disease was incurable. A friend of theirs recommended a well-known physician who suggested that she go through a treatment called “hyperthermia.” The doctor would soak her stomach with 43 degree Celsius (hot water) and chemotherapy drugs, which could kill the majority of the cancerous cells. This was a time consuming procedure, and the hot water could easily burn the intra-abdominal organs, so the risk was quite high. The doctor told them, “Currently, this is the only way to treat this kind of tumor, and we need to do it immediately to prevent it from growing.” She was stunned to hear what the doctor said, and thought, “I just had a surgery a month ago. How can my body endure another one?” Yuzhu’s family was also very sad, but they believed that they should not let go of this chance and wanted Yuzhu to have the surgery. Hopelessly, she agreed.
Fortunately obtaining the Fa while in desperation
While she was in a state of desperation, her friends, a couple from Taipei, introduced to her the book Zhuan Falun. Yuzhu said, “The moment I held it in my hands, a warm feeling came to my mind; the simple words in the book carried tremendously deep meaning. I wanted to finish reading it right away.”
She continued saying, “This was exactly what I wanted; to use my limited time to learn the real meaning of life.” Immediately, she asked her friends to buy her all of the Falun Gong books so that she could learn as much as possible. Back then, she just thought that since she did not have many days left in this world, she would absorb the teachings as best as she could. Her friends invited her to join them the next morning to practice the exercises. With her fragile body, she was unable to stand still when doing the second exercise (Falun Standing Stance). Her body kept shaking, she perspired and her heart also beat unbearably fast. Yet unexpectedly, she said, “After doing the exercises, I felt very light and relaxed, and I had never felt so good before.”
Feeling clearly that Falun adjusted her body
After practicing Falun Gong for only a few days, a miracle happened. Yuzhu said, “I could feel clearly that Falun were spinning inside my body. At the practice site, I could feel that something constantly spun around my nose. When I slept in the evening, I could feel that a big fan kept spinning above my head, and it even made some sound. Fellow practitioners later explained to me that Falun was adjusting my body for me; I had hope.” Gradually she was able to fall asleep, and she no longer had diarrhea. Her physical health rapidly recovered.
After constantly studying the Fa, Yuzhu commented, “I know now that karma causes people to get sick. Only through cultivation can one’s fate be changed. Surgery cannot completely remove the illnesses from their roots.” Hence, she contacted the doctor to cancel the surgery.
All physical problems disappear
In the past, Yuzhu could not stay up late because she could not sleep well, her ears rang all day long, and she also had poor eye-sight due to retinal detachment. No matter how early she went to sleep, she woke up in the morning feeling dizzy. After practicing Falun Gong, she studies the Fa till after mid-night every day and goes out to practice the exercises at 4:30 every morning. Nonetheless, she is still full of energy during the day, and her mind is very clear. She has fully recovered, and her eye-sight has also improved.
Optimistic and cheerful now
Yuzhu now feels very peaceful and tranquil. She has never felt like this before. She used to feel pressured due to numerous family issues. She also had depression. However, since she began to cultivate in Dafa with constant Fa-study, she does not take those issues seriously anymore. She said, “I clearly know that our merciful Master has cleansed my body and endured my karma. I thank Master!”
Yuzhu has been practicing Falun Gong for over a year now. Looking at her rosy complexion, who could tell that only a year ago, she almost died from cancer? Yuzhu said, “It is certain that my decision was right. What Master says in Zhuan Falun is all true. Master helps all of his genuine disciples. I’m very fortunate to have obtained this precious book during a critical time. It has given me a brand new life.”
Yuzhu thanks Master for saving her life. Meanwhile, she tells everyone that Falun Dafa is good. When she thinks about the practitioners in China who are suffering from the brutal persecution, she is saddened. Therefore, whenever she has time, she goes to a tourist attraction site near her residence to clarify the truth to the tourists from Mainland China and tells them of the beauty of Dafa, as well as the miracles that have happened to her. She said, “I will do my best to help Mainland Chinese to learn the truth of Falun Gong so that the persecution will end soon and all Falun Gong practitioners will have a legal environment to cultivate. This is my earnest desire. Let’s all strive forward together to help the world’s people to know that Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”
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Category: Health Benefits