(Minghui.org) (Continued from “Comparing the Chinese Communist Party and the German Nazi Party (Part 1: http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2012/8/21/135087.html)”
“Communists and Nazis are both bloodthirsty executioners. 'Their biggest accomplishment was a pile of corpses. Their history is a directory of human annihilation.'” – Preface
The city of Auschwitz, Germany, is about 300 km (186 mi) from Warsaw, the capitol of Poland. In Auschwitz during World War II, the Nazis built a notorious concentration camp, the largest among over 1,000 concentration camps built. Because they were dedicated to racial genocide, Auschwitz and the other concentration camps like it are now referred to as death camps.
During the time of the Nazi regime, the Jewish population was subjected to a selection process when they were first brought to Auschwitz. Males strong enough for hard labor were sent to labor camps, and the rest were sent to gas chambers. At first, those who were sent to the gas chambers thought that they were showers, but toxic gas would instead come out of the shower heads.
Of all the Nazis’ crimes, the most horrifying is the genocide of the Jews.
In a speech delivered by Hitler to the German parliament on January 30, 1939, he spoke of “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe,” in reference to a future world war. Upon his order, the killing machine immediately began to operate. The earliest killings began right after the German army invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. As the German army moved into the Soviet Union, the death toll increased.
In the Nuremberg trials, former Protection Squadron captain Otto Ohlendorf stated that he and his subordinates killed 90,000 men, women, and children in the war's first year. They first gathered all the Jews together in the name of “relocation.” They then ordered them to turn in all of their valuables and took them to the execution field. Whether a grey-haired old man or an infant, no one was spared.
On January 20, 1942, Nazi leaders called a meeting to engage the “Final Solution” to the Jewish problem, and the large-scale killings in gas chambers began.
On October 5, 1942, the Gestapo (Nazi secret police) killed about 4,500 Jews in Dubno, Ukraine.
By that point, groups of Jews were being regularly shipped to extermination camps where construction of gas chambers and cremation furnaces had been finished. The camp with the highest death toll was Auschwitz. During World War II, 2.5 million were killed there by the Nazis. The most killed in one day was 6,000. Auschwitz was, understandably, known as the “death factory.”
Outside of Germany, large scale Jewish exterminations took place in Poland, the Soviet Union, and other Nazi-occupied countries in southeastern and western Europe. Jews were killed locally, driven to Jewish reserves, or taken to death camps and murdered. According to statistics, about 5.8 million European Jews were killed by the Nazis, which accounted for about two-thirds of the Jewish population in Europe.
Aside from Jews, gypsies, blacks, and Slovaks were also on the Nazis’ death list. Gypsies were the second largest targeted group, and about 219,000 were killed during World War II.
British scholar Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke accurately pointed out in his book The Occult Roots of Nazism: “The biggest accomplishment of Fascism was a pile of corpses. Its history was a directory of the human annihilation.” (*) This conclusion applies not only to the fascists and Nazis, but also to communist regimes. Communist leaders such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot each directed one mass killing after another.
One of the bloodiest communist-led atrocities was directed by Lenin: the Bolshevik Revolution.
After the “October Revolution,” the Soviet Union encountered very severe economic problems. Faced with difficulty, Lenin began large scale killing. Left Socialist Revolutionary Party member Isaac Steinberg, who was the People’s Commissar of Justice in Lenin's government, described the situation in a meeting at the People’s Commission in February 1918: “Lenin announced a draft for a new law entitled: 'Great Socialist Motherland is in Danger.' One of the articles is to execute immediately, without any trial, a large group of offenders. The scope of the offenders was broad, ranging from spies, opportunistic businessmen, thieves, thugs, anti-revolutionary advocates, and German agents.” (*)
Steinberg opposed Lenin's law because he believed that the articles within were too stern and that they would lead to a government that ruled with terror. Steinberg wrote: “Lenin was very angry at my objection. He countered on account of the revolution's judicial needs. I was extremely angry and shouted, 'Then why do we need the People’s Judicial Commission? We might as well call it the Socialist People-Extermination Commission and kill everyone in society.' Lenin smiled happily and said, 'Good … This is exactly what we need to do … But we cannot spell it out.'” (Ref 1) (*)
With the Soviet regime monopolizing the trade of food in the Soviet Union, farmers were unwilling to sell their crops at discounted prices, and a food shortage in the cities resulted. Lenin ordered armed squadrons to the countryside to confiscate crops. To his surprise, his command was met with resistance from the farmers. Farmers in one area took up arms against the Bolsheviks to stop them from stealing their crops. The resistance soon spread to neighboring areas, and the Bolsheviks dispatched troops to suppress the uprising using violence. During this period, Lenin issued a secret order to the leaders, “Comrades! We need to ruthlessly suppress the riot of the rich farmers in the five counties. We are doing this for the interest of the whole revolution because we are fighting the 'final battle' with rich farmers everywhere, and we need to set an example. The method is:
“1. Hang all those notorious rich farmers, fat cats, and bloodsuckers. We need to hang at least 100 people. (Display them after they are hanged so that people can see them.)
2. Publish the names of those who were hanged.
3. Confiscate all their crops.
4. Designate some people as hostages—do as the wire directed yesterday. We need to let everyone within a few hundred kilometers learn it. Let them be frightened and tell one another that we are lynching those rich bloodsuckers and that we will lynch others, too.
“Do so immediately after you receive this wire.” (Ref 2) (*)
Joseph Stalin not only adopted Lenin’s killing strategy, but he extended it to a new level.
According researcher Wang Kong, Soviet Union National Security Council Chairman Qi Kefu announced to the world on July 14, 1991, that the number of Soviet people who were politically persecuted from 1920 to 1953 was 4.5 million, which is greatly understated. Soviet statistician professor De Ann Woerkege Ivanov found that, in the quarter century from 1928 through 1953, when Stalin was fully in power, the number of people politically persecuted and killed ranged from 19.5 to 22 million. Statistics published by Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev, former head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's (CPSU) Department of Ideology and Propaganda, show that the total number of people who died during Stalin’s reign was about 40 million. Former United States National Security Advisor and Soviet expert Zbigniew Brzezinski put the number at 50 million. The estimate by former Moscow professor Kurganov was 66 million. (Note 3)
Compared to Soviet communism, Chinese communism began by killing people. The population in the area around Jiangxi Province dropped to around 10 million from over 20 million due to killings carried out by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Peng Pai from Guandong Province, pioneer of the Chinese agrarian movement, cried out: “Kill all anti-revolutionists and local nobility. Let their blood dye the Honghai Harbor and everyone’s shirt red.” He ordered that every representative kill 20 people. Over 10,000 people were killed in a riot in Haifeng City that he orchestrated. The most horrifying scene occurred when people began to eat the hearts and flesh of their victims.
Right after it took power in 1951, the CCP wielded its butcher’s knife and began aggressively spreading its Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries. When Mao Zedong reviewed a submitted proposal on April 30, 1951, he gave the instructions: “The killing of the anti-revolutionaries should follow the guideline of 0.1 percent in the countryside, and less than 0.1 percent in cities.” With a Chinese population of about 563,000,000 at the time, Mao’s 0.1 directive resulted in the deaths of 563,000 people.
Conducted with equal aggression and at the same time as the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries was the “land reform” campaign, whose true purpose was to annihilate the landlord class. During the “reform,” common people were allowed to kill landlords for no reason, since being a landlord in itself was a crime. At the time, the power to kill was held in the hands of district directors. They could kill whomever they wanted to without any reason or procedure. No one could stop them. If a district director was ruthless, landlords in that area would be truly out of luck.
According to data published by the CCP themselves, they had killed over 2.4 million “anti-revolutionaries” by the end of 1952. In reality, the former government employees, teachers, and landlords that had been murdered numbered at least 5 million.
The killing during the Cultural Revolution became a show to display “revolutionary character.” Its barbarity was extreme. For example, between August 13 and October 7, 1967, local guards in Dao County, Hunan Province, went on a killing spree for 66 days that involved 10 districts, 36 communes, 468 teams, 2,778 homes, and 4,519 people. In all 10 counties, 9,093 people were killed. Among them, 38 percent were “landlords, the wealthy, anti-revolutionaries, and bad guys,” Of the 9,093 killed, 44 percent were children. Among those who were killed, the oldest was 78 years old, and the youngest was 10 days old. At the beginning of 1968, Maoist radicals claimed that they where investigating the “New Inner Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party,” which authorities later acknowledged as non-existent, and killed 350,000 people. Tens of thousands of people participated in a massacre in Guangxi Province in 1968 and killed 110,000 people.
The CCP began its economic reform after the Cultural Revolution, and the Chinese people did not think that the CCP would butcher the innocent as they had before. But in the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4, 1989, the CCP openly used expanding bullets, which were banned internationally, against patriotic students and citizens and also used tanks to crush some of them. This incident created a new chapter in the CCP's record of killing.
Ten years later, Jiang Zemin instigated large scale killing of Falun Gong practitioners. It was reported that by the end of 2002, over 7,000 Falun Gong practitioners had been tortured to death in detention centers, forced labor camps, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals.
The Joint Chinese and Western Hospital for Stroke Patients in Liaoning Province, located at 49 Xuesong Road, Sujiatun, Shenyang City, was renowned for treating strokes, but no one could have imagined that there was a secret concentration camp holding 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners in its underground facilities. The camp extracted organs from the practitioners and sold them to hospitals. These practitioners, whose organs had been extracted, were then cremated. One woman stepped forward and claimed that her husband was one of the operating doctors who had extracted organs.
The organ extractions from Falun Gong practitioners were not limited to the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. An independent investigation team, formed by David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific), and human rights lawyer David Matas published the Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China on July 6, 2006. The report stated that, after two months of investigation and evidence collection, and with verification and re-verification of 18 categories of evidence, they could conclude that “there has been and continues today to be large scale organ seizures from unwilling Falun Gong practitioners.” The report states that the Communist regime has “put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience, Their vital organs, including hearts, kidneys, livers and corneas, were virtually simultaneously seized involuntarily for sale at high prices, sometimes to foreigners.” At a news conference, Matas referred to the act of live harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs “an unprecedented evil on this planet.”
From the references above, one can see that the CCP has killed as ruthlessly as the Nazis did. The only difference is that the victims of the Nazis were “inferior races,” mostly Jews, and the victims of the Communist Party are the ever-changing “enemies of the people.”
(To be continued)
1: Isaac Steinberg: In the Workshop of the Revolution. London, 1955 edition
2: Richard Pipes: The Unknown Lenin, New Heaven, 1996 edition
3: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
4: Lenin and Red Horror: “A Poem about Hate”
(*) - Quotes with an asterisk were translated into Chinese for the original article, and then from Chinese to English for this article. Due to limited resources, we are unable to verify the original quotes with complete accuracy.
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Category: Perspectives