(Minghui.org) These are stories about Falun Gong practitioners in Yutian County, Hebei Province. These practitioners follow the teachings of Mr. Li Hongzhi and strive to be good people. Their kind hearts touched their fellow villagers. As a result of the demeanor and behavior, a number of villagers sincerely believe that Falun Dafa is good, and many have witnessed miracles.
A Story about a Wallet
By Xiuying
I am an elderly Falun Gong practitioner. I started the practice in 1998. After I learned Falun Dafa, many of my diseases disappeared. Now I have become more and more youthful and energetic. I always cultivate myself whenever something happens, and I look inward whenever there are conflicts.
In October 2010, while I went out to clarify the truth, I stepped on something hard at a crossroads. It was a wallet. My first thought was to wait for the owner to come back. I waited for half a day, but no one came back for it. Then I asked a taxi driver if there were any passengers missing money. He said no. So I had to go back home and think about another way to find the owner. I opened the wallet but there was no clue other than 780 yuan. What should I do? I could not fall asleep that night.
The next day, my son returned home after work. I told him about the wallet. He also tried to help me. Finally he found a small receipt in the wallet. There was a phone number on the paper. I called the number, and it turned out that he was indeed the owner of the wallet. The way he described the wallet was exactly the same as the wallet that I found. I told him to come to my home. My son picked him up near my home. He thanked us again and again. I took the opportunity to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to him. I told him that our Master taught us to behave this way. He said that Falun Gong practitioners were so kind, that a non-practitioner might not have done such a thing. After we clarified the truth to him, we helped him quit the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Before he left, he offered 100 yuan to thank me, but I politely turned it down.
Buying Meat
By Yuping
I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1998. Since then, enlightened by Falun Dafa, I continuously improved myself. Once, I went to a market to buy meat. The vendor was a young man. I tried to clarify the truth to him, but he would not listen. He kept saying, “I do not believe in anything. I just know that one cannot live without money.” I thought that he was very poisoned by the CCP culture, and maybe it wasn't the time for him yet. But I felt I should talk to him next time.
At that time I bought 9.30 yuan worth of meat. I gave him 10 yuan, but he gave me more than 90 yuan in change. I told him, ”Young man, you gave me too much change.” He was startled, “What do you mean?” I said, “Look, I gave you 10 yuan, but you gave me more than 90 yuan in change. Think about it, how much more meat do you need to sell to get this money back?” He was so touched that he said, “Thank you! You are so kind. There are very few people like you nowadays!” I told him, “Now you know that Falun Gong practitioners are good people! You should thank our Master. Our Master taught us to be better people. All Falun Gong practitioners are like this. We do not take anything that does not belong to us. Do you understand what I have told you?” He nodded, “Now I understand. You Falun Gong practitioners are indeed good people.”
Finally he happily quit the Communist Youth League. Then I asked him to repeat, ”Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good!” telling him that it could save his life during disasters. He understood and smiled.
Editor's note: Over the course of the 13-year persecution of Falun Gong in China, many people's minds have been poisoned by the lies and slander of the Chinese Communist Party, causing them to have misunderstandings about Falun Dafa. In this environment of persecution, it is a major breakthrough for a person in China to understand the true situation and openly declare his or her belief in the goodness of Dafa. Many people have received good returns upon siding with goodness and coming to recognize a power higher than the ruling regime. The following are several such stories.
A Boy Called Xiaoyu
By Hejing
There is a two-year-old boy named Xiaoyu in our village. Every day he stays with his grandmother.
Last year they experienced something strange.
One night at midnight, Xiaoyu suddenly started to cry and woke up his grandmother. It took her quite a while to stop him from crying. The next day, the child was fine, as if nothing had happened. The grandmother was relieved. However, at midnight, Xiaoyu started to cry again. After that it became a habit. He always cried at midnight and was inconsolable. His grandmother didn't know what to do.
One day the grandmother told me about Xiaoyu. I said to her, “Say 'Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good!'” She knew that all my illnesses had disappeared after I started to practice Falun Gong, so she quickly accepted my advice. The next day she told me that it did not work. I said, “It didn't work? It will work! You should say 'Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good!' to Xiaoyu. with a sincere heart. It will definitely work!” The grandmother agreed to do so. That night, Xiaoyu indeed stopped crying.
This summer, Xiaoyu had a high fever. There were blisters on his mouth, hands, and feet. After he was taken to the hospital, doctors said he had HFMD, a very contagious disease. His grandmother was very worried, but she dared not tell anyone because she was afraid that people would avoid them. The doctors wanted to give Xiaoyu injections, but Xiaoyu cried and refused. His grandmother had to take him home. After leaving the hospital, Xiaoyu's grandmother worried that he would die, so she became brave. She shouted on a bus,”Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master of Falun Dafa, save my grandson!” Everyone on the bus stared at her. But she did not care, as long as her grandson recovered. The grandma was very diligent. She said these words all day and all night. Without taking any medication, Xiaoyu recovered from HFMD within a few days.
The grandmother witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa again, and she firmly believed in Falun Dafa. She told this to the practitioner who had given her such wonderful advice, and thanked Master who compassionately protected them. Now Xiaoyu is healthy and happy.
Nine Out of Ten Patients Die from this Disease, but Dayuan Recovered
By Song Fu
Dayuan is a woman from Yutian County. When she was 56 years old, she suddenly had difficulty breathing. Then her limbs became cold and her face became purplish. Her family immediately took her to hospital. After a CT scan and multiple tests, she was diagnosed with large and small capillary infarction in her lungs. The doctors said that this kind of disease could not be cured with surgery. After several days, her symptoms were not relieved at all. Her family were at a loss.
Dayuan's aunt heard about this, so she went to visit her. She told Dayuan, “I heard that saying 'Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! The Master of Falun Dafa is good!' can cure diseases. You should say it!” Dayuan believed her aunt, so she sincerely recited these words for twenty minutes. Indeed, she was able breathe. She lay down and fell asleep. After that experience, Dayuan frequently said, “Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good! The Master of Falun Dafa is good!” whenever she was awake. In time, these were the only words in her mind.
The next morning, her doctors transferred Dayuan to another hospital. After she arrived at Anzhen Hospital in Beijing, she was still diagnosed with capillary infarction in her lungs, but her large and medium blood vessels were fine. Her family were very happy, and Dayuan also gained confidence. She continued to say, “Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good! The Master of Falun Dafa is good!” She did not think about anything else. She stayed in Anzhen Hospital for several days. Without any special treatment, her health returned to normal. The doctors said it was miraculous. Generally, nine out ten patients with this kind of disease die, but Dayuan recovered. This is indeed a miracle.
Dayuan now enjoys good health and can do all her household chores. She knows that her sincere belief in Falun Gong saved her life. Her aunt told her, “Falun Dafa is a high level Buddha School cultivation practice. If you say those words with a sincere heart, you will be rewarded. This is indeed truth, as long as you believe it.”
Now, Dayuan and her husband, daughter, son-in-law, and son have all started Falun Dafa cultivation.
How My Grandson Was Saved
By Jinglian
One day last summer, my daughter suddenly called me and told me that her teenage son had drunk herbicide three days before. She asked me to come to her place. I was shocked and went there immediately.
When the child was carried to the ambulance, he already appeared to be dead. The ambulance driver told me,”I do not want to upset you, but those who drink herbicide and are taken to the city hospital die. No one has ever come back alive.” I immediately replied to him, “This child is different. I am a practitioner of Falun Dafa.” I immediately started to send forth righteous thoughts. I calmed down and thought that this young person also came for Falun Dafa. He could not die. On the way to the hospital, my righteous thoughts never stopped. I believed in Master and Falun Dafa and believed that only Master could save him.
After the youth was taken to hospital, he was already much better than when he was in the ambulance. After being hospitalized for several days, he had many purplish dots under his arms. I knew that Master was pushing the poisons out of his body. During this period of time, other patients who had drunk herbicide gradually passed away. Each of them spent tens or hundreds of thousand yuan, but they could not be save, while our child was out of danger on the sixth day of hospitalization. He was able to eat and drink. The doctors were very surprised. They that said the youth had ingested herbicide three days before he was taken to the hospital, but he still recovered. This was indeed a miracle!
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