(Minghui.org) Although I had a very busy day today, I clarified the truth to more than a dozen people, and many of them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. In the evening I read Master's lecture “Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference.” Master said,
“Actually, a lot of Dafa disciples say when they're clarifying the truth, 'I'm going to go clarify the truth now,' as if at that moment they're going to clarify the truth, but they don't clarify the truth normally. Saving beings should permeate every single aspect of your daily lives at this time. If you can all understand and really see its importance, I think you'll probably save more beings.” ( “Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference”)
It is truly like what Master said. The hundreds that I have persuaded to quit the Party are people I encounter every day. I used to talk to people and distribute truth clarification materials with other practitioners. Now I act on my own.
I chat with people wherever I go, and they quit the Party during our conversation. It is safe and quick. For example, I rode the bus on my way to the market this morning. The bus was crowded and we were caught in traffic. I stood by the bus driver and we chatted casually. At the end, the bus driver and a passenger who overheard our conversation both quit the Party. At noon I went shopping with my family. I gave anti-censorship software (Freegate) to two young men who were handing out commercial flyers. One of them said, “Great! I've been wanting this software.”
As I was shopping, I persuaded the shopping guide to quit. In the afternoon while waiting for the bus, two young men asked me for directions. I gave them anti-censorship software and persuaded them to quit the Party, too. A girl who stood next to us thought that I was talking to her, and she kept smiling at me. I said, “You are very cute!” The man next to her agreed. I asked him if he was the girl's father. He replied, “Yes, I'm her father. This is my daughter and that is my son.” I clarified the truth to them, and they understood. The boy and the girl both quit the Party. The father had never joined and knew about the persecution of Falun Dafa.
On my way home in the evening, I talked to two people at the bus station. On the bus, I clarified the truth to one person and gave another passenger the anti-censorship software. Although I was very busy today, Master brought these people to me to hear the facts. Not too long ago, I vowed to persuade 3,000 people to quit the Party. I'm thankful that Master has given me more opportunities to share the facts about Falun Dafa to more people.
I talk to many people every week. One time, I clarified the truth to seven college students on the bus. On my way home to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival, I talked to another seven college students. I gave them the anti-censorship software and reminded them to encourage their relatives to quit the Party. They said, “You should come speak at our university.” I replied, “Now is not a good time. The CCP will persecute me if I do that. I'm only talking to people that I come across individually.” I continued to chat with other passengers after I finished talking to the students. A practitioner in our area has persuaded tens of thousands of passengers to quit the Party while commuting to and from work.
When the Nine Commentaries was first published, it was very difficult to encourage even one person to quit the Party. Now, nine out of ten people do. People are truly more awakened!
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Category: Clarifying the Truth