(Minghui.org) More than a few police officers who have participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners have later regretted their role in this senseless campaign. Gao Xiu, the officer responsible for the death of Ms. Wang Fengqin, is one of them.
Practitioners Arrested and Tortured
Ms. Wang Fengqin and two other practitioners from Zhuji Village in the Zhifu District of Yantai City, Shandong Province, were arrested on the night of January 26, 2003, for distributing truth-clarification materials.
They were taken to the Xinan River Police Station in Yantai. The director of the police station Sun Maoliang beat and shocked Ms. Wang with an electric baton until 2 a.m.. Sun then poured boiling water down the left side of her head and face. Ms. Wang shouted, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good!” Taken aback, Sun ran out of the room and told officer Gao Xiu, “I can't do this. I can't handle her.”
Torture Illustration: Doused with hot water
Gao shocked one of the other practitioners, an elderly gentleman, with an electric baton. When Gao pried open his mouth and shocked it, one of the practitioner's teeth fell out. Gao then shouted at him, “Let's see how you chew now! Let's see how you cry for your Master!”
Ms. Wang Dies as a Result of Torture
The three practitioners, who were taken to the second floor of the Xingfu Sixteen Village Court at 4:30 p.m. on January 27, 2003, went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution. Officers then tied Ms. Wang to a bed, used a thick bamboo stick with a sharp end to pry open her mouth, and force-fed her rice porridge. She died as a result of this torture. The elderly practitioner was in another room at the time and knew what had happened.
Torture re-enactment: Force-feeding
After Ms. Wang's death, the police sounded out the elderly practitioner to see if he knew about it and they were going to kill him too, but he managed to escape.
When the elderly practitioner got his official sentencing document on the morning of June 25, 2003, he immediately reported Ms. Wang's death to the authorities. The reason he chose to wait so long before reporting the death of Ms. Wang was because, according to Chinese law, the police cannot get involved with a case when a final decision has been reached by the court. Once the official sentence has been sent to the defendant, the police no longer have the right to interfere.
Gao Pleads for Mercy
Officer Gao Xiu visited the elderly practitioner on the night of June 25, 2003, and admitted to him that Ms. Wang's death was a direct result of torture. Gao looked awful and asked the practitioner to keep the death a secret. He begged the practitioner, “I have two young children who are still in school. Please! Have mercy!”
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