(Minghui.org) Following orders from the Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau, officers of the Wuxi City Domestic Security Division and the 610 Office arrested four Falun Gong practitioners in May and another nine practitioners in late July. Of the 13 practitioners arrested, four of them were over 75 years old, six were over 60, and two of the women were over 50.
The four practitioners arrested in May were Mr. Bai Jie, 75; Mr. Zhu Jie, 67; Ms. Tao Ming, 57; and Ms. Xu Xuefen, 53. All of them are being held at the Wuxi Brainwashing Center. Mr. Bai was hospitalized several times over the past three months and given intravenous fluids.
The nine practitioners arrested in late July were Ms. Wu Peipei, in her 60s; Ms. Sun Mingzhen, in her 70s; Ms. Ren Zongying, in her 60s; Ms. Zhang Xueping, 61; Mr. Jiang Panjin, in his 60s; Ms. Shang Fengying, 76; Ms. Mao Yifeng, 77; Ms. Cai Jingyu, 75; and Mr. Sun Xiao, 43. Ms. Wu Peipei was taken to the Jiangsu Province Brainwashing Center in Xinghua. Ms. Zhang Xueping and Mr. Jiang Panjin are being held at the Wuxi Brainwashing Center. Mr. Sun Xiao was held at the Wuxi No. 1 Detention Center.
Mr. Jiang Panjin and Mr. Sun Xiao have been persecuted previously for their belief in Falun Gong. Released from prison right before the 2013 Chinese New Year, they have now been arrested and detained again.
Mr. Sun was arrested twice and sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2011. His father passed away while he was incarcerated in Fangqiang Forced Labor Camp and that caused him a great amount of sorrow. He was released in January 2013 and then arrested again at home on July 23. The police confiscated his computer and cellphone. He was taken to the Wuxi No. 1 Detention Center that same day. The detention notice did not specify the length of his detention. His mother, who witnessed Mr. Sun's arrest, is now unable to eat, miserable and lonely.
Parties involved in the persecution in Wuxi City:
Wuxi No. 1 Detention Center: +86-510-82220208, +86-510-82220108, +86-510-82220232
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