When lawyers attempt to legally represent Falun Gong practitioners, court officials in China often deny justice and human conscience, blindly abiding by the cruel policies of the Chinese Communist Party. The lawyers are discouraged from representing Falun Gong clients in every way possible. The case described here is but one example of a situation repeated daily across China.

Image for article Ms. Ma Changyue from Shenyang City Dies as a Result of Persecution

Released from detention in critical condition, the authorities' harassment of Ms. Ma did not cease until she passed away.

Image for article Farmer Couple in Shandong Province Repeatedly Imprisoned for Practicing Falun Gong--Husband Now Faces 4-Year Prison Term

Husband and wife both persecuted, arrested multiple times, and jailed for their beliefs.

Image for article Family Urges Officials to Let Ms. Lu Xiaowei Practice Falun Gong

Instead of releasing Ms. Lu from the brainwashing center when it closed, officials transferred her to a detention center.

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