(Minghui.org) I'd like to share with everyone a miraculous experience I had many years ago. Although it has been more than ten years, I vividly remember the frightening accident in a speeding vehicle in the middle of the night.
The accident happened on the evening of February 6, 2003, the sixth day after Chinese New Year. I was driving my friend's Lexus to pick up a fortune teller. I had a few drinks around noon and I was a bit excited, so I forgot to fasten my seat belt. The fortune teller was an elderly man who lived in a newly built community surrounded by farmland. There was only one road to the community and it was recently constructed. Since I rarely passed by the area, I was not familiar with the road conditions. As the number of cars and pedestrians decreased, I increased the driving speed to about 100 (Chinese) miles per hour. I didn't know then that the road construction was not completed, and that all the street lights were not yet installed. Later, I was to find out that there was a large ravine at the end of the road. Although the construction workers had set up warning signs, they didn't block the road at all.
The elderly man was waiting for me by the roadside. He shouted and waved at me, but I couldn't hear him because I was speeding. Next thing I knew, my car flew over the road and landed somewhere. A few seconds later, I realized I was sitting in the dark. I pushed the gas pedal, but the car didn't move. I started the ignition, but the car was dead. I tried to open the door and the door was jammed. I looked out the window and discovered I was sitting in the middle of a sweet potato field! Then I tasted the salty blood in my mouth. I finally realized I was in a car accident! I didn't panic and moved my head and limbs. Everything seemed normal. I immediately called the elderly gentleman with my cellphone.
A few minutes later, the fortune teller found my car, opened the door from the outside, and called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I only suffered some minor injuries. Because I didn't wear a seat belt, I hit my head against the steering wheel and cut my lips. They stitched my lips and I went home the same evening. The car landed on soft soil and did not suffer much damage. Only the front bumper was slightly damaged.The elderly man was with me the entire evening. He couldn't believe that I survived the crash and kept saying, “Incredible! Incredible! It's truly unbelievable!” He comforted me, “Those who survive a catastrophe are bound to have good fortune later on” (An ancient Chinese saying).
The next morning, my family took me to the crash scene. I didn't get a chance to see the area where the accident occurred that evening, so I wanted to see it during the daytime and pay respect to the spirits that protected me. We drove to the end of the road and got out of the vehicle. I was shocked when I saw the big ravine at the end of the road. It was about six meters deep with a lot of rocks at the bottom, and about seven meters of distance from where I stood to the field on the other side of the ravine. Looking at the size of the ravine, common sense told me my accident last night could have been fatal! No wonder the elderly man kept saying that it was a miracle! My family also said that I should thank the gods for protecting me and that I should pay respect to them.
Their words awakened me! I thought, “If it were not for the gods...No, if it were not for Teacher, who would be powerful enough to to save me?” At the time, I had stopped practicing Falun Dafa after being “brainwashed” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Although it had been many years since I had practiced, somewhere deep down, I still believed in Dafa. Suddenly my heart felt warm, and I knelt down. If it were not for this experience, would I believe in a miracle like this? How could a car that weighed two tons and measured five meters in length, fly across a seven meter wide ravine, and land safely in a field? And both the driver and the vehicle were fine?
I held my hands in “heshi” position and said, “Oh, Teacher!” I could not talk, as if something was lodged in my throat. Through my tears, I thought I saw a large hand reaching into the dark area, pulling me and the car safely to the other side of the ravine. The large hand belonged to Benevolent Teacher! If at the time, I were a true Dafa practitioner, then it would be easier to explain the miracle. However, when the accident happened, I had already stopped practicing, so why would Teacher still look after me and save me? Where could I find anyone as merciful as Teacher? I could not help but cry.
Looking back at the days after I had given up the practice, it was like losing the most precious thing in life. I felt I had no root, and I was miserable. I thought about returning to Dafa, but I felt I had betrayed Teacher and Dafa, thus Teacher would no longer look after me. The accident made me realize that Teacher had always been with me, waiting for me to awaken and return to Dafa! In the eyes of Teacher, I was like a lost child. Though I made some mistakes, took a detour and fell, it was due to the CCP's influence. Teacher must have seen my conscience and Buddha nature, and saved me in this life and death situation. I understood that the accident was arranged by the old forces to take my life! It was merciful Teacher that saved me from the evil elements and offered me another chance!
After the accident, I began to study Teacher's lectures and returned to cultivation. I understood that everything, especially my life, was given by Teacher. Being able to practice Falun Dafa in this lifetime is to honor the sacred vow I made with Teacher to assist in Fa-rectification, and save sentient beings.
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