"You Won't Have Any Medical Expenses If You Learn Falun Gong with the Head Nurse"
My lumbar disc, between the fourth and fifth sections, was completely prolapsed in late 1996 as a result of my job. The prolapse put pressure on my sciatic nerve, causing pain in my left leg and making me lame. I couldn't go to work, I became bedridden, and my husband had to take care of me. This was a great inconvenience for my family. I was told by the associate dean (an orthopedic specialist) at the hospital that I needed surgery. Otherwise, the condition would deteriorate and I might become incontinent and unable to walk.
As a head nurse in the surgical department at the hospital, I had participated in different surgeries daily. Tears came to my eyes and I grew fearful as I thought of myself being operated on. My supervisor and colleagues comforted me and advised me to have the surgery, but I was too scared to agree.
One of my colleagues, who is a Falun Gong practitioner, had told me about Falun Gong, I said, “How can someone in the medical field be so superstitious as to believe in and learn qigong?” She visited me when I was on sick leave. She told me that her parents had become free of illness after they started practicing Falun Gong, and that her health was also much better than before. She suggested that I try it. It is not a good thing to lie in bed and be taken care of by family.
With the intention of giving it a try, I agreed. She gave me a copy of the book Zhuan Falun. I read only a few pages per day in bed because it was tiring to read a book while lying in bed. But I felt that the book was very well written. Before I finished reading the book, and before I even knew what cultivation was, my condition disappeared. It's true. I am not lying.
Seeing me back at the hospital, my dean thought that I had come to extend my sick leave. He looked at me suspiciously when I told him that my problem was cured. I said, “ It's true. It was gone before I even finished reading Zhuan Falun. How miraculous it is!” The dean said it was unbelievable. After this incident, my work unit managers always told the employees that were claiming reimbursement for their high medical expenses to “learn Falun Gong with the head nurse and avoid those medical expenses.”
Before I started practicing Falun Gong, I had two surgeries within one year. The first surgery involved removal of my appendix in the third month of my pregnancy. This operation left me with a complication—chronic inflammation of the peritoneum. I also had a C-section during childbirth, which resulted in endometriosis. These two surgeries caused intolerable abdominal pain every month. My hemogram was as high as 20,000. I had to be put on an intravenous drip with anti-inflammatory drugs. It was the same every month, and I was in misery. After practicing Falun Gong, not only did the pain disappear, but other health problems including dizziness, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., also disappeared. I truly realized the wonderful feeling of being illness-free.
I am 50 years old. Most of my colleagues my age have some hypertension or diabetes. Some women have severe menopausal symptoms and need to take medication every day. I can walk rapidly like a young person, and I have not taken any medicine for the past 16 years.
I would like to express my appreciation to revered Master for purifying my body and mind. He has allowed me to realize the true purpose of being human and of the wonderfulness of cultivation.
"Falun Dafa Is Good" Is Rooted in My Family
My husband has been very supportive of my Falun Dafa cultivation practice for over ten-plus years, and hence, he has also benefited. On the evening of January 19, 2009, his lower back area hurt, and he could hardly walk. He slowly moved to the bedside, lay his upper body on the bed, and let both of his lower legs hang. He called me to help him move. It took me quite some time to finally get his whole body in bed because he is tall.
He was taken to the hospital by ambulance the next day and was diagnosed with a lumbar disc prolapse. After he returned home, he had to sleep on the floor because it was hard for him to get in and out of bed. He then started listening to Master's lectures and silently recited “Falun Dafa is good.” Three days later, he could sit in the full lotus position (both legs crossed). On the third day of the lunar new year, he was able to drive me and my son to visit my mother. How miraculous! His low back pain has never recurred.
My mother is 86 years old. She was hospitalized for atrial fibrillation three years ago. When her condition didn't improve after medical treatment, she felt that she didn't have long to live. She thus gave her money equally to her four children. I suggested that she diligently practice Falun Gong once she got home, and she agreed.
Every day, she made it a point to read one chapter of Zhuan Falun, practice meditation for 40 minutes, and silently recite “Falun Dafa is good” for a few hours. Her disease disappeared and she no longer needs medicine. She can even cook meals for her son and daughter-in-law.
Although she doesn't yet completely understand Dafa's principles, she is firm in her belief that “Falun Dafa is good.” She asked everyone in the family to recite, “Falun Dafa is good,” and helped them to withdraw their memberships from the Chinese Communist Party. She always asks anyone who is sick to recite “Falun Dafa is good,” and she herself also recites it for one to two hours. It has now become a habit that anyone in the family who does not feel well always goes to her and says, “Help me to recite 'Falun Dafa is good.'”
“Falun Dafa is good” has rooted in my family deeply.
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Category: Health Benefits