A Retired Police Officer Who Understands the Truth about Falun Gong Respectfully Wishes Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy New Year, magnificent and revered Master Li!
Falun Gong has been spread in China for more than 20 years. With the help of compassionate Falun Gong practitioners, so many people in China have come to understand the lies about Falun Gong spread by the Chinese Communist Party and decided to quit the Party. By doing so they have chosen a beautiful future for themselves. With the help of compassionate Falun Gong practitioners, so many people that used to suffer from terminal illnesses started chanting "Falun Gong is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" and then became completely healthy as a result. So many families in China have restored harmony because their family members practice Falun Gong. So many people in China have been wearing Falun Gong amulets and been spared from disasters as a result.
Master Li, you have compassion for sentient beings. Your Falun Gong blesses China. The Chinese people thank you, Master Li! I hope I will have the chance to visit you and thank you in person!
Once again, my respect for Master Li!
The General Manager of a Private Corporation in Beidaihe and His Employees Respectfully Wish Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
Greetings, Revered Master Li!
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, I join my entire staff and my family, friends, and relatives in wishing compassionate and revered Master Li Happy New Year! Since my employees learned the truth about Falun Gong and started reciting "Falun Gong is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good", they stopped fighting over self-interest and started acting kindly to one another. They all want to become better people by following Falun Gong's cultivation principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The business performance of my corporation keeps growing as a result. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for you, Master Li!
We kowtow to pay our respect for Master Li! We will be forever grateful, Master Li!
The Family of a Falun Gong Practitioner in Ningyang, Shandong Province Respectfully Wishes Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
Greetings, magnificent and revered Master Li!
We do not know how to express our gratitude with words. We feel no words can fully express our gratitude to you and for Falun Gong. We have witnessed in Falun Gong practitioners that Falun Gong is unusual and miraculous. Practitioners conduct themselves according to Falun Gong's standards. They have lofty character and superior morality. They are always thoughtful of others. Our neighbors are always envious of us because our family is watched over by Master Li. Our entire family gets along harmoniously and we are very happy. We are immensely thankful for Master Li's compassion and salvation!
Kowtow to Master Li and thank you again!
Retired Employees of Laiwu Steel Conglomerate in Shandong Province Who Understand the Truth about Falun Gong Respectfully Wish Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, we would like to kowtow and thank Master Li for saving us on behalf of all the sentient beings working at Laiwu Steel Conglomerate!
Laiwu Steel Conglomerate is situated in a very special geographic location that attracts people from all social ranks. We are fortunate to know many Falun Gong practitioners in our social circle. We have witnessed their selfless, lofty and noble character. They uphold their faith in Falun Gong and do not fear the cruel persecution that the Chinese Communist Party has subjected them to. They continue to be compassionate towards each and every person by clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and about the persecution of Falun Gong. We feel sorry for and ashamed of the Chinese people. It is a disgrace such a monster as the Chinese Communist Party should appear in the divine land of China with more than 5,000 years of civilization. We would like to entreat the members of the Chinese Communist Party to sever all ties with it for it is far more deadly than any poison that ever existed. Its existence will do nothing but harm mankind. Please cherish the precious opportunities that Master Li has compassionately given to us. There is nothing more worth celebrating than knowing the truth and obtaining an opportunity for a beautiful future.
We are lucky to have known Falun Gong in our lifetime. We would like to kowtow and pay our respect to magnificent and revered Master Li!
We long for the day to arrive soon when Master Li returns to China!
New Falun Gong Practitioners in China Respectfully Wish Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
We thank Master Li for your compassion and salvation! We believe Falun Gong is good! We support Falun Gong!
Happy New Year to revered and magnificent Master! We kowtow and heshi to Master!
Someone in Shanghai Who Understands the Truth about Falun Gong Respectfully Wishes Magnificent and Revered Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
A Study Group in Fuzhou, Fujian Province Respectfully Wishes Revered Master Happy Chinese New Year!
Happy New Year, revered Master!
Thank you for everything you have done. We shall bear in mind your teaching while we cultivate ourselves, save sentient beings, and do our best in saving predestined people. We long for your return. We join those who understand the truth about Falun Gong in wishing you Happy Chinese New Year from afar!
A Falun Gong Practitioner in Kenli, Shandong Province Respectfully Wishes Revered Master Happy Chinese New Year!
Revered Master,
I have been following your teachings to conduct myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance for over a decade. I have proven to the world with my tangible actions that Falun Gong is wonderful as well as miraculous. Many people in China know Falun Gong is the most righteous cultivation and the most lofty practice. Falun Gong is the hope for mankind. Many people who know the truth about Falun Gong have asked me to pass their gratitude on to you. They will be forever grateful!
The time is near when we will return to our true home with Master. I shall utilize all opportunities to save more people so that I may soon see Master, whom I have been longing to see day and night!
The Family of a Falun Gong Practitioner in Tahe County, Daxing'anling, Heilongjiang Province Respectfully Wishes Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
The Family of a Falun Gong Practitioner in Nanchong, Sichuan Province Who Has Benefited from Falun Gong Respectfully Wishes Master Li of Infinite Compassion a Happy Chinese New Year!
Master Li:
You have done and sacrificed so much for so many years in order for us to have a wonderful future. For more than a decade you have been leading your disciples to weather the storm of the persecution in China and to spread the seeds of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance all over the world. "Falun Gong is good" has lightened up our souls. It is an heroic act to persuade Chinese people to quit the Chinese Communist Party and purge the wicked demon of the Chinese Communist Party from their souls. Thank you, Master Li, for saving our souls and our lives!
A Study Group of Falun Gong Practitioners in Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province and Their Family Members of 21 People Respectfully Kowtow and Wish Master Happy Chinese New Year!
Revered Master:
We are each a particle of the Fa. Every time we think of you, tears flood our faces. We are determined to work with fellow practitioners around the world to cherish the result of your sacrifice and the opportunity that comes once in eternity by doing the three things well and fulfilling our prehistoric grand pledge! We shall become all the more diligent in our cultivation from now on. We shall let go of all attachments and step up our game in saving sentient beings so that Master will worry less for us and be more pleased with us!
Two Falun Gong Practitioners in Cangxi, Guangyuan, Sichuan Province Respectfully Wish Revered and Magnificent Master Li Happy Chinese New Year on Behalf of Their Family of Three Generations and Relatives Who Understand the Truth about Falun Gong!
Happy New Year!
A Family Who Supports Falun Gong Wishes Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
Our entire family has benefited from Falun Gong because one member of our family practices Falun Gong. Our entire family has been very healthy. I would like to express my strong support on behalf of my entire family!
Thank you, Master! May you have a happy Chinese New Year!
A Family Who Supports Falun Gong in Hanting District, Weifang City, Shandong Province
Falun Gong Practitioners in China Respectfully Wish Master Li Happy Chinese New Year!
Greetings, Master!
We miss you more than ever on the eve of the Chinese New Year. We join our relatives and all other Chinese people who understand the truth about Falun Gong in kowtowing and wishing revered and magnificent Master Happy Chinese New Year! Thank you, Master, for your infinite grace! Thank you for everything you have done! You have endured so much for your disciples. We can only repay your grace by diligently cultivating ourselves. We will surely be diligent in our cultivation practice, study the Fa more and work cohesively to do the three things well in order to fulfill our historic mission and return to our true home with Master!
We kowtow to pay our respect for Master!
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Category: Greetings