(Minghui.org) On the afternoon of August 4, 2012, Falun Dafa practitioners went to San Sebastian to raise awareness and call for support for the Falun Dafa practitioners who are persecuted in China.
Residents of San Sebastian and tourists from other countries signed a petition to support Falun Dafa
The activity was held at the Alderdi-Eder garden across the street from the city hall. A lot of tourists and local residents visit this area.
The display boards and photo exhibit exposed the torture and brutal persecution in China. The Falun Dafa practitioners passed out fliers about the persecution in China and invited people to sign a petition to call for an end to the persecution. Some practitioners demonstrated the exercises near the display.
A man in his 30's signed the petition and said to a practitioner, “I have lived in China. I totally understand your protest. I absolutely support you!”
Another middle-aged woman looked at the pictures and asked where she could learn the exercises. When she heard about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, she immediately signed the petition.
A man about 50 years old signed the petition and said, “The Communist regime is so barbaric.”
On the second day, it was raining, but the practitioners continued their activities as planned. They demonstrated Falun Gong exercises on the sidewalk of a street with the most pedestrian traffic. Many residents stopped to watch the exercise demonstration.
A young man joined in and learned the first exercise. Then he took a flier and happily went on his way. He said he wanted to learn more of the exercise and read Falun Gong books online.
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